February 08, 2024

N is for Ninja by Bob Jones


February is the month of N.


Ninja is a cool word that starts with N. That’s Ninja Bob in the image in his imagination.


One click of a search engine surfaced the notion that some people like to call themselves ninjas for doing anything well. Did you know that there is such a thing as a Ninja Writer?


A Ninja Writer is a writer who writes well.


I want to be a Ninja Writer. I am a Ninja Writer.


A Ninja Writer is a writer who gets better with every draft.


A Ninja Writer is a writer who reads.

A Ninja Writer is a writer who writes poems, posts, and publications all the way through to the end.


A Ninja Writer understands how to tighten loose sentences.


A Ninja Writer sharpens blurred sentences.


A Ninja Writer brings rhythm to sentences that don't flow well.


A Ninja Writer is a writer who acts now, does not make excuses and forgives themselves and starts again when they fail to act or makes excuses.


A Ninja Writer is a writer who stays focused and committed to realizing a vision.


What kind of Ninja are you?

Thank you for reading!

Ninja Bob writes at REVwords where he fearlessly pursues improvement every day.


  1. Thank you for this wonderful and fun post, Bob.
    This phrase especially spoke to me this morning: "...forgives themselves and starts again when they fail to act or makes excuses."
    Yes, let's all be Ninja Writers.

    1. Bob Jones2:59 pm GMT-7

      Wendy, it's good that there are no perfect people among us, just Ninjas.

  2. Loved your post, Ninja Bob. 'Tis a fabulous description of what makes a great writer. Here's to Ninja Writers!

  3. Replies
    1. Bob Jones3:01 pm GMT-7

      Thank you, Ninja Tracy.

  4. Alan Anderson7:53 pm GMT-7

    Hello, Ninja Bob! From your post I would like to add the following. "A Ninja writer knows how to have fun with other Ninja writers." Thank you for the smiles, brother!

    1. Bob Jones3:01 pm GMT-7

      Glad you are smiling!

  5. Love this: “A Ninja Writer is a writer who stays focused and committed to realizing a vision.”

    1. Bob Jones7:13 pm GMT-7

      Writing success is staying with the process. Thank you, Pam.

  6. Love your ideas, Ninja Bob! Several points struck a chord with me.

    1. Bob Jones3:02 pm GMT-7

      Sandi, I hope getting "struck" did not leave a mark.

  7. Michelle Strutzenberger12:32 pm GMT-7

    Thanks Bob! I would say your post is an example of Ninja Writing in action. The line about writing "to the end" gave me the boost I needed right now.

    1. Bob Jones3:03 pm GMT-7

      Thank you, Michelle. To the end is sometimes a hard place to get to.

  8. Thanks for this post, Bob. Makes me want to pursue being more of a Ninja and less of a ‘Hong Kong Phooey,’ if you recall the animated series. Love the sentence “A Ninja Writer is a writer who acts now, does not make excuses and forgives themselves and starts again when they fail to act…” Thanks, Bob.

    1. Bob Jones7:04 pm GMT-7

      Hi Sharon. You got me on that one about "Hong Kong Phooey." I hope you're doing well at starting again and again.


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