About Us

Jan 2025

LORRIE ORR and BRENDA LEYLAND will be co-moderating the blog for this coming year. Please refer any queries regarding writing on this blog or scheduling to Lorrie Orr.

InScribe Writers Online (IWO) is one of two blogs hosted by InScribe Christian Writers' Fellowship. Here InScribe members are invited, regardless of their writing experience, to publish their work online. Our contributing writers come from different walks of life, and they are at various stages of their writing journeys; they include published authors, developing writers, and novices.

On this blog, contributors post on various topics pertaining to our two themes: Writing—The Craft and Business of Writing and Faith/Spiritual Matters. They post about their writing experiences and struggles, share how-to information, encourage and challenge each other, as well as provide inspirational and devotional pieces, poetry, and fiction. The inaugural post was published on November 7, 2006, and the blog became a place where members could post short samples of their writing and receive feedback from their peers and other readers. Nearly twenty years later, InScribe writers continue to build community by sharing their work with fellow writers and readers. Views shared on this blog are those of the individual contributors, and are not necessarily those of InScribe Christian Writers' Fellowship. However, each writer gives personal affirmation to the Apostle's Creed.

If you are an InScribe member and interested in being a monthly or occasional contributing writer, please refer to our updated guidelines.

Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship (ICWF) is a Canada-wide organization which exists to stimulate, encourage, and support Christians who write. For further info, visit our website. Be sure to also check out our Professional Blog, and you can also find us on Facebook.

Top image by bzak from pixabay
Page updated: Jan 2025