February 01, 2024

N is for Never Say Never ~ by Wendy L. Macdonald


Recently I listened to an author being interviewed on CBC radio. He didn't say never to a suggestion that he write a book that was way outside his present genre. Since he wasn’t well known at the time, he figured it wasn’t wise to ignore an open door. He said yes.

He studied how successful authors wrote in that genre and then he wrote several best sellers. He’s still writing for that new-to-him target audience. Not quitting the challenge meant he became popular in an unexpected way. (Since horror isn’t my thing in the least, I won’t bother looking up who the writer was. I just happened to catch snippets of the interview while putting dishes away. By the way, he was a comedy writer first. That's quite the leap from comedy to horror.)

As inspirational writers, we must never say never to the open doors God gives us. Unless God signals it’s time to toss in our writing utensils or retire from a project, we must keep writing. (Rests are good. But not early retirement.) And we need to keep our minds and hearts open to alternative ways to reach our readers. We never know what new angle the perfect direction for us is to go.

- Maybe God has a detour for our writing life that’s much more suitable for us.

- Maybe He wants us to revise what we’ve written to reach more people.

- Maybe we’re supposed to humble ourselves and share a story that going to cost us much more than we planned. 

- Or maybe we’re going to get an opportunity to write about one of our never-touching-that-topic. 

Whatever way God has for us is the right way. His plans are always good. His ways are always wise. Wise writers always say yes to God and never say never.

What helps you tackle an unexpected writing detour when the way seems hard?


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and podcaster who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.” 


  1. Thanks for that encouragement Wendy! Sometimes it’s easy to get discouraged and think why am I still doing this?! But I appreciate the encouragement to never say never and to not put down that pen 💞

    1. Thank you, dear Mary. We can do this one word at a time. Blessings.

  2. Love this, Wendy. I remember at one InScribe conference, Murray Pura, the keynote, advised us to "Say YES!" He recounted similar stories of how he said YES to some things he thought he wasn't qualified to do (it had to do with writing devotionals for a Bible translation,, I believe.,..) and how it actually was the thing that pushed his writing career into the next level. Of course, we don't want to get burnt out, (I've been learning to say NO...) but I think the lesson is to listen to God's nudge and not be afraid to step outside our comfort zones.

    1. Great advice to "listen to God's nudge and not be afraid to step outside our comfort zones." Thank you so much, dear Tracy.

  3. Michelle Strutzenberger1:21 pm GMT-7

    I also really appreciate this encouragement, Wendy. These lines especially popped out at me: "As inspirational writers, we must never say never to the open doors God gives us. Unless God signals it’s time to toss in our writing utensils or retire from a project, we must keep writing."

  4. Wow, a great message, Wendy! Three years ago the Lord prompted me to venture into a writing focus I, at first, feared to tread. This is where I branched off my writing into poetry. This is poetry with a certain focus. My main project, outside of my church involvement, is writing poetry for grandparents who grieve the death of their grandchildren. Even now I don't rush this project, but I move forward. I am now familiar with people being surprised a man would write in this way. Perhaps this direction fits into your statement, "Or maybe we’re going to get an opportunity to write about one of our never-touching-that-topic." Grandparents who grieve tell me, "We need a voice." Well, perhaps my poetry will be at least part of this voice.
    Thank you so much for the insights and thoughts you brought to us, Wendy. Blessings to you and your family, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Alan. Yes, I don't doubt your poetry will be and already is part of the much needed voice. As a grandparent, I can say that I love my grandchild as deeply as I love my own children. There is so much potential for joy and sorrow as a grandparent. So much.
      Blessings, dear brother.

  5. Good thoughts, Wendy. "...we must never say never to the open doors God gives" is the line that resonates with me. Then to rely on his wisdom and strength to move ahead. Thank you for the encouragement.

    1. Thank you, dear Lorrie. I was preaching to myself when I wrote this one. Oh my, I need this sermon.

  6. What a wonderful and timely post, Wendy. Once again you have kicked off the month in superb fashion. We all need the courage to say yes to God’s next step. Thanks for encouraging us to do just that.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. "Yes to God's next step" is doable for even those who are faint of heart like me.

  7. Thank you for those encouraging words!
    - Holly

  8. Thanks for starting out our month with such inspiring thoughts, Wendy! Your suggestions of how God may nudge us into new-and-unexpected territories are so appropriate! InScribe is doing this for me. And still there are other new avenues which you reminded us, as "we...keep our minds and hearts open to alternative ways to reach our readers."

    1. Thank you & blessings, dear Sandi. I'm grateful God leads us in a gentle way.

  9. What popped out for me as I read your timely post, Wendy, was this line: "Maybe He wants us to revise what we’ve written to reach more people."

    I have been thinking about that very thing in recent months but not doing anything about revising some of my old pieces for another audience. Your words caught my heart. Thanks for the gentle nudge.

    1. We never know what God is up to. This morning I had this thought: God can do much more than my minute mind can imagine. Sometimes we think something is finished, and it turns out God wants us to turn it into something new.


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