February 07, 2016

My Scribe Tribe – Ramona Heikel

The base of the word “encourage” is courage, which comes from the Latin word “cor” meaning “heart”.  And what I need the most help with in my writing is courage and persistence.  I need connections with fellow writers to inject some new enthusiasm when I lose steam: Take heart, don’t give up…That’s pretty good!…What about this market?…Keep trying!  I am fortunate to have a number of these connections, one of which recently surprised me.

One of my encouragers is a friend I used to work with who is a technical writer, who writes mostly corporate and non-fiction articles.  Although we normally get together to socialize (and eat!), sometimes we talk about our writing.  Almost every time we connect, she encourages me to plan ahead and to schedule time to write, and has endless publishing ideas for my many projects.

Another connection is my mother, my cheerleader.  My mom has enjoyed writing for many years and she gets deliriously happy when I have writing successes, or even when I tell her that I have found time to write.  But this connection goes both ways because my mom looks to me for a gauge of what the publishing world is like, and she sometimes asks me to give feedback on her writing.

Probably my most valuable and consistent community is you, the Inscribe bloggers.  It is a privilege to be included as a contributor.  I find it very encouraging when I get comments, and I enjoy commenting on others’ posts.  I also grow and get inspiration online through connections with the Children’s Writer newsletter and a few other writing-related ezines, and CANSCAIP (Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers).

At the moment, I have an unusual “partnership” with technology.  Three weeks ago, I fractured my elbow and while I can handwrite, I cannot type and probably will not be able to for several more weeks.  Enter voice recognition software!  Yes, Microsoft Word 2003 allowed me to compose this entire post by speaking, what a wonderful help.  I have also recently written a post on my own blog using my cell phone, which has a superior voice recognition tool!  Who knew?

With all of these uplifting partners injecting courage and support into my writing life, I guess I’m not really alone at my computer, am I?

Posted by Ramona


  1. thanks for sharing Ramona! As Jeff Goins says, "Every Writer Needs a Tribe"

  2. What an uplifting post, Ramona! Thanks. It's wonderful that you and your mom have a writing connection and that you have a friend who can encourage you with market suggestions and all. Do you have a local writing group you could join? I am so impressed with how you've learned to use voice recognition software. Be encouraged, inspirited, emboldened, and keep writing, Ramona.

  3. Anonymous6:25 am GMT-7

    Even with a fractured elbow, you continue to 'write.' That is showing tenacity! I like how your mom gives you encouragement too. That is a blessing!

  4. I'm glad technology has become your partner and that you can continue to write. I am unfamiliar with how voice recognition software works but you have encouraged me to check it out. Thanks. Blessings as your elbow heals.

  5. I chanced upon your blog Ramona, and I enjoyed reading the posts. Because I had honors in grade ten English I was able to take a creative writing course in grade 11. All I had to do was complete one piece per month. I thoroughly enjoyed that adventure so I took a few writing courses at U of A. The professor told me that I wrote well enough to make a living at it. I never pursued writing because it was around that time that I fell hopelessly in love and soon was married. Although I've journaled for years I've never got back into writing publicly except for posting on Google Docs. I really would like to take up writing again because I'm passionate about creative thinking. Keith

  6. Thanks all, including "unknown" Keith from my church (who with wife Donna are currently my cheerful social planners who get me out of the house to have fun!)


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