July 13, 2016

The Difference An Article Made By T. L. Wiens

For years, I suffered with debilitating depression as one of the symptoms of PMS. It got bad enough that I struggled with suicidal thoughts. I went to doctors but nothing was helping. Then I read an article in a magazine about another woman with very similar issues. She discovered eating flax seed made a big difference. What followed was the scientific end of the article. It seemed too simple but I started eating flax seed and the depression vanished.
I can’t tell you how thankful I am for that article. Sometimes we think what we are writing isn’t important to someone else or that something has been written already so there’s no point in one more story on the subject. We might have similar stories but we all have different audiences. And sometimes our way of telling it appeals in a way another article doesn’t.
God didn’t make a mistake giving you the gift of writing. Use it to His Glory.


  1. Well said, Tammy. Different audiences, different types of telling our stories, and God makes no mistakes in the gifts He gives.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I know you are not the only one who has suffered from depression. It also goes to show how important one's writing can be, no matter what type of writing it is.

    1. Thank you Tracy. I would never have read the article if it had just been presented by a medical professional. It as the personal account that drew me.

  3. Short and simple, but profound is your message, Tammy. We don't always know who needs the message. Thanks for this.

    1. Thanks Sharon.
      I didn't intend to make it this short but business and exhaustion took over.


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