February 08, 2016

Connection Through Service by Karma Pratt

Sometimes life can feel lonely, and we experience sadness in the midst of our days. As a writer, this can be magnified by our solitary pursuit, and the time dedicated to putting words on paper.

I find healing through writing. Pouring the words from my heart out onto the page, no matter the purpose, provides a cathartic release for all the parts of me that I've kept bottled up. Whether it's a devotional column destined for FellowScript, a blog post, or a journal entry between me and God, writing is the conduit through which grace flows. 

God knows my heart, and my weakness. He knows my inclination to retreat, and isolate myself from others. Knowing this, he set me up for success when he introduced me to InScribe (through a friend of a friend, no less!) This writing community is the place where I have "come home" to my writing, and found the encouragement and inspiration to continue pushing past my comfort zone into the life and work God has called me to.

I am a very new member to InScribe, having attended my first Fall Conference in September 2015. I was so excited to participate in the conference. I could see God's hand at work in every interaction. I remember sitting next to Bobbi Junior, introducing ourselves during a workshop icebreaker. She told me she wanted to "sit on her hands" when the call came to fill Executive positions, but she volunteered anyway, because that's what God wanted her to do.

Those words proved prophetic for me. When the call came for volunteers at the 2015 AGM, I tried to sit on my hands as well, but God had other plans. I was called to serve InScribe as a member of the Executive.

My connection with the other members of the board has helped me grow significantly as a writer. I very quickly saw the places where I could help contribute to the success of InScribe, while honing my writing skills and learning so much about the craft of writing in the process. I am thankful for the opportunity to apply my skills and experience in professional communication to serve this community. 

Perhaps you feel isolated too? If you can't quite shake that loneliness, or sadness you're experiencing now, reach out to this community of heartfelt, faith-driven writers. Send a quick email or text. Make a call. Reach out to your InScribe family. Don't allow isolation to have the final say. 

This is the beauty of belonging to an organization of Christ followers. We are all seeking His face. We're tuned into the frequency that God's broadcasting on in our lives. We are here for each other.

If you're struggling in any way, know that you're not alone. If you find you have a tendency to turtle like I do, get involved on a deeper level. Volunteer to help out with something. It can be easy to not check Listserv messages, or breeze through the latest copy of FellowScript. Offering up your hands and hearts for service within this community is way to ensure a stronger connection between yourself and your fellow writers.

I am so thankful for the amazing writers God has brought alongside me to walk this path. Life doesn't seem so lonely anymore. 

The song below is called Great are you Lord, by All Sons and Daughters. I am so encouraged by this song. It seemed like a good one to share. Be blessed, everyone.

Karma Pratt is a faith-driven mom of twins, a communicator, a writer, and an encourager from way back. 
You can find Karma online at redraincoatcreations.com or connect on TwitterFacebook, LinkedIn, or check out the Passionate. Persistent. Vibrant. Life. Project


  1. Way to go Karma, to be willing to get on the board, even though you wanted to sit on your hands. Thank you for the encouraging words of the post, and the song! Blessings.

  2. Anonymous6:05 am GMT-7

    We learn so much when we get out of our comfort zones, and get involved. And even more, let our God-given gifts shine through! Way to go!

  3. This is a very powerful line - "writing is the conduit through which grace flows." We are so glad to have you on the exec, Karma. You bring a fresh ness and new perspective. May God bless you through your faithfulness to Him and His call.

  4. I'm thankful that you are a part of InScribe and that you were willing to volunteer your service and skills. Your challenge to those who feel isolated is beautiful because it comes from a compassionate heart that has been there. Thanks for being vulnerable with us.

  5. "This writing community is the place where I have "come home" to my writing, and found the encouragement and inspiration to continue pushing past my comfort zone into the life and work God has called me to." - this line speaks my heart, too. I'm so thankful God has connected us on this road.

  6. Thanks for sharing from your heart how being part of this group has been a home-coming for you, and thanks for sharing your antidote for feeling isolated in your writing. You getting involved with InScribe at a deeper level sounds like a God-send for you. You have a beautiful way of expressing your thoughts and feelings, Karma. I too love your line, "writing is the conduit through which grace flows."

  7. Thank you, Karma! So glad you joined and are working to bless us with your talents, and giving us a nice dose of your caring and kind personality!


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