Updated! Guidelines

1. Thinking about signing up?
To query about joining our roster, please contact Lorrie Orr

If you are interested in becoming a contributor, whether monthly, bimonthly, or as an occasional guest blogger, here are a few general guidelines to consider.

Our Purpose: To give InScribe members a place to post their writing and receive feedback. To give our writers exposure. To give especially newer writers the experience of writing to assigned themes and editorial guidelines.

Our Themes: We post on various topics pertaining to our two themes: 1. Writing—The Craft and Business of Writing; 2. Faith/Spiritual Matters.

Content: Blog authors are invited to write to a monthly theme prompt (click to read our current list). We look for posts that encourage, stimulate and support our readers. We write in various genres from a Christian worldview. We post about our writing experiences and struggles, share how-to information, devotional and inspirational, poetry, book reviews, stories, and fiction. Original work, reprints, and reposts are acceptable.

Who Can Submit: Current InScribe members in good standing with any level of writing experience—beginner, experienced, published—are welcome to publish their work here. Non-members are welcome to query and, if accepted, can post one time only. This includes former InScribe members or any Canadians (citizens or residents) who can give personal affirmation to the Apostle's Creed. To post more often, you need to be an InScribe member.

Commitment: A commitment to a monthly post for a year is preferred, but bimonthly, occasional, or one-time guest bloggers are welcome. Blogging experience is an asset (our blog platform is Blogger.com) but not absolutely necessary as we can work around that. You do need a Google Account to access our blog and to post your pieces.

Post Length: A suggested word length is around 600 words - we're not counting.   

Audience: Our audience includes InScribe members and other readers who find us online. Keep in mind that InScribe is a non-denominational Christian organization and as such, there may be a variety of doctrinal views expressed. This blog is not the platform for robust or potentially divisive discussions.

Rights and Payment: All rights to your posts remain yours at all times. You are free to reuse and republish them elsewhere, anytime. No monetary payment.

2. Now that you're signed up

Style Guide

Since there are many of us who write on this blog, each with his/her own style, it's good to follow a few style guidelines to help us maintain a consistent style, voice, and tone across our blog—to give it a sense of cohesiveness.

1. Use Canadian spelling and punctuation.

2. Do not place punctuation after a web address/URL, even if it's at the end of a sentence.

3. Put quoted Bible verses inside quotation marks with the reference following, along with translation in brackets, e.g., (NIV).

4. If it is your style to include incomplete sentences, feel free to do so. However, too many may be problematic for readers.

5. Deity pronouns. We're suggesting that we follow FellowScript's directive on this: "Following the recommendations of the Chicago Manual, pronouns for deity are no longer capitalized in contemporary writing. As well, most Bible versions, including the NIV do not capitalize deity pronouns. The exception is when using quotes where they are capitalized." Note: If, however, you really prefer to continue to use capital deity pronouns, then be free to do so.

6. Copyright permission. Referring to FellowScript's directive on this: "A contributor is NEVER to use any portion of a poem or song unless that contributor holds the copyright or has written permission from the individual who does."

Formatting Guide

Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when formatting your posts. We hope following these guidelines will help give our blog a polished, inviting look as we present our work to each other and the world. 

1. Font and Text Size: Use the default font (new! Arial 11px) for your posts. There are two ways in the Blogger draft you can ensure your article is in this font:
a) Type your article directly into the Blogger draft, and it's automatically in the default font.

b) If you import your article from, say, Word, into the Blogger draft, ensure your text is already in Arial 11px. It should transfer correctly. 
2. Left margin align.

3. No paragraph indents.

4. Double space between paragraphs.

5. Add a photo or image at the top of your post to create visual interest. Keep copyright in mind. Use your own photos or find free photos on sites like Pixabay.com

6. In the Title line, add both your post title and your author name, e.g., "Five Ways To Dally by Suzie Brand". Use 'by' rather than a dash between title and author name. The post title doesn't need to be repeated inside the draft.

7. You are welcome to include links to other posts and other sites or books you mention in your post. This adds value for readers and makes search engines happy.

8. Fill in the 'Labels' area with a few keywords that describe your post, and be sure to include your author name. Because, when you add your author name, if someone has found your most recent piece so compelling they now want to search and read more of your work, then all your past posts will come up in the list when they do a search.

9. Include a short bio along with your author photo at the bottom of your post. We're of the mind that having the bio info on the bottom of each post helps people to connect with the writer. You're welcome to include links to your own blog, website, or social media. 

10. Take advantage of the Preview button before you hit Publish—to ensure your post looks as it should before it goes public.

11. As a regular blog author, you are responsible to post your own posts each month on the assigned date. Preschedule your posts to go up automatically on your scheduled date. If you can't post on a given month, let Lorrie Orr know.

How to preschedule your posts: When in the Blogger draft you will see on the right sidebar the heading "Post Settings" under which are Labels, Published On, Search Description, etc. Click on Published On and two choices come up "Automatic" and "Schedule Date". Select "Schedule Date and Time", then select your assigned date to post, then select the time it will be published—sometime after midnight (e.g. 12:30 a.m. or 1:00 a.m.). Set it to go up not too long after midnight; this gives people in earlier time zones morning access to new posts. One more step, don't forget to press "Publish". And you should be set. (As blog administrators, we do check to ensure all is in order and ready to go on your assigned date.)

12. If you are not signed up with Blogger (and you prefer not to be), you won't be able to upload and publish your posts yourself. Arrangements can be made for them to be posted by the blog administrator.

13. The blog administrator reserves the right to make small changes, such as adjusting any odd formatting, misspelling, or grammar. We don't edit—we anticipate your pieces are what you want to say.

We're here to help - if you have any questions about posting or formatting your post, please direct them to Brenda Leyland.

Top image by StockSnap from Pixabay
Page Updated: Jan 2025