February 01, 2016

A Community of Writers by Sandi Somers

We writers spend long hours alone at our computers or with our pens and papers. Connecting with other writers helps us move forward, whether through critique groups, online networking, through writing with another—or more.

Prompt: What connecting points, what significant partnerships with other writers do you have? How have they helped you grow? What mutual benefits have you discovered?

A Point of Connection

This weekend I was reminded of how important a community is. I visited my niece, Jill, to give her little boys quilts that I had made. Jill herself has begun quilting, and so we spent the afternoon together sharing quilts and pictures. I loved a quilt Jill had made for her husband, and knew this was the design I wanted for a quilt I would make for another niece, Tammy. So I took pictures to help me remember how to make it. Then on the way home, I swung by a fabric store where I bought the fabric I needed.

Jill said it was so good to “talk quilting” with someone who understood her work.

It was such an invigorating afternoon for both of us.

This illustration encapsulated what a writing community means to me. We are connected to each other. We need each other. We can encourage each other.  

My primary writing community is InScribe. When I joined in 2011, I knew almost no one in the organization and I had few other connection with writers. But year by year, I’ve come to know other writers, through the Fall Conference, through our blogs and Facebook. (I’ll have more to write regarding Fall Conference in a future blog.)  I’ve received so much encouragement from those who critiqued my writing, (contests, and critique group), to commenting on my blog posts. InScribe has opened up an avenue for published writing, as I’ve contributed several FellowScript articles and contributed to our 2015 Anthology and supported other writers’ contributions.

For three years I was Secretary for InScribe. It was such a growing experience, as it gave me an insight into the inner workings of the organization. For me it was the best way to give back to the community in visioning, planning and coordinating reports and minutes. I recently resigned from this position but am continuing to pray for our executive and the needs of our organization.

Since my resignation, I haven’t been too involved with the “community” part of writing. God has pointed out my need to be quiet, to focus on my own works-in-progress. But I continue to regularly pray for InScribe and its writers, sometimes experiencing a burden for a particular person. At times I’ve awakened at night with an InScribe writer in mind, and I pray for him/her. This is one way I can encourage others.

I’m reminded of the Apostle Paul’s prayer for believers: “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NIV)  

I’m also reminded of these two verses:
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 NLT).

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV).

Now over to you. Tell us about your writing community.


  1. Hi Sandi, I appreciate your thoughts. You have always been so very encouraging to me and I am so thankful for you. You have spurred me on in many ways - in my writing, in teaching EAL, and in my faith journey. I know God will continue to use you, whether through writing, prayer, or quilting! Or in other surprising ways that He hasn't revealed to you yet, as you surrender to Him.

  2. I agree that we all need this kind of support. Inscribe has been my primary support as well, as have you!

  3. Sandi,
    Thanks for the reminder that we need community. I have received so much encouragement and support from our InScribe family! Thanks for your contributions to our community of writers. May God continue to bless you and use you as you take each new step He puts before you.

  4. Thanks for your comments. I see my replies didn't come through. Perhaps God is calling me to take "new steps" of encouraging other InScribers as you all have encouraged me. :)

  5. You have been a great encouragement to me too, Sandi. I enjoy reading what you've got to say on the first of each month to get us started on the prompt for each new month. Thanks for your work for our InScribe community.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I look forward to your blog.

  6. Thanks for this Sandi. I too feel like one of the most important ways, if not THE most important way I can encourage fellow writers is to pray. Thanks for your verses of encouragement too.

    1. Thank you for praying for all of us, Connie. your ministry is so vital.


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