July 30, 2016

Small Steps, Steady Pace by Susan Barclay

                                                            A small step – starting to write again during my maternity leave after my first child was born, reconnecting with my creative side.

                                             A small step – joining a writers’ critique group when the opportunity arose. Building relationships with other writers, honing my craft.

                              A small step – reading from my work at events; accepting the invitation to be on a panel; increasing my confidence in public speaking and engagement.

               A small step – writing in a genre I didn’t consider my own, when doing so meant almost-certain publication. Being published twice more by the same publisher, who eagerly awaits my next submission.

A small step – submitting personal experience stories to Chicken Soup for the Soul and having two of them published.

These small steps have not launched a big career, at least not yet, but each step has moved me forward in my writing journey, making me a better writer and readying me for whatever God has next. He knows what pace is best for me, what I am ready for, where I need more growth before bigger steps can be taken. I trust Him with my writing future and praise Him for every blessing He has so far provided.
Visit my website, www.susanbarclay.wordpress.com
for more about me and my writing


  1. excellent post - and I love the way you formatted it to look like steps! Very clever!

  2. I agree with Tracy in her comment above. Isn't it amazing how taking one step at a time, we can move forward and upward. How wonderful that you can say that ". . . each step has moved me forward in my writing journey, making me a better writer and readying me for whatever God has next." God does know what is the best next step and what pace is right for each of us. Thanks for sharing, Susan.


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