September 30, 2021

Truth and Reconciliation - Our Christian Response

Today marks the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. As a Christian fellowship, it is our desire to bring reconciliation and hope to those who are hurting, as was modelled by our Lord Jesus. 

Come close to My side, you whose hearts are on the ground, you who are pushed down and worn out, and I will refresh you. Follow My teachings and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest from your troubled thoughts. Walk side by side with Me and I will share in your heavy load and make it light.  Matthew 11: 28 - 30 (FNV)

I am saying that anyone who has been joined together with the Chosen One (Jesus) is now part of the new creation. For in the Chosen One the old creation has faded away and the new creation has come into being. It is the Great Spirit Himself who has done all of this! Through the Chosen One, Creator has removed the hostility between human beings and Himself, bringing all creation into harmony once again. The Great Spirit has chosen us to represent Him in the sacred task of helping others find and walk this path of peacemaking and healing--turning enemies into friends. 

The Great Spirit was not holding people's broken ways against them. Instead, He was working in the Chosen one to bring all people back into harmony with Himself. He has now given us the honour of bringing this message to others.  2 Corinthians 5: 17 - 19 (FNV)

We wish to recognize and honour Indigenous Peoples within our organization and the ancestral land across our country on which we gather. 

September 27, 2021

The 49th Parallel: "Now That I'm a Man" - Bruce Atchison

This is a song about maturing into adulthood. Once children grow up, they gain a new perspective on everything. Listen to the song here:

I certainly have matured in my prayer life. For example, I didn't even know about daily prayer until somebody asked me if I prayed each day.

My prayers used to be filled with requests for myself. Then I began praying for my family and friends. After a few years, I started praying for persecuted Christians and folks whom I didn't know personally.

We all need to mature in the faith, particularly in prayer. As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:11 (Bible in Basic English), "When I was a child, I made use of a child's language, I had a child's feelings and a child's thoughts: now that I am a man, I have put away the things of a child."

God expects us to grow, even as we expect physical children to develop. That's why Hebrews 5:12 (BBE) instructs, "And though by this time it would be right for you to be teachers, you still have need of someone to give you teaching about the first simple rules of God's revelation; you have become like babies who have need of milk, and not of solid food."

And while it would have been nice to have been tutored by Christ in the flesh, we have his promised Holy Spirit guiding us. As Jesus promised in John 14:25 and 26 (BBE), "I have said all this to you while I am still with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will be your teacher in all things and will put you in mind of everything I have said to you."

This gives us an advantage over even the wisest of secular people. We read in 1 Corinthians 2:14 (BBE), "For the natural man is not able to take in the things of the Spirit of God: for they seem foolish to him, and he is not able to have knowledge of them, because such knowledge comes only through the Spirit."

So let us use this privilege to its full extent.

Praying for Peace by Lorilee Guenter


My pen hovers over the blank page, frozen. Questions and half formed ideas wait for the hand to move so they can leave their mark. A cloud hovers overhead, pulling the writer's focus. Anticipation and expectation flash through her mind. Could this be the day? Her eyes trace the shape of the cloud hoping for a hint that rain will come today. Her hand remains in place waiting for the words to fall.

The animals retreat from fields toward lakes and rivers in search of water. Birds cluster along receding shorelines. Dust swirls on each gust of wind. Anxiety and worry taint voices. And still the pen does not move. Whispered prayers hang in the air. Will they be answered today?

Without prayer our words are as dry as the sloughs that pockmark the prairie during drought. Readers and listeners retreat in search of Spirit infused stories and teachings just a the deer in search of life giving water. My words alone are empty and hollow. They may hold just enough to taunt like a two minute mist that fizzles to nothing before it starts.

Recently, my pen sat unused most days, my thoughts contained behind a barrier. Distraction abounds. Discussions of pandemics, politics and weather events create a cacophony of noise. Only when I stop and listen do I hear the persistent calm of the Prince of Peace. Only when I pause and pray do I remember the rains will come in time. As I walk through my days, I whisper the words on my heart, all my fears and failures, hopes and dreams. I wait for the words to form and hope that when I speak or write they hold something of value because they are not my words alone. 

Psalm 42:1 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.

September 25, 2021

Prayer by Sharon Heagy


            “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…” (Matthew 6:9KJV) Quiet recitation of the Lord’s Prayer filled the wide tiled hallways of the brick elementary school every morning. Perhaps the walls still resonate with the prayer and scripture readings that were part of the morning routine, now forbidden in the public schools of the Prairies and beyond. But this discipline of prayer by rote set a foundation for many, including myself. It was not just a morning task to be checked off but one that was done with great reverence and respect.

            At home, even though we were not what would be considered a family of faith, prayer was always said before the evening meal. “For food and friends and all God sends, we give him grateful thanks. Amen.”

            As the journey of faith continued and belief transformed into relationship, prayer changed.  Memorized meditations morphed into heart bared, gut wrenching, earnest pleas then shifted again to raised hands, head bowed worship and then again to stillness of soul, listening for the voice of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Learning, always learning. Learning still. Prayer now a passion and a lifeline never to be severed.

            Answers came in unexpected, sometimes shocking ways – a humbling experience from the throne room of an all wise, almighty God.

            With prayer came privilege. The wonderful privilege of praying for others. My heart burdened for people as the Spirit lead. Why God would allow us to join Him to accomplish His purposes in this way is a mystery. He doesn’t need us. To say it is amazingly awesome is an understatement.

            Then came commitment. Committing every action of every day to Him. Every word on a page, every word spoken, all the works of my hands bathed in a prayer of commitment to God. A huge learning curve as flesh battles spirit for ownership to which neither is entitled. It is ultimately and always His.

Prayer. Approaching “God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16 NIV) As Joseph M Scriven wrote in ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus,’ “What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer!”

September 24, 2021

A Prayer of Relinquishment ~ Valerie Ronald


My husband and I held each other in the dark as we prayed through our tears. We were married only a short time when I discovered the cancer I was being treated for was still growing. We had known this possibility was real, yet we clung to the hope the treatments would work. God had brought us together in a miraculous way, so why would He allow this awful disease to separate us?

As mature Christians, our faith was strong in our sovereign God and His perfect will. This was a second marriage for both of us. We saw ourselves as a couple of seasoned war horses, having survived the battles of our betrayed first marriages with our faith still intact. These trials taught us that when God asks us to surrender our will to His, we must trust He will show us the way. He clearly showed us the way to each other. We knew without doubt our marriage was a gift from Him. Only now our faith was being put to the ultimate test in a life-and-death situation. Could we trust Him with this?

On tear-soaked pillows we relinquished our own dreams and desires to the One who holds all things in His hands. It was a desperate prayer, a laying down of this precious gift of love we had in each other.We surrendered all, but not without a sense of rending, of tearing, of grief at the possibility of losing what we had only just found in our mutual love. It felt risky to lay bare before God our deepest longing. What if He chose not to spare me? What if our life together was cut short?

“Remember what God said?”, whispered my husband. “ 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.' 1  We need to trust Him, no matter what.”

Not only were we called to trust, we were called to obey. Giving over to God what we held dearest to our hearts needed to be done as an act of obedience, not of emotion. Pleading to have our own way, no matter how right it seemed, would be placing our own will above His. If we truly trusted Him, then we must truly trust that His ways are best, whatever the outcome. Our desire for God to be foremost in our hearts must take precedence over our desire for me to be cured. Like Abraham, we placed the “Isaac” of our life together on the altar, giving it to God to do with as He thought best.

My oncologist intensified my treatment regimen. For six more months I endured chemotherapy infusions which made me sicker than the disease itself. When I was at my lowest I sometimes wondered if our prayer of relinquishment was turning into one of resignation. But resignation signifies defeat, giving up to expect the worst. Our prayer meant we accepted the reality of our situation, yet with open hands to receive willingly whatever our loving Father sent. Relinquishment did not close the door on hope.

That night of prayer and tears happened over 19 years ago. Doctors credited the treatments for halting the cancer, but we know God gave me the gift of this long remission. We have come to believe that relinquishing our desires to God, the hardest thing we’ve ever done, positioned us to receive what He wanted to give us and to accomplish what He had in mind for our lives.

What if God had chosen not to prolong my life? Would our prayer have failed? There can be no failure in relinquishing our will to God, because doing so tells God of our complete trust in Him, and that is what He desires most from us. I reached a point when I could say with Job, “Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” 2

My husband and I take every day we have together as a blessing from our loving God. We continue to yield our dreams and hopes to Him, not knowing what the outcome will be, yet trusting the One who knows the end from the beginning. Whatever He deems best is fine with us.


1  Isaiah 55:8 NIV              2  Job 13:15 NIV

Valerie Ronald lives in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. She is a graduate of Vancouver's Langara College journalism program, and has worked as a newspaper reporter, freelance writer, public speaker and bookstore employee. She writes devotionals for her home church bulletins and her online blog. Her current book project chronicles how God's faithfulness saw her through the dark valleys of divorce and cancer. Along with her husband, Valerie enjoys spending time with their blended family and six grandchildren. She is a nature photographer, water colorist, cat lover and Scrabble addict.

More of her devotionals can be read on her blog

September 22, 2021

Humble Thoughts on Psalm 23 by Alan Anderson


The following words result from my mind trying to grapple with the unsteady footing of the world. Peace, love, and compassion still overcome darkness, for God is our ever-present companion. Our Great Shepherd guides our way.



Please forgive me if my post seems disjointed. A good friend of Terry and I died a couple of weeks ago. His family asked me to conduct his memorial service. This is turn meant I could not spend as much time on my monthly post as is usual for me.



I present here humble thoughts on Psalm 23. I look through the darkness of this world and long for the world to come. I am not alone because you pray for me, and I pray for you.


1.The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

The world cannot give or promise anything close to what our Lord Shepherd has given us. His care, like His peace and love, is beyond measure.


2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,

The Shepherd’s loved ones can find respite in this out-of-control world. We can breathe the air of a fragrant meadow amid the pollution all around. The turbulent waves smashing into people do not cause us to fear. We can hold on to the hand of God as He leads us through quiet places of refuge.


3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake.

There are times in life where our legs cannot hold us up and we think we cannot go on. The Shepherd grants us respite and, in gentle fashion, reminds us of the eternal path set before us.


4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Death, calamity, and suffering cannot bind us in fear, for The Shepherd leads us through even our deepest and darkest experiences. On a personal note, when my wife experienced cancer for the second time, we also experienced a deep sense of the reality of God’s comfort. She is now cancer free for four years. Glory to God!


5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Our Lord Shepherd is also a gracious host, even when our many enemies are present. They do not worry Him, and He goes about His business of care for His people. These enemies are but people lost without Him and powerless no matter who they are.


6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

This is amazing! Throughout our lives, and no matter what happens, The Shepherd’s love is constant and assured. He knows with all confidence where His loved ones belong. There is nothing strong enough or evil enough to thwart His plan for those who follow Him. This Shepherd, our King, the One who is Creator of all things, and who loves the world, has prepared a place for us beyond description.


Beloved ones, we are held tight in the love of God!



Alan lives in Deroche, B.C. with his wife, Terry. He contributed stories to Good Grief People by Angel Hope Publishing, 2017; Story by Story: The Power of a Writer, Unstoppable Writers Publishing, 2018, and . Alan has also written articles for FellowScript Magazine. Blog: Alan is the Provincial Rep. Liaison and B.C. Rep for InScribe.

September 19, 2021

No more ordinary By Vickie Stam

At the time it just seemed like an ordinary thing to do - you reach a stage in your life that everyone refers to as retirement. We had no idea what that would look like. Only a few days into this phase my husband, Tony, became instinctively aware that being a farmer was in-fact his life. "If this is retirement, it sucks!" He said.

The memory of that moment is still vivid. The look on his face was shrouded with doubt. Should I have retired? We felt a relief when the last of our pigs went off to market and yet an unexpected moment of grief had closed in on him. 

We washed and cleaned the barn. It was spic and span!We looked around with pride at all that we had accomplished and we felt free. But the very next day we realized that our lives were anything but ordinary. The routine we were comfortable with was gone. No more early morning. No more set times. No more would Tony have to listen to me singing, "It's Just Another Manic Monday." 

Monday mornings started at 4:00 am. Hogs needed to be loaded on a transport for market. The chance that everyone of them would willingly board the truck was  wishful thinking. The times that we struggled, we remained calm. We worked well together. 

Retiring unveiled a number of new directions in our lives with many forks in the road. More than we imagined. We moved a few times trying to find our desired location, searching for a place that would bring us closer to our church and volunteer commitments. We even experienced one of our closest friends abruptly remark, "can't you people ever get settled?" At first his words stung. But we knew that we didn't have to settle. God gave us many opportunities along the way. He opened doors for mission work and other volunteer opportunities. We don't have to stay in one spot. 

We have the ability to travel, a longing to help people and we enjoy working together. We have no regrets about the decisions we have made over the past six years. There's a great big world out there! We don't always know what we'll do today, tomorrow or even next year. Our ordinary routine no longer exists. 

Tony and I find joy in the things that our friends might not. That's what makes people different or even - extraordinary. Who knows we might even move again. We're always open to possibilities, challenges and new beginnings. 

September 15, 2021

Pray the Word - A Mighty Weapon! by Tracy Krauss

Just the other day I was feeling discouraged because of the climate of dissension that has overtaken our lives. Frankly, I am appalled when I see people--even Christians--arguing over topics that in my view are not eternal. For some reason, normally caring and reasonable folks feel justified in using hurtful words and behaviour, emboldened by a societal shift that mistakes rudeness for boldness. Then I turned to Isaiah and read, "You shall be called the repairer of the breach; the restorer of streets to dwell in." (Isaiah 58: 12) 

I remembered that we, as believers should be bridging the gap, not making the divide wider. I am reminded of the adage--although dated--WWJD? We need this reminder now more than ever. 

Which isn't really the point of my post, but a good illustration nonetheless. When I don't know how to pray or even what to pray, I go to the Word. Paul's letters, the Psalms, the book of Isaiah... these are great places to start when the heavy burden to pray feels like more than I can bear. 

God has equipped us with many tools, especially when it comes to defeating the enemy of our souls. I am heartened every time I think about the fact that the devil MUST flee when we wield our spiritual weapons. Prayer is among them, as is using scripture, and when we combine the two, extraordinary things happen!

Tracy Krauss lives in Northern BC. She is serving out her term as InScribe's President. Visit her website: for more.

September 14, 2021

September Mid-Month Moments by Connie Inglis

 Mid-Month Moments

Last week I began reading 1 Corinthians as part of my morning quiet time and today I read the opening verses of Chapter 3: "Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3 You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?"

It reminded me of something I've recently learned (but should have figured out a few years ago) about growing tomato plants in planters.

Last year, my tomato plants started out strong and green and beautiful. But when they began producing fruit, they started to slowly dry up. I thought that perhaps my deck was too hot and that I wasn't watering them enough. So I watered them more. It didn't help. My neighbour suggested maybe it was from over-watering so I cut back. They still didn't revive. It's not like they completely died, they just weren't thriving and they stopped producing fruit.

This year, the same thing started to occur toward the end of July. Thankfully, this time, my sister (a true gardener with a garden and a greenhouse) told me it was because the plants needed fertilizer--and not just any fertilizer, but the blend specifically for tomatoes. The next day I went and bought fertilizer and gave my tomato plants what they were needing all along. I say that because, within a few days, the leaves began turning a dark, rich green again. As well, new growth happened and little yellow flowers bloomed signaling future fruit..

So, what was the problem? I was giving the plants only water (or, as the text says, milk) and not giving them the nutrients they needed--the solid food, as it were.

Unfortunately, Paul couldn't even offer solid food to the Corinthian believers. They weren't ready for it. It had nothing to do with their physical age but their spiritual age. They were still babies. And how did he know this? He knew because they were still quarreling amongst each other, acting jealously, and doing a lot of comparing and choosing sides. What a sad commentary on the believers in the Corinthian church. I'm not like that!

But wait, as soon as I compare myself with them and put them down, I'm just like those believers in 1 Corinthians 3. I am boasting in my own wisdom and not keeping my eyes on Jesus and His wisdom. I'm slipping back into drinking only milk and not eating solid food.

Oh, how easy it is to stop seeking God's truth and His wisdom and thus just coast along. God's Word says that if I live like that, I will not grow or produce any fruit. I will be a seedling that never grows up.

This month, the Scripture I'm praying for the individual members of InScribe is James 3:13-18. I don't believe it's coincidental that these verses are talking about seeking God's wisdom and not worldly "wisdom." Today especially I was reminded again of how much I need God's wisdom. Specifically verses 17 & 18 state: "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness."

As well, verse speaks about living a life of "humility that comes from wisdom." If we are eating God's "solid food"--if we're digging into His Word and seeking to become more like His Son Jesus Christ--then humility will become a part of who we are. It's not something we will see in ourselves either--it's a character trait that others will see in us. It's like me looking at the tomato plants and seeing health and growth and fruit.

My prayer for us this week is that we will desire "solid food." That we will seek to know and become more like Jesus Christ and the wisdom He offers in that. Because then, we will sow peace. May we sow peace. And may the result be a harvest of righteousness.

In peace,

August 23, 2018

Mid-Month Moments are past devotionals written by Connie Inglis that she shared each week when she was InScribe's spiritual advisor. (Originally called 'Mid-Week Moments') They are shared from her archives with permission in the middle of each month. 

September 13, 2021

Powerful Prayer by Wendy L. Macdonald

 Recently, I had an over-the-moon answer to prayer. It prompted one of the most intense praise and worship happy dances I’ve ever done. Save for when I got married, for when God healed me of eating disorders, and when He opened my barren womb, I haven’t been so excited about an answered prayer as I was about this one. But before I share the answer with you, I want to talk about powerful prayer.

What makes one prayer more powerful than another?

I believe a three-strand prayer is irresistible to God

When we weave passion, purpose, and petition together, our hope isn’t easily broken. If our passion is to please and glorify God, if our heart is focused on His purpose being fulfilled in our life, and if our petitions are humbly submitted with the understanding He will open and close doors according to what’s best, we can’t lose. We will have peace whatever happens because we’ll believe and rest in the serenity of His wisdom being played out in His answers to our prayers.

I’m lousy at guessing what God’s up to. So lousy. I waded through the slough of infertility for a dozen years of tears. A few months after I told God, “I choose to trust You,” I got pregnant again and didn’t miscarry that time.

I’m not saying the three-strand prayer is a formula for getting what we prayed for. I’m saying it’s a win-win petition that brings us peace while we wait. When we submit our passions and desires for His purposes, He is able to do amazing things because we walked in obedience and relinquished our will to God. It’s wise and fruitful to exchange our will for His will. And because we chose to trust, we’re nestled against God’s chest and are comforted immeasurably if we find out our prayer wasn’t answered in the way we had hoped.

God knows best.

He sees into the future and knows what we need to be fruitful and blessed.

Now for my exciting answer to prayer: In my June InScribe post, I asked for prayer: “I covet a prayer or two as I attempt to complete my proposal on time. I’m almost done. Thank you from the bottom of this writer’s heart.”

I did complete my proposal on time. Oh my, it wasn’t easy. But I believe in the project. Although I’d had the idea for several years, my passion for it hadn’t waned. My problem is: I’m not a leader. I’m a follower. I adore being led by a person of integrity. This is why I haven’t attempted self-publishing. I wanted a literary agent who believed in me—who leadeth me. I craved to have someone choose me because I’ve never been good at choosing friends, never mind a “business partner.” My best friends are the ones who chose me. They are the forever friends God blessed me with.

And that’s what happened with my book proposal. I entered it in the book hook contest, and although it was shortlisted but didn’t win the final round, it did win me a contract for representation. On August 20th, I discovered it won the attention of a godly and talented literary agent who also happens to be an award-winning author. I’m so pleased and blessed to be represented by now Cynthia Ruchti of Books & Such literary agency. I’m over the stars grateful God answers powerful prayers. 

Now I need to keep praying I complete the project in the way God and my agent desire it to be done. I also need to grow my platform and newsletter subscriber list to an impressive-to-publishers level. My work has only just begun. But you know who. God

The following Bible verse was the one my husband and I put on our wedding invitations for August 19, 1983. (It seems appropriate to share it here too.):   

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 NIV

I’m nosy-to-know what you’ve noticed to be the most powerful way for you to pray?

Blessings ~ Wendy Mac       

 PS If you enjoyed my from-the-heart inspiration, please consider subscribing to my monthly email newsletter here: Wendy’s Newsletter.  

September 11, 2021

All That I Need by Carol Harrison

 I woke singing the old hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness published in 1923 with words written by Thomas Obadiah Chisholm. The words of the chorus, "all I have needed, thy hand hath provided, great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me." continued to echo through my mind all morning. All I have needed, but not necessarily all I want, comes from God because of His faithfulness and mercy. I checked out the verse that inspired this song in Lamentations 3:22 & 23. "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." 

I kept wondering how this fits with the blog post on the tool of prayer. Yet over and over God kept reminding me that prayer is conversation with God. Talking to him, presenting our needs and listening for his answers. 

There are times when my prayers are rushed sentences throughout the busyness of the day. At times they seem vague like thoughts directed to God. Satan, the father of lies and the enemy of our souls, whispers loudly, "See you're just a fraud. What a failure. You can't even watch and wait in deep and earnest prayer as you rush about."

So many times I start to pray at night and fall asleep. I try and spend time in prayer and interruptions happen and appointments must be kept. There are many times when words fail me and I don't know what to pray. Possibly because I don't know the entire situation or am overwhelmed by life events, the number of writing ideas bouncing through my mind, or my own feelings of inadequacy to articulate the praise God deserves. 

Then I read in the Bible how even the disciples couldn't stay awake and pray with Jesus on the night he was betrayed. At a time of need, a time when their lives would change dramatically and without total understanding until much later, they fell asleep. Not just once either. My human frailty is not mine alone. 

Yet the Holy Spirit takes my jumbled thought prayers and presents them before the throne of God who answers in ways I never expected. He sends affirmations to combat discouragement from unexpected places. Not maybe as quickly as I think it should be, for in our familiarity with instant communication, instant access to news, and even instant items to warm and eat, I find my self wanting microwave quick answers.

I've used the phrase, as many others have, that God answers prayer in His way, with His timing, and for His glory. It trips lightly off the tongue and yet there is so much truth in it for God knows my true needs far better than I do. He also sees the entire picture of what He desires me to learn and what He has in store for me to do. He only asks for my trust and obedience. 

In Philippians 4:6 it says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." The presenting my requests about major life situations comes the easiest. At times I forget about the "in every situation" portion. Nothing is too small to take to God. Nothing is too big. Each idea, each project on the to-do list, and each life situation should be brought before God and not worried over. 

The other part of this verse that often escapes my attention, at least at first, is that little phrase, 'with thanksgiving'. It is like God is asking me, "Can you trust me enough to thank me for supplying this need even before I reveal the answer?" Being thankful isn't a suggestion. It has nothing to do with the situation, although fantastic answers or great situations bring gratitude to our lips quickly. It is simply about thanking God for His great faithfulness and mercies that are new each day. 

As I stared at the blank page trying to figure out what to write for this blog post or any other piece of writing, I need to begin by being still and relying on God. Even when those times of prayer feel rushed or done in bits and pieces, I know I can't do life on my own or writing either. Sometimes the ideas translate into words quickly and flow on to the page. At other times, like this month's post, the blank page mocks me and I wonder if God had other plans for my time. Yet deep down I know that God's timing is perfect and doesn't always match mine. Patience is key. 

1 Thessalonians 5:24 tells me this about God. "The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it."

Prayer is so much more than taking a grocery list of requests to God and demanding immediate answers the way I want them. It includes time to praise God in word and song. It includes giving thanks and waiting in expectation to see what He will do. In Romans 4:21 Paul talks about how Abraham "was fully convinced that God was able to do what He promised."

When Satan tempts me to doubt God's faithfulness and days when my prayers are done in bits and pieces of scrambled thought and requests during the course of the day, I need to be still and trust God so that I remain fully convinced He will do amazing things. He only asks for my availability and my obedience to follow Him through every aspect of my life including the writing.

I also need to pause and reflect on how God has answered prayers in the past, how He provided words to write or what to say when I am speaking so others will be encouraged and pointed to Jesus. Some answers are huge and easy to remember. Others, like timely affirmations from unexpected places, need to be pulled into remembrance. Then I can rejoice over God's faithfulness. He meets all my needs and He never changes. 

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20,21

Carol Harrison, B.Ed. from Saskatoon, SK Canada is an inspirational speaker, published author, and storyteller. She has a passion for sharing stories from real-life experiences and God’s Word to help others find a glimmer of hope and a glimpse of joy.



September 10, 2021

The Tool of Prayer: Conversation - Martina Keast

One tool of prayer is engaging in loving conversation with the God of the universe, through His son, Jesus. God is all about being in a relationship with His creation. I had the following conversation with the Lord in December 2018. (citation 1) I followed the four keys to hearing God's voice. They are, quiet yourself down, turn your eyes on Jesus, tune to spontaneity, and journal. These four keys are found in Habakkuk 2:1-3 and Revelation 1:10-11. They help me hear God's voice, and they improve my relationship with God. 



Lord, I see You in the Garden, praying by Yourself. Lord, You are lying prostrate on the ground. I hear You mumbling. You are speaking to the Father. I am sitting cross-legged, not too far away, with my back against a tree. Lord, does it hurt? I mean, does it hurt You to give up Your life for Me and billions of others? Lord, as I move further away from the tree trunk, crawling toward You, I see what You are experiencing. Lord, You are sweating drops of blood! Lord, why did You bring me here to this place, this holy place? This place of suffering?

Child, come closer, let Me hold your hand. 

Child, it is My desire for you to see Me at my worst and my best. It is My worst because I only ever bled on the cross aside from bleeding here in the Garden. It is My best because I was born in human form for this purpose. This reason is to die for the salvation of those who will come into a relationship with Me.

Lord, why am I not freaking out and feeling trauma and terror over this terrible sight? 

Martina, you are here with Me in My past because I want you to know that seeing others hurt and bleed while you empathize with them does not have to be traumatizing for you. Even though your eyes see the destruction of human lives, even their soul, your inner being can be at peace with Me. I am at peace, even though I see what I look like right now. I feel the physical pain of what is to come, yet I am at peace. How do you feel in your heart? 

Well, I don't understand it, but I feel at peace in my heart. My mind is also at peace. 

Martina, I am training you to be at peace in the storm. That is how I live. 

You are to continue the training I set out for you. Recognize and renounce the works of the evil one. Repent, and encourage others to repent as well.

My daughter, I saw you stand up to that bully today! Great! You may not like it, but there will be more opportunities like that. Yes, more opportunities to stand up to bullies, even those in the spirit realm. Opportunities for you to not panic, not feel anxiety, and not flashback into past traumatic experiences. I am healing you. 

Please keep looking up to the Father and Me. Recognize, respond, and rejoice in the works of God. The Holy One. We are here for you. We will give you the transformation you so desire. Trust and obey. Rest in Me. The Holy Spirit is forever present, as are your protector angels; you’ve got some big ones, my girl. I know that you see them sometimes. I want you to see them all the time. 

Lord, are You sending me back to the battlefield? I have been sensing it. I have seen myself preach and teach again.

When you are ready, I will make the way. I love how you love My people. This time, you will be healthier. This time, I will heal you before you get there. (citation 2)


I believe my relationship with the Lord deepened during and after attending Bible School and Seminary because I did not only learn about many different prayer types, but I practiced them. The conversational tool of prayer I use today is more than speaking or mumbling mere words, giving God a list of my needs and wants to satisfy, begging Him to release my burdens, get me out of trouble, and heal and save family friends, and others. I converse with Him, and He responds to me in flowing pictures, words, and songs. I record His responses which I will use in my upcoming books. 

As I continue my studies, I am ever mindful of the many ways to pray. There is the Lord's Prayer. The Centering Prayer, (Calhoun, 2015, p. 236) Miracle Prayers, Healing Prayers, Creative Prayers, Soaking Prayers, Prayers that Heal the Heart, and Prayers that Heal Cellular Memories. (citation 3)

For example, the Jesus Prayer goes like this. 

Take a seat in solitude and silence. Bend your head, close your eyes and breathing softly; in your imagination, look into your own heart. Let your mind, or rather your thoughts, flow from your head down to your heart and say while breathing, "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner." Combining Luke 18:39 and Luke 18:13. (Calhoun, 2015, p. 233)

I wrote this poem, another way of communicating with God. I painted pictures of Jesus meeting me at the kitchen table, at the well, at the ocean, on the mountain top, and in the garden. 

Yada – Sharing Love 

Everywhere – You’ve been there.

Always – You care

Anytime – Night or Day, come whatever may.


You’ve met me at the kitchen table.

Then we met at the well.

Then the ocean 

And now on the mountain top. 

You met me in the Garden.

You met me on my travels.

You met me when in danger.

You met me in moments of incredible joy.

Everywhere – You’ll continue to be there.

Always – You'll care.

Anytime – Night or Day, come whatever may. 

You love me in my pain.

You love me when I feel insane.

You love me when I am broke.

You love me when I choke—for fear. 

I opened the door to Yada. 

This relationship changed my life forever.

We are sharing His love. 

Communication as a tool of prayer is most effective when I take some time to settle my heart down, listening to instrumental worship or meditation music like this one recorded by Tim Oladeru.

Instead of looking at my circumstances, which are often unbearable, I look to see where Jesus is in my situation. I listen with my heart, and write, paint, or play on an instrument what Jesus is communicating. Deep inner transformation is the result of practicing this kind of communication.