February 20, 2024

Night Nudges by Alan Anderson



By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life.

 (Psalm 24:8)


What is a Night Nudge?

Right about now, you might wonder or even scratch your head and ask, what is a night nudge? Let me say first, you asked a deep and thought-provoking question. Second, I am most pleased to answer your question.

 Here goes.

You slip into your lovely, comfy bed and drift off to sleep. Evening moves on like a quiet, slow river with the sound of silence serenading you. A perfect, gentle end to a day overwhelmed by tasks.


Suddenly you wake up. “What?” “Huh?” The mist of sleep makes way to a storm of jumbled thoughts in your mind. Once the thoughts settle down, one remains. This thought is golden. Before one more second goes by, you dive at your light switch to enable you to see as you grab your notebook. You learned long ago of the value of keeping a notebook by your bedside. With great haste, you write this golden thought in your notebook before it flees from your now awake brain.


A night nudge is like a gentle push to encourage a writer not to lose or neglect an opportunity to put meaningful words into the world. From my perspective, I find a night nudge more of a friend, therefore not one to run from or ignore. I do, however, write it down without haste.


More about night nudges


Night nudges can feed our sense of wonder as writers. We can wonder what sets this night nudge apart from others. Is this how God develops one’s creativity even while we sleep? If so, then the ability to write is truly a gift. This is all part of the fun and awe of night nudges.


There are times a night nudge might wake us with a gentle touch and lays someone on our hearts. Perhaps, for whatever reason, God’s still small voice is nudging us. This is a nudge never to ignore. One where in the quiet bliss of the night we can pray for someone loved and cared for.


Dear writers, let us never take the silence and solitude of the night for granted. God may stir our creative gift to bring forth words too precious to miss. Rest indeed but be open to the gentle inspiration of a night nudge.



Alan lives in Deroche, B.C. with his wife, Terry, and their poodle, Charlie. Alan’s byline is “Touched by grief and held by hope.” He has been working on a work of love for three years called, “Hidden Poetic Voices: A Reflective Work of Grief, Faith, and Poetry.” This is a work of poetry and prose highlighting the grief of grandparents. Alan periodically writes articles for FellowScript Magazine and the online magazine for Compassionate Friends. He has written posts for our InScribe blog since 2015. His website, https://scarredjoy.ca, is under construction.


  1. Thank you, Alan, for this lovely reminder not to ignore night nudges.
    I love how God never leaves us and never sleeps. He is always up to something marvelous.

    1. Ah yes, Wendy. Our God who never stops astounding us with his marvelous works!

  2. Valerie Ronald10:54 am GMT-7

    Thank you for expressing so well about the "night nudges" most writers experience, Alan. This thought in particular got my attention, " Is this how God develops one’s creativity even while we sleep? If so, then the ability to write is truly a gift." What an awesome God we have, who causes our creativity to flow when we are not even aware! A while back I woke with a full blown story planted in my mind, right down to the colors in the room and face of the main character. You may see it in print sometime in the future.

    1. Hi Valerie! I will keep my eyes open for your story, colors and all.

  3. I have experienced this very thing, Alan, but have never heard it referred to as a "night nudge". I shall forever more use this phrase to describe it! Thank you for this encouraging post.

    1. Tracy, it's always fun to know I can teach my teacher something! :) Night nudge seemed to be an appropriate term to use.

  4. Thanks for sharing your "night nudges", Alan!! Sometimes if I don't write mine, I forget by morning. A wonderful reminder of how God speaks to us in our sleep and in our waking moments.

    1. Yes, Sandi, we have to write our nudges down. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing about "night nudges." I don't often awake in the night, and if I do I can't get back to sleep. But I know that God nudges me in so many ways.

    1. Hi Lorrie! I often have insomnia and have trouble getting back to sleep. Looking at insomnia as a night nudge seems to make it less burdensome. I turn insomnia as night nudges. :)

  6. Alan, I actually sighed when I read these words. “You slip into your lovely, comfy bed and drift off to sleep. Evening moves on like a quiet, slow river with the sound of silence serenading you. A perfect, gentle end to a day overwhelmed by tasks.”
    Thanks for this wonderful post. I have also been honoured by the Lord’s ‘night nudges’. What a terrific term you have coined. Blessings on your day my friend.

    1. Hi Sharon! You honour me with your sigh. :) Thank you for the encouragement. Blessings on your day as well and may gentle night nudges embrace your words.

  7. I like how you call them “night nudges” and I agree how they leave me in awe of God for His surprising but timely words, and His creative stir, like you said. Maybe all of us insomniacs should start a night nudge alliance. 😉

    1. Sorry, I forgot to sign my name to my comment. Pam

    2. Dear Pam, thank you for your thoughts. I like the idea of our night nudge alliance. Maybe we can start an InScribe private page. If a night nudge wakes us we can share the nudge in a post.

    3. I love the idea of a night nudge alliance.

    4. I agree, Joy. I'm thinking this through. I'm open to ideas how to go forward with this.

  8. Thank you for this beautiful encouragement 🩵

  9. Alan, this was my favourite line: "God may stir our creative gift to bring forth words too precious to miss." oooooo gave me goosebumps. Thank you!

    1. You honour me with your encouragement, Joy. :)


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