January 26, 2024

Measuring stick by Mary Folkerts

Social media has taken the game of “comparison” up a few notches or ten. We can now measure ourselves not only against people we know but against complete strangers! All in the comfort of our home as we scroll and admire all their accomplishments. (And feel just a tad sorry for ourselves and everything we have failed to accomplish). 

But in all seriousness, how easy it is to measure our successes and failures against someone else's life without knowing their full story. We see only a glimpse, and if we compare ourselves against them, our blessings and successes begin to feel tarnished around the edges. We were content until we pulled out the measuring stick.

Whenever people strive to hone a craft, be it writing, art, music or another passion, there will always be someone who can do it better. That is not a reason to give up because everyone has a starting point, and it takes work and practice to improve. If God has given us a desire and gift for something, we should pursue it. We may not reach the masses, but if we bless one heart, we have been successful. 

Not all things are taught in Kindergarten. 

Some come natural, 


printed into the fabric

of the tiny soul. 

It appears we are born 

with a measuring stick 

in our back pocket. 

Johnny's lunch is better than mine

Suzie has a prettier dress

my colouring is in the lines,

hers isn’t. 




all day long — theirs against mine.

Did my mother not teach me?

Did my Sunday school teacher

not warn me?

Oh yes, but the lie is large

and the satisfaction 


when the evidence is in

my favour. 

But the balance is capricious, 

and I am Eve, 

scrambling after the early

apple of deceit, 

for the knowledge-–

my own kind of affirmation 

that tells me 

I am worthy. 

When I don’t trust 

my Maker’s words that 

declare, “It is good!”

I search constant confirmation

from sources as fallible as I--

that I am not behind,

that I am as good as,

that what I create matters,

that I am not redundant, 

that what I do 


The way of freedom

says, bury your tools 

of evaluation, gauging,

comparing one against 

the other. 

Only discontent and 

dissatisfaction comes 

with this deception 

which claims that my worth 

is measurable. 

Mary Folkerts is mom to four kids and wife to a farmer, living on the southern prairies of Alberta, where the skies are large and the sunsets stunning. She is a Proverbs 31 ministries COMPEL Writers Training member and is involved in church ministries and music. Mary’s personal blog aims to encourage and inspire women and advocate for those with Down Syndrome, as their youngest child introduced them to this extraordinary new world. For more inspiration, check out Joy in the small things https://maryfolkerts.com/  


  1. Thank you for this always timely message, dear Mary. We're never too young or too old to need this reminder not to compare. Contentment in Christ is a lifesaver in so many ways.

    I love, love, love your poem. Beautiful truth.


  2. Hi Mary! As an introverted guy who fought through insecurities much of my life I thank you for this encouraging post. I wasted enough time and energy comparing myself to others. This exercise in futility I only held myself back. Thank you for being one of our writing cheerleaders. Please keep writing!

    1. Thank you Alan! Yes it sure is futility but for me it's a constant lie I need to keep reminding myself not to engage! Our enemy is sure a crafty one with his lies that can hold us hostage!! Freedom I say!!!

  3. Thanks Wendy! Measuring ourselves and our work against others is sure a joy killer! It blocks our view of all the blessings we have been given!

  4. What an insightful poem and post... Thank you for voicing what so many of us are thinking...

    1. Thanks Tracy. Its a daily struggle!

  5. Love this post and especially the poem. What a conundrum we have in this world as we do have a tendency to compare ourselves continually with the very people we are to be united to as one body. Thank you for this reminder and for encouraging us to edify each other rather than compare. Need this reminder often myself.

  6. Michelle Strutzenberger4:05 am GMT-7

    I too love the wisdom of your post and poem. I need this reminder as well, and I want to share it with my children! I especially love this: "If God has given us a desire and gift for something, we should pursue it. We may not reach the masses, but if we bless one heart, we have been successful." Bless you for being faithful.


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