February 03, 2020

Refreshing the Weary by Lynn J Simpson

On another January morning, I found myself late rising. Usually I am the one who rises at least two hours before my work day begins. Yet, like clouds slowly building to darken a bright sky, my eagerness to start my day was dwindling to apathy. I'd grown weary and worrisome, and a broken wrist made me dread even the simplest task such as pulling on socks. I tried to shake off the dark mood with daily activities like writing down gratitudes, vitamins, and phone calls to friends. But like sodden grass with no sunshine, nothing I did lifted my spirits.

No matter how hard I tried to feel better, my spirits continued to sag. Finally, committed to a deadline on my faith blog, I sat down to write even though I felt like I had nothing of value to contribute to my readers. Shouldn't a Christian always appear grateful and joyful? To find inspiration for the post, I flipped open my bible and landed in Colossians 3:2-3

Set your mind on heavenly things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 

And then the following words showed up on my laptop screen. Yes, I had typed them. Yet, they ministered to me as only He can. 

When our minds play out scenes from our fears, we lose sight of the presence where we are now safe and secure. When life events cause our steps to be uneven and we try to fix our struggles in our own strength, we grow weary and worrisome.

Ah, our God. Isn't He amazing?

Instead of looking to Him to refresh my dampened spirits, I'd been trying on my own strength to feel better. Instead of leaning into Him, I was looking at the worldly things such as my job and my finances for my security. I'd grown weary and worrisome. 

My friends, I can't say I have a complete handle of the tiredness that has gripped me lately. Even as I write this to you now, my eyes burn, my wrist aches, and I am still feeling drained from a previous stressful work week. But writing this post also led me to another passage in His word--Psalm 19:7-8

The Law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing to our soul. 

The statues of the Lord are trustworthy, making the wise simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes. 

Even David, ancient Israel's greatest king, grew weary from the burdens in the world. And he found his source of refreshment in God's word. He knew, too, God's word lights any darkness on his path and His ways are trustworthy. Whatever path God commanded David to take, He knew it was for a purpose that would radiate God's goodness. 

And isn't that what we do as Christian writers? We radiate God's goodness when we share His message into our broken world! 

If you are weary and worrisome today, I pray that God leads you to His words that bring refreshment to your soul. 

You can find Lynn's writing on faith at Lynn J Simpson. And on Facebook 


  1. Thank you for sharing with such transparency, Lynn. Many who read your post will relate, whether from past similar "weary and worrisome" days, or experiencing them now. By pointing us back to God's word, even when it seems a struggle to even open a Bible, you point us to hope. May He bring refreshment to your soul and healing to your bones.

  2. This is the second post I have read today that speaks of looking to the Presence of our Lord in the midst of our thirsting and weariness. God is so good to confirm HIS Word, and to bring His encouragement right there. Thank you Lynn, for sharing such beauty here. You are in my prayers, Dear Sister!

  3. "Colossians 3:2-3

    Set your mind on heavenly things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."

    Yes! He is amazing.


  4. God is so good to lift our eyes to Him when we are weary. Your words were uplifting too, and I especially appreciate that scripture from Colossians. Thank you Lynn!
    Pam Mytroen

  5. Thanks, Lynn, for your reminder to focus our eyes on Jesus and His word to us, instead of our problems--It reminds me of the hymn, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus...and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glorious grace."

  6. I am blessed by your blog, Lynn, and the scriptures you share. Your god-given words here are especially meaningful to me. "When our minds play out scenes from our fears, we lose sight of the presence where we are now safe and secure. When life events cause our steps to be uneven and we try to fix our struggles in our own strength, we grow weary and worrisome.” How true this is. Thank you.


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