February 05, 2016

Because of Him by Glynis M. Belec

Writing is a lonesome endeavour. But I am good with that. I have the dickens of the time trying to figure out whether I am an introvert or extrovert, though. I LOVE being in my office all by myself creating and reading and doing all sorts of other things in seclusion. I long for extended periods of uninterrupted time to write but it rarely comes. Then again, I am an inspirational speaker and I LOVE doing that, too. I have lots of energy and I find speaking a wonderful way for me to release and to share. I guess that makes me an ambivert - a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features.

 Over the years that I have been writing, one of the things I have learned about myself is I am not an oddity in the writing world. I know in the 'real' world a few shake their heads but I am learning that God made me 'that way' for a purpose. Since I have been surrounding myself with other writers who have quirks and odd things happening in their heads, I feel much better. I am not alone

Just at the right times, God has introduced me to some wonderful people - other writers. It's good to be understood. 

I am a member of quite a few writing organizations and groups, but the two professional ones that play the most important part in my writing life are Inscribe Christian Writers' Fellowship and The Word Guild. I also belong to other professional groups, but these two have influenced and molded me in ways that are hard to describe. Sometimes I wonder why I have to belong to two similar organizations, then I remember my two visuals. Belonging to Inscribe is like grabbing a cup of tea and sitting on the couch talking and sharing all things writing. Membership in The Word Guild is like having a great business luncheon and discussing details of the next project. Many of my writer friends are members of both and I love that. We sharpen each other. 

Quite a few years ago I started Writers Unite. We are a local group who meet in the local Studio Factor, which is a great place for artists to come and be inspired. I was the only published writer to begin with but over the years others have been published while others have gained confidence and write blogs, plays, fiction, Christian inspirational stories and so much more. I don't always have to lead  which is nice for me and it warms my heart to see the passion pour out on the page each month. God has blessed these writers (and me!) so much since we started meeting together. Sometimes we end up being a bit of a therapy session because someone has challenges and we just feel so very safe sharing. We are friends and we have each other's writerly backs. And I love that. 

Back in June of 2015 God laid something on my heart that I am so grateful for. He knew my propensity for hiding in my office, but He also knew I did have a need to communicate and grow. I felt an urge to reach out and start a private Facebook group not only for writers, but also for readers. So I did. 

July 1st was the debut post for our Angel Hope Publishing group. We have 471 members composed of writers, readers, librarians, editors and publishers. I felt God impress upon my heart that this was not about selling my books. It was about sharing, engaging conversation and encouraging Canadian authors and readers who may or may not be Christians - then there is that byproduct of seed-planting.

 At the beginning I had some issues with a couple of members who didn't like the faith aspect (I also felt this would be a place to speak about glorifying God through words). But now, I absolutely love the contact I have here with others. I learn so much and I am encouraged. I pray that that happens for others, too. Some participate regularly. Some when the topic hits home. Others like the contests or the quizzes. While others are just quiet and read. I am so thankful for the way it has worked out. We are a closed group so people have to request to join. I want Angels to feel safe and blessed. 

Sure, I would like to spend more time doing me, me, me things and following my own ideas. Then I hear that little Voice whispering words like, 'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up. . .'

I keep trying (because of Him). 



  1. Ambivert is a great word, Glynis! I suppose there needs to be a bit of both in all of us...

  2. Hi Glynis! I really enjoyed your post. It is informative and relational. I love your statement where you explain how InScribe Fellowship and The Word Guild fit into your life. "Belonging to Inscribe is like grabbing a cup of tea and sitting on the couch talking and sharing all things writing. Membership in The Word Guild is like having a great business luncheon and discussing details of the next project." That helps me in how to see these groups. I'm a member of both as well and enjoy the interaction with the writers. Your words here encourage me to approach my writing with more confidence. That is a wonderful outcome of how you have encouraged me these past few months.

  3. Encouraging is a good word for you, Glynis! I always feel a lift when I read your cheerful words.

  4. Anonymous4:54 pm GMT-7

    Glad to know that being an ambivert is okay. :) I always enjoy your post, Glynis. Once again encouraged to enjoy being me. I love to write and I LOVE being with people. Violet Moore (Anonymous only because I haven't figured out yet how to have my name appear as an option)

  5. Anonymous9:27 pm GMT-7

    I love that I can now use "ambivert" to describe myself! Neither introvert nor extrovert seemed entirely appropriate. Hooray for the middle ground! Thank you, as always, for sharing your heart and your words. Be blessed!

  6. I loved your description of both Inscribe and The Word Guild Glynis! Thank you for venturing out of your office. You are a sunny encourager and a blessing!

  7. Glynis, you are a good role model for all of us. I loved meeting you in person at the Fall Conference of 2014. I think of you with your Word Challenges for InScribe, your Angel Hope Publishing, and all the other ways you give to the community of faith writers. I am amazed at how you make yourself available to serve God through serving others.

    What you say about your local group would fit Barrhead's Women Word Weavers, and I quote: "I don't always have to lead which is nice for me and it warms my heart to see the passion pour out on the page each month. God has blessed these writers (and me!) so much since we started meeting together. Sometimes we end up being a bit of a therapy session because someone has challenges and we just feel so very safe sharing. We are friends and we have each other's writerly backs." Our group started, we think, in about the mid eighties

  8. Cheers for the ambiverts-I guess if I get it, I might be one of them! Thanks for the post!

  9. I too am an ambivert (I learned the word after reading the book , "Quiet" by Susan Cain--is that where you learned the word?). And I too am quirky and odd and have found like-minded people in Inscribe. Woohoooooo! I am glad you have chosen to encourage and build others up. You do that for me. Thanks.


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