February 29, 2020

2020 Vision: Glimpses from the Rear-View Mirror by Sandi Somers

To our writers and readers,

I’ve sometimes thought I’d like to write a blog at the end of the month, highlighting the encouragements and insights of our InScribe writers.  I’ve decided to begin on a frequent or occasional basis.

Image from istoci
My theme comes from Tracy's “2020 Vision—Clarity”, where she wrote, “with God's help I hope to move forward in 2020 with new vision for what's really important.” My focus is that often clarity comes in retrospect. Just think of how often we say, “Hindsight is 2020 vision!”

(A side note: A collective thanks to Tracy who’s been our moderator and has scheduled most daily slots with new or returning bloggers. And thanks to Brenda Leyland who filled in when Tracy was in the hospital. I especially thank Tracy for pulling out from her archives one of Connie Inglis’ Mid Week Moments, now transformed into Mid Month Moments.)

January: Our Word or Scripture for the Year.

Thank you for writing such inspiring blogs! Each day as I read your words, I said, “Yes! Yes! I relate to what you’re writing.”

I pray God will keep these words before you this year, and that you will ask yourself: “How can I see my relationships, daily experiences, life challenges, spiritual life, and my writing projects through the lens of my word or scripture of the year? How can I encourage my readers to press on and pursue God’s high calling for me (Hebrews 12:2)?”

February: How God Refreshes Us

In February, we answered the question, “How does God refresh you?” We wrote of our humanness in its many forms—fatigue, worry, health issues, bad habits and sins—and joy, I thought of how much we are subject to our human frailties. But God knows our humanness, and He “remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14 NLT).  

In all your humanness, you brought in a shift in perspective, reframing your issues to see God at work refreshing you moment-by-moment, throughout the day, in critical moments and at particular life crossroads. Your diverse perspectives helped us all to stand in awe at the richness and many nuances of our Creative God.

God’s Refreshment
As you wrote of how God refreshed you, you spoke of transformative moments: through daily quiet time where God gives His words of life; through silence, and through prayer that is “the pause that refreshes”.

Several people mentioned how important music, photography, writing and other arts are to them. Just recently I read Bach’s words: “The aim and final reason of all music should be none else but the glory of God and refreshing the soul.” (That goes for our writing, too!)

Many of you found God in nature and relishing God’s creation: walking in the woods near waterfalls and among birds, and finding companionship with our animal friends.

Health brokenness was another theme. Lynn Dove, who’s shared her progress through cancer, saw God’s faithfulness in answering her prayers for health and healing.  

Others found hope and refreshment while still living in brokenness. Katie Gerke discovered “hidden treasures” in fading flowers in late summer, affirming to her that God still has a purpose in her disability. 

So many said how we need others to refresh us: a child or grandchild who shows love through their smiles and attention. Others become our fellow travellers who affirm us and pour into our lives.

Our Responses                                                                                                    
Hidden in some messages was that being refreshed means we need to do our part. Several bloggers wrote that we are transformed through a “focus shift”, a “new mindset”, thankfulness and rejoicing in hope. “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds,” Paul instructs us (Romans 12:2).

Yet others discovered refreshment in joy and beauty, in reframing the world as through the eyes of a child, or in consciously seeking daily “shining moments”. Sometimes (these moments) surprise me,” Joy Bailey wrote. “(W)hen they happen I need to stop in my tracks and take them in…Moments of refreshment sprinkled throughout a day, a week. Strung together they form a strand of sparkle and shimmer that adorns this ordinary life.” (Joy has the perfect name for this meditation, too!)

Sharon Heagy reminded us: "Refreshment, true refreshment, is only found in Him and I need to surrender and let it pour over me like a healing, restorative balm. This will indeed take practice. To surrender the moment.” 

Our Ultimate Hope
Bruce Atchison finalized our month by reminding us that our ultimate refreshment and hope comes from being assured of our citizenship in Heaven. Jesus encourages us with His promise that He’s preparing a place for us (John 14:2-3). 

In all God does for us, I think of how He wants to make us a people who worship Him and give honour back to Him. I leave you with two inspirational songs and my prayer for us all: Faithful One, So Unchanging,  and What a Faithful God!  

 “Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge him.
As surely as the sun rises, he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth"
(Hosea 6:3)


  1. thank you so much for this post Sandi! It was a wonderful recap of some of the amazing posts this month. I loved hearing from all the folks who posted and this was a wonderful celebration of what was shared. God bless. (The rearview photo is pretty amazing, too. Did you take it?)

    1. Thanks for your tribute, Tracy. Actually, I didn't take the photo, but should in future recaps.

  2. Thanks, Sandi, for tying up--with a big, red bow--what has been an interesting couple months worth of shared writing. I find it wonderful that we InScribers can come at an idea from different perspectives, but we all seem headed in the same directions. For that, we can give God the glory.

    1. Thanks for your insight, Sharon. Yes, in tying up ideas with a big, red bow we can see how we all give glory to God.


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