
B L O G    G U I D E L I N E S

Contact our Blog Administrator 

Blog Author Guidelines

General Guidelines
What is a Blog AuthorSomeone who is assigned a particular day to post each month on the blog. The expectation is for you to take the role on for 12 months. If a writer cannot make that kind of commitment, consider being a Guest Blogger (guidelines below).

Eligible Writers: Only current InScribe members – at any level of writing experience. Blogging experience an asset, but not necessary.

Rights and Payment: All rights to your posts are yours, at all times. So you can republish it anywhere else. No monetary payment.

Queries: You may contact the Blog Administrator directly if you are interested in being a regular blog author. The Blog Administrator may contact individuals directly or do a general callout through the members’ listserv, email, or FellowScript.

Our Other Blog: The Professional Writers Blog is on our website.

What We’re Looking For
Content: We look for posts that encourage, stimulate and support our readers based on the two key blog themes: Writing and Faith. Original or reprinted/reposted work is accepted. You can include links to your own blog or website. Keep in mind that InScribe is a non-denominational Christian organization and as such, does not necessarily endorse all individual doctrinal biases. The IWO blog is not the platform for potentially divisive debates and the blog administrator reserves the right to remove posts that are deemed outside of these guidelines.
Keep Audience in Mind: InScribe members who have a wide range of writing experience, write in various genres and from a Christian worldview; other writers/readers who find us online. Again, our mandate is to encourage and uplift. 
Word Count: Up to 600 words

Topics and GenresBlog authors may be asked to write to a given monthly theme. Most genres are acceptable, eg. fiction, non-fiction, devotional/inspirational, how-to, book reviews, poetry, stories, or personal experiences.

Formatting and Posting Info: This info is provided once you are accepted as a blog author.

Bio/PhotoOnce you are assigned to the monthly roster, we request a short bio with a thumb size photo (jpeg) to include on our Meet Our Writers page. Make sure you only use pictures you are legally allowed to use in your posts. 

Publishing Your Post: As a regular blog author, you are responsible to post your own posts each month on the assigned date (Ideally it should be prescheduled to go live at 7:00 AM PST or earlier.) You don’t have to submit posts to the Blog Administrator first. NB. The Blog Administrator, however, reserves the right to make small changes, such as fixing layout and formatting issues, typos, etc. * Please notify the Blog Administrator via email at least 24 hours in advance if you will miss the deadline. And let her/him know when it will go live if it's eventually going to be published. This saves her/him using up valuable time rechecking the blog for the missing post. Try to have your post already scheduled ahead of time.  

Guest Blogger Guidelines

General Guidelines
What is a Guest BloggerSomeone who is not a regular contributing writer to the blog and wants to write a single post or an occasional post. This allows members to post without making a monthly commitment and for new writers to get their work out there.

Eligible Writers: All current InScribe members (any level of writing expertise), former InScribe members, and any Canadian citizen or landed immigrant who can affirm the Apostle’s Creed.

Non-Members: Are welcome. Can only post ONCE. To post more, you need to become an InScribe member. Plus, in exchange for the opportunity to post, they are asked to place the link or button for the InScribe Writers’ Online blog on their blog for at least the month in which their post is published. (For info on membership, visit our website.)

Rights and Payment: All rights to your posts are yours, at all times. So you can republish it anywhere else. No monetary payment.

Queries: The Blog Administrator may contact individuals directly or do a general call out on the members’ listserv. You can also contact the Blog Administrator directly if you wish to post.

What We’re Looking For
Content: We look for posts that encourage, stimulate and support our readers based on the two key blog themes: Writing and Faith. Original or reprinted/reposted work is accepted. Keep in mind that InScribe is a non-denominational Christian organization and as such, does not necessarily endorse all individual doctrinal biases. The IWO blog is not the platform for potentially divisive debates.

Keep Audience in Mind: InScribe members who have a wide range of writing experience, write in various genres and from a Christian worldview; other writers/readers who find us online. Again, our mandate is to encourage and uplift. 

Word Count: Up to 600 words

Topics and GenresGuest Bloggers may be asked to write to a given monthly theme. Most genres are acceptable, eg. fiction, non-fiction, devotional/inspirational, how-to, book reviews, poetry, stories, or personal experiences.

Bio/PhotoOnce you are scheduled to guest blog, we request a short bio with a thumb size photo (jpeg) to include in the posting.

Submissions: Submit your post and bio/photo by email to the Blog Administrator at least two to four weeks prior to the assigned day it will be published.

Guidelines updated: September 2014


Supporting Canadian Christians Who Write


2024  Theme Prompts & Schedule

Our Two Main Themes:

Regular contributors, we’re glad you’re continuing with us. 
New bloggers, Welcome!

The Writing Prompts for 2024 are The ABCs of Writing Inspirational Poetry and Prose (Choose any word that begins with the prompt letter for the month and write about the ABCs of Writing Inspirational Poetry and Prose.)

 Lots of freedom in this series. Have fun.  

Jan-M Feb-N Mar-O Apr-P May-Q June-R July-S August-T Sept-U Oct-V Nov-W Dec-X (Instead of just following the alphabet prompt, writers are invited to also include some thoughts at the end of the post to celebrate InScribe's 25th anniversary as a writing group in Canada. This is optional.)  

Here is the tentative schedule for regular contributors: 

2024 InScribe Blog Schedule:

#1 WendyLM
Jan/1 Feb/1 Mar/1 Apr/1 May/1 June/3 July/1 Aug/1 Sept/2 Oct/1 Nov/1 Dec/2

#2 Brenda JW
Jan/2 Feb/2 Mar/4 Apr/2 May/2 June/4 July/2 Aug/2 Sept/3 Oct/2 Nov/4 Dec/3

#3 Sandi S
Jan/3 Feb/5 Mar/5 Apr/3 May/3 June/5 July/3 Aug/5 Sept/4 Oct/3 Nov/5 Dec/4

#4 Susan B
Jan/4 Feb/6 Mar/6 Apr/4 May/6 June/6 July/4 Aug/6 Sept/5 Oct/4 Nov/6 Dec/5

#5 Guest
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec/6(taken by V.R.)

#6 Bob J
Jan/8 Feb/8 Mar/8 Apr/8 May/8 June/10 July/8 Aug/8 Sept/9 Oct/8 Nov/8 Dec/9

#7 Joy B
Jan/9 Feb/9 Mar/11 Apr/9 May/9 June/11 July/9 Aug/9 Sept/10 Oct/9 Nov/11 Dec/10

#8 Guest
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

#9 Stephanie N
Jan/11 Feb/13 Mar/13 Apr/11 May/13 June/13 July/11 Aug/13 Sept/12 Oct/11 Nov/13 Dec/12

#10 Sharon H
Jan/12 Feb/14 Mar/14 Apr/12 May/14 June/14 July/12 Aug/14 Sept/13 Oct/14 Nov/14 Dec/13

#11 Carol H
Jan/15 Feb/15 Mar/15 Apr/15 May/15 June/17 July/15 Aug/15 Sept/16 Oct/15 Nov/15 Dec/16

#12 Lorilee G
Jan/16 Feb/16 Mar/18 Apr/16 May/16 June/18 July/16 Aug/16 Sept/17 Oct/16 Nov/18 Dec/17

#13 Guest
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec/18(taken by M.S.)

#14 Alan A
Jan/18 Feb/20 Mar/20 Apr/18 May/20 June/20 July/18 Aug/20 Sept/19 Oct/18 Nov/20 Dec/19

#15 Tracy K
Jan/19 Feb/21 Mar/21 Apr/19 May/21 June/21 July/19 Aug/21 Sept/20 Oct/21 Nov/21 Dec/20

#16 Lorrie O
Jan/22 Feb/22 Mar/22 Apr/22 May/22 June/24 July/22 Aug/22 Sept/23 Oct/22 Nov/22 Dec/23

#17 Valerie R
Jan/23 Feb/23 Mar/25 Apr/23 May/23 June/25 July/23 Aug/23 Sept/24 Oct/23 Nov/25 Dec/6

#18 Michelle S
Jan/24 Feb/26 Mar/26 Apr/24 May/24 June/26 July/24 Aug/26 Sept/25 Oct/24 Nov/26 Dec/18

#19 Guest
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

#20 Mary F
Jan/26 Feb/28 Mar/28 Apr/26 May/28 June/28 July/26 Aug/28 Sept/27 Oct/28 Nov/28 Dec/27

 ***Guest spots: (I have not included Saturdays which are free to be used for administrative posts if needed.) Sundays are for rest. If you have any questions, please email (rather than Facebook message) Wendy L. Macdonald at: