July 10, 2016

Our Third Annual Move by Sharon Espeseth

Janis Cox, in the beginning of her book The Kingdom of Thrim, quotes, "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (Thessalonians 5:16-18)

This is what my husband Hank and I have been trying to do. You may not understand until the end of this blog what the saga of our third annual move has to do with this month's topic or Janis's book. I beg your patience.

Give thanks in all circumstances
In July 2014, we sold our house--the one we planned, had constructed, finished to our exact dreams and specifications, and paid for. Although our dream house wasn't a mansion, it was beautiful beyond anything either of us, having come from humble homestead beginnings, could have ever imagined.

Our youngest grandchild reading on the steps

We lived in our house for fourteen years. Our two daughters were married during this time period and  our six grand- children were born while we lived there. Memories lived in every corner of our house.

As seniors, looking after our home both inside and outside was taking up more of our time. When Hank first mentioned moving, I wasn't ready. Then it dawned on me that downsizing would allow me more time for reading, writing, and living.

Our first move was unsuccessful as we took on a care-taking role of the property for a landlord who had different standards and was overseas half the year. We wanted the place to look like our home. Our landlord didn't mind our upgrades, as long as it didn't cost him anything. We had taken on more work than we had in our own home.

Our second move, one year later, was to half a duplex where we discovered we had downsized too much. The second bedroom became my office only, with no room for overnight guests. Big mistake. This room wasn't even adequate for my downsized files, books, and writing paraphernalia. Still another move looked ridiculous and out of the question.

Then we saw an intriguing ad in our local paper for another duplex with more square feet, a deck we could actually sit on, a raised garden, a second bedroom and a yard beautifully landscaped without grass to cut. Hmm! Something or Somebody told us to check this out.

We fell in love with it. We could envision ourselves living there. We called our kids. They helped us move again. We are so thankful for this house and for our three adult kids and our two sons-in-law, who all pitched in.

The basement has a finished floor. The walls are only gyproc. Our kids started moving back wall units and furniture we had given them, but could use in this extra space. We have right-sized our living space, and you should see the space I have for my office. We have an extra bed downstairs so the family or other guests can stay over.

Hank loves the raised garden, which is also the right size for him.

With a nudge from God, we believe, we took a chance--a big step with moving a third time in three years--and it is working well. We feel content like Yoj in Janis's book. You may have to read her book to see how Hank and I have moved back from Shadowland to our "Kingdom of Thrim." We rejoice in what we have come through and in our present situation. We pray and give thanks that the discontent leading us here was only temporary. We believe God has led us through Shadowland to our blessed home. With God's help and support from our kids, we believe we are where we are supposed to be.

I love my downstairs office with its big windows and ample space. I believe this room in our house in God's kingdom will allow me to create. Moving here was my/our most recent big step.

I am especially, and continually, thankful to God for my husband, family, and my joy in writing.
Taken on our 40th Anniversary.
This month we celebrated our 41st
Anniversary living in our new home.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't imagine moving three times in three years, Janis. That's a big step indeed! Glad it has ultimately led you to this wonderful new home where you have all you need for the life you want to live and for your writing. God is indeed good!

    1. Perfect, Susan. I've personalized what you said, as it sums up our situations succinctly. "God has ultimately led us to a wonderful new home where we have all we need for the life we want to live and for my writing." Thanks.

  3. Such an uplifting post, Sharon! As a person who has moved a lot, I know how exhausting moving can be. But it sounds like God allowed the 'in between moves' so that you would recognize the right one when it came.

  4. Yes, if you've moved a lot yourself, Tracy, you would have a good idea of three moves in three years can affect a person. We do realize and appreciate how good we have it here.

  5. Thanks Sharon for the shout out about The Kingdom of Thrim. Many people have been touched by its message - not just children. It's wonderful to walk with the Lord through the ups and downs. Many blessings on your new move and may He inspire you greatly in writing for Him.

  6. Thanks, Janis, for your prayers for blessings.I pray too that your book with its hopeful and positive message will find its way.

  7. So glad you found a place you love. Take care and enjoy.


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