February 14, 2016

5 Reasons I'm Thankful for our InScribe Family - Ruth L. Snyder

InScribe Christian Writers' Fellowship started in July 1979 with a group of 12 Christian writers who called themselves the Central Alberta Christian Writers. Through many ups and downs the group has grown in number and spread across the country of Canada. Although I'm a relatively new member (I joined in 2010), there are at least five reason that I'm thankful for our InScribe family.

1. InScribe offers spiritual support

In order to become a member, writers must indicate they agree with the Apostle's Creed. I'm grateful that our organization is Christian, not only in name, but also in practice. Members regularly share lessons they are learning in their spiritual walk. Several years ago we added the position of Spiritual Advisor to our executive. This year we are privileged to have Jack Popjes and Connie Inglis both serving as spiritual advisors. They pray regularly for members and are available to talk with those who need a listening ear. Connie also writes "Midweek Moments" where she shares encouragement through Scripture, personal thoughts, and sometimes music. Members often pray and send encouraging messages to each other.

2. InScribe offers writing opportunities

InScribe members are provided with many opportunities to learn and hone the craft of writing.

Word Challenges Once a month, Glynis Belec sends out a Word Challenge or writing prompt through the InScribe listserv (private e-mail group). Members have one week to submit. Glynis compiles the submissions and then sends them back out to everyone on the listserv for feedback. Members are able to read the submissions, comment on them, and pick their top three. Glynis then tallies the votes and sends small prizes and a certificate out to each winner.

FellowScript Our quarterly magazine, FellowScript, is a 32-page magazine full of advice, encouragement, and other helpful material for writers. Members are able to submit to the magazine and receive a by-line as well as compensation (for longer pieces).

InScribe Press Members are also able to submit pieces to anthologies compiled by InScribe. In 2015, InScribe Press published 7 Essential Habits of Christian Writers. Executive members are in the process of putting together details for the next anthology. Watch for further information!

3. InScribe supports local writing groups

Any member of InScribe is able to start or participate in a writing group in their local area. Although the InSpiration groups operate under the umbrella of InScribe, they are independent entities; they function under the guidance of their local leaders and their own executives. At present, we have writing groups in six provinces. The groups vary in size from small groups of 2-3 members to larger ones of 20 or more. Contact Tracy Krauss for more information.

4. InScribe offers encouragement and celebrates successes

Members describe InScribe as a family where they feel at home and are able to grow and celebrate with like-minded people. Besides our listserv, members connect in our private Facebook group. Members ask each other for advice, share helpful information, celebrate publication opportunities, and cheer each other on. Although members encourage each other to do their best, there is no spirit of meanness or jealousy.

Winter Contest - Members who had short works published during 2015 are able to submit them to the 2016 Winter Contest until February 29, 2016. (If you are not a member, but would like to submit your work, you may join InScribe and submit your pieces.)

Fall Contest - Details for the 2016 Fall Contest will be available in April. Winners of the Fall Contest are announced and recognized during the banquet at our annual Fall Conference (see below for more details).

5. InScribe offers training

2016 Fall Conference InScribe's largest event is our annual fall conference, which takes place in Edmonton, Alberta. Registration and complete details about our 2016 Fall Conference will be available in April. We are excited to welcome Linda Hall as our keynote speaker this year. We will also be offering a special pre-conference event to help authors build their platforms. Carolyn Aarsen will be teaching us and sharing about her journey from backwoods to New York Bestseller. Check our conference page for more details.

2016 WorDshops Every spring, InScribe offers WorDshops (workshops) in local areas. Plans are underway for Words of Peace events in BC, AB, SK, and MB. Contact Sheila Webster if you are interested in helping organize a WorDshop in your area.

When I walked into my first InScribe Fall Conference in September 2010, I was unsure whether or not I really was a writer. I'm thankful for the support, encouragement, and training I have received and continue to receive through this amazing writing family. Thank you to each member who helps make InScribe what it is. If you are not part of our writing family, I invite you to join us!


  1. These are excellent reasons to join and/or get involved. I feel the same way you do about Inscribe being a 'family' (as you will see in my post tomorrow!)

    1. You are a valued member of our family, Tracy. Thanks for your encouragement and support!

  2. Thanks for these reasons, Ruth. I agree that they're excellent reasons to belong to our InScribe family.

    1. Thanks, Sandra. I'm grateful that you are part of our InScribe family :)

  3. What excellent reasons to get involved. When I joined InScribe in 2013 I just assumed that those I met had been members for a long time, especially those in leadership. Like you, Ruth. I just assumed you had been a member for 10 years or more but no, it was only your third year. Funny how the mind does that. I am thankful for you and your involvement and leadership.

    1. Thanks, Connie. It's a lot easier to lead when people pray and support you. Thanks for doing both for me!

  4. What a thorough compilation, Ruth, and thanks so much for your contributions too!

  5. I value InScribe for the same reasons you do, Ruth, and I also value you for the excellent leadership and team-building you have brought to this family of writers. It's amazing how we all learn from one another in our writing and in our spiritual lives. Blessings to you and your family, Ruth. May God continue to call, encourage, and support each of us in our writing and our spiritual walk.

  6. Sharon, thanks for your support and encouragement. Blessing on your writing!


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