February 27, 2020

Daily Inspiration by Lorilee Guenter

Heart shaped moss
vibrant red rosehips
    against bright white snow
glitter falling from the trees
a nuthatch defying gravity

Images from the hands of the Creator

Warmth of a hug
laughter and prayer
    with family and friends
puzzles and wordplay
family games night

Gems in the everyday

Everlasting love
rooted and strengthened
    by the power of the Spirit
undeserved grace
unfailing promises

Treasures from God's word

Details observed and recorded as God refreshes and restores. Pieces of His creation and His grace shown to me. Whether I am writing, painting or resting in the in between, God is there filling me.


  1. Thanks for this lovely poem, Lorilee. The moss is amazing by the way!

    1. Thank you Tracy. The phrases in each section come directly from my gratitude journal.

  2. Lorilee, I love your title, "Daily Inspiration." It sums up much of what our bloggers have been expressing this month. God inspires us, both in our longer trials and in our daily moments. "Whether I am writing, painting or resting in the in between, God is there filling me," is a thought we can all take with us.

    1. Thank you Sandi, God does inspire us in so many ways for so many reasons.

  3. Everyday refreshment from God. Lovely poem Lorilee!


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