February 24, 2016

No Longer Alone by Tandy Balson

When I started writing I enjoyed the support and encouragement of my husband and a close friend. Since I had no intention of writing for a larger audience this was enough.

God had other plans for me and soon my sporadic hobby became more focused. I felt compelled to write and the words he gave me cried out to be shared.

My husband realized I would need contact with other writers long before I did. He saw a notice in our local paper about a writer's group that met weekly at the library and suggested I check it out. I didn't consider myself a writer so was reluctant, but knew he wouldn't let me off the hook until I attended one of their meetings.

What I found was a small, dedicated group mostly comprised of poets. None wrote from a Christian perspective and I felt out of place. They were welcoming and interested in what I wrote. The next week I returned and shared one of my stories. It didn't take long before these people were no longer strangers and I was part of the group.

When my first book was published, these new friends gave up their regular meeting in order for me to hold a book launch at the library. Their support and encouragement gave me much needed confidence. I still attend this group.

After a couple of years I longed to find a group where I could advance my writing skills in conjunction with others who shared my Christian faith. Through a series of events God led me to Ruth Snyder. She told me about InScribe and I had no doubt this was what I was looking for.

My life has been enriched through the writers I've since met, both in person and online. When I attended my first Fall Conference I felt as though I'd come home. The genuine caring and support was like nothing I had ever experienced. Published authors were happy to share their knowledge and experience with those just staring out. I came home inspired and encouraged.

I prayed for a chapter to start in my area so I could immerse myself even more. The mentoring and relationships were things I desperately wanted.

Again, God's plans were slightly different than mine. Instead of joining a group, I am now co-leading one. The men and women attending are all brand new writers with a desire to serve God through the written word.

I don't feel equipped to lead a group. They need so much more than I can offer them. When I asked for guidance InScribe was there to provide me with resources.  I'm now encouraging the participants  to attend the Spring WorDshop in our area. My hope is that they will join the membership and be inspired and blessed as I have been in this fellowship.


  1. I love the way God nudges us forward!

  2. Thanks, Tandy. Your blog was such an inspiration. Often God "nudges" or leads us out step by step!

  3. The way God leads is beautiful--ESPECIALLY His surprises!

  4. Good for your husband spurring you on to join a writing group. That's wonderful how God has led you from one resource to another. May God continue to bless you on your writing journey, Tandy. I enjoyed meeting you at Fall Conference too. InScribe provides so much in friendship, encouragement, and skill development.


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