February 22, 2016

My Community of Writers Thus Far by Alan Anderson

“I thank my God every time I remember you” (Philippians 1:3)

I wear different “hats” as it were as I make my way through my journey of life.  I am a husband, a dad, a papa, a brother, a cousin, an uncle, a friend, a spiritual health professional and a child of God.  My relationship with God is the only one that allows me to be a child.  I kind of miss being a child!  More about that perhaps another time!

I would be negligent if I did not include I am also a writer.  I love writing!  I love reading as well!  In my writing I like to choose my words well.  In life I also like to choose my friends well!

I am a member of InScribe Christian Writer’s Fellowship and The Word Guild.  I choose my writing relationships well and have learned a lot from writers in these groups.  A goal I have is to one day be as helpful to these writers as they are to me!  I am immensely thankful for the encouragement I receive from such caring writers here and would like to mention a few.  Unknown to them, they are my community of writers!

Glynis M. Belec is a major encourager to me!  She is one of the experienced writers encouraging me to take the plunge and write one of the books living in my heart.  She is one of my stars!  I could go on but wouldn’t want her to start blushing! Well. Maybe I would!  Susan Harris is another writer I love like a sister, although we have never met and has been an inspiration to me.  Bobbi Junior is what I see as a writer unafraid to be frank and honest in her stories.  I love the blog posts of Gloria Guest.  I seem to resonate with her words many times.  Tracy Krauss gave me my first opportunity to post on a regular basis.  I am grateful to her for helping me bring some of my word friends into the light.  Christine Lindsay recently allowed me to be a guest author on her blog and has invited me to do so again.  Irish Beth Maddock makes words alive for children and is a treasure!  Ruth Snyder has also been a tremendous encouragement to me in her writing and leadership of InScribe.  Sheila Webster, our fearless editor of FellowScript Magazine, gave me a wonderful surprise recently by asking me to write an article.  That was an amazing honour!

If readers will please forgive the length of the paragraph above I would be grateful!  I just wanted to name a few people I admire.  I must note that I have never met any of my community of writers in person so far.  That will hopefully change some day in God’s timing!

Although I have come alongside people for many years and listened to their stories I have often been reluctant to share my own with others.  Perhaps my introversion has allowed that.  I can listen to the stories of joy and pain all the way to a person’s last few moments of her or his life.  I still, however, on some level resist the thought that people would be interested in my story.  Due to the encouragement of my community of writers I am taking my writing journey one step at a time.

My community of writers is in my prayers! I love you all!

Blog: ScarredJoy@wordpress.com


  1. We're glad you're part of this community, too!

  2. Our lists of writers we admire and who have encouraged me are very similar, Alan! We are blessed to have found Inscribe.

  3. It's wonderful to have fellow writers you can turn to. Inscribe is a great community.

  4. I'm glad you are part of the InScribe family.

  5. Oh, Alan,this is such an honest and open blog. To me, this writing shows that you are taking bigger steps toward discovering that people really are interested in your story. I agree with you that we have amazing brothers and sisters in InScribe and in Christ.

    You are obviously a loving and caring man, as your chosen profession and your appreciation of family and friends acclaims. It has taken me many years to grasp the true meaning of Jesus commandment to love your neighbour as you love yourself. I am still growing and learning about this. May God show you the way to write the first of those books "living in your heart."

  6. So kind of you to mention that my writing has resonated with you. Truthfully I go through many low points with my writing and even in life in general so that is very encouraging. I hope we can meet in person someday also.


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