February 13, 2024

Never Ever Ever Give Up by Steph Beth Nickel


as writers, as believers, as humans
we must persevere

sometimes life (and our writing)
seem to flow smoothly, unhindered

and then...

we round a bend
and the path reaches for the sky

a steep incline
loose rocks
rickety steps

we prefer
even ground, sure footing, a moss-covered path

but the challenging sections
this is where we grow strong

we learn to press on
we learn to reach out to others

more importantly
we learn to reach out to God

is your life
an uphill climb

is your faith wavering
and your endurance at its limits

have the words stopped flowing
are you ready to put down your pen

consider the words you've read
the words that have encouraged you
spurred you on
built you up

did they come from a place of ease or
did the writer dig deep

did your fellow creative
reach inside and share their heart

the hurt, the pain, the challenge
of what it means to be human

we must follow their example
we must take the next step

we must never ever ever give up


  1. I love your poem, dear Steph.
    Amen to reaching out to God when our goals seem out of reach. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

  2. Yes! Thanks for this encouragement today!

  3. Hi Steph! Thank you for your encouraging heart words. In all honesty many InScribers are encouragers for me. When life gets nuts I know I can also count on my church family.

  4. Absolutely an encouraging blessing. Thanks so much, Steph!

  5. How beautiful and how true, Steph!! Thanks for your encouragement!

  6. Michelle Strutzenberger2:30 pm GMT-7

    Yes, amen! Thank you for these words. They were just what I needed at this time. Blessings.

  7. I love this picture of an uphill climb. Thanks, Steph.


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