June 27, 2022

Adults Must Be Responsible - Bruce Atchison

Back in June of 1976, I felt torn between two desires. I needed my job at the CNIB smoke stand, located in a seedy hotel, but I also wanted to stay true to my faith in Christ. That shop sold pornographic magazines, something I wanted nothing to do with. Neither could I transfer to another shop as there were no openings left.

In no way did I want to be responsible for selling porn to people, thus contributing to their lustful satisfaction. Just handling those wicked publications made me feel defiled. Even so, I needed the money.

So I prayed and thought about my decision. Whether God gave me the answer, I can't tell. This is what I concluded. Those adults who purchased those filthy magazines were doing it of their own volition. I was a Christian but I was a mere employee of the CNIB. So I would be excused from guilt as I wasn't the owner of the shop.

And not being the owner, I had no say about what I couldn't wear. A local Christian store sold badges with various sayings on them. Some of those were humourous, such as the one showing a little boy who lost the ice cream from his cone. As a dog licked the blob on the ground, he said, "Praise the Lord anyway."

My manager wasn't at all amused. I was told to take off my badges and not wear them at work. I could have them on my coat but not on my shirt. 

There too, I was tempted to quit. But I realized that it wasn't my shop and I was under the authority of the manager. Even so, I could talk to customers about the Lord since nobody from the CNIB was looking over my shoulder.

Our employers often ask us to do what we find morally troublesome. So we need to think long and hard, and pray as well, about what we should do. But if we're asked to do something immoral, like Potiphar's wife wanting to have sex with Joseph, that goes over the line.

June 23, 2022

Ethics and Emotions ~ Valerie Ronald


When my husband and I received a call from our son, inviting us to a party celebrating his engagement to his male partner, we didn’t think about ethics.

Ethics ˗˗ such a cold word for the personal dilemma we faced; one fraught with deep emotions of sorrow, loss of relationship and dashed hopes.

Scott’s lifestyle choice was already known to us. We grieved as we witnessed his downward spiral from a young man apparently eager to grow in his Christian faith, to a skeptic of all he had been taught and shown in our home. We could do little to bridge the ever-widening gap in our relationship with him as he spurned belief in Jesus Christ to openly embrace homosexuality. Not that we did not try. We assured him of our love, though we made clear we did not agree with his choice to go against God’s truth. We made sure he knew our home was always open to him as our cherished son, but he continued to distance himself.

Dealing with the decision of whether or not to attend Scott’s engagement party, we did what we always do when faced with difficult decisions ˗˗ we prayed for God’s guidance. Emotions had to be set aside so the process of moral decision-making, which is the practical application of ethics, could be applied.

Easier said than done. How could we deflect the deep parental responses gripping our hearts? And what about the possible emotional consequences of either choice, for Scott and ourselves?

Making the decision required us to primarily answer two ethical questions: “What should we do?” and “What should we be?” As Christians, the answer to those questions should ultimately be: “What God has commanded us to do in obedience to Him” and “What Jesus wants us to be ˗˗ conformed to His image.” If a heart response entered into the process, it had to be primarily, “What path, choice, or answer would bring the most glory to God?”

In October 2020 I shared a post on this blog about our journey as parents of someone identifying as homosexual.      Hearing God's Heart About Homosexuality

As I expressed there, we believe God’s created intent for the expression of human sexuality is fulfilled within the covenant of a monogamous and heterosexual marriage. (Matt. 19:4-6) Any other expression, including homosexuality, is a violation of God’s created intent and outside of the boundaries He has set. (Rom. 1:26-27)

If we attended Scott’s engagement party, we would, in effect, be condoning his sin. We would appear to be congratulating him for flagrantly exchanging God’s truth for a lie, and blessing him for openly sinning. This would go against all we believed and held true within our faith in Christ. Our choice quickly became obvious, although it came at a high cost. Because God is uppermost in our lives and in obedience to His standards about human sexuality, we told Scott we would not be attending the party. One of the consequences of this decision is that Scott no longer wants contact with us. The other more serious consequence is the recognition that “just as he did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave him over to a depraved mind, so that he does what ought not to be done.” (Rom. 1:28 paraphrase mine) Knowing God will eventually deal with Scott accordingly, if he does not repent and turn from his sin, weighs heavy on our hearts. Yet we bow to God’s ultimate authority and justice.  

 If we had gone with our emotions to make our decision, we may have caved into our desire to keep our relationship with Scott, at the cost of compromising our obedience to God’s ethics. Emotions are not a reliable measure by which to make an ethical decision. Our view of his choice is founded on a perfect source outside ourselves, God’s Word, which teaches us repeatedly to love others in spite of their sins, yet not to compromise our beliefs by condoning their sin.

Ethics do not always transfer from one generation to another, as we have experienced. No matter how much we tried to instill biblical ethics into our children, not all of them chose to accept the absolute truths of God. We know in our heads we made the right decision concerning Scott’s engagement party, yet our hearts still ache with yearning for our prodigal. Daily our prayers plead for his return, firstly to his heavenly Father, who waits for him with forgiving open arms, then to us, his loving parents who miss him so much.

More of Valerie's work can be read on her blog.


June 22, 2022

Standing Firm - Lorrie Orr


Just because I find it difficult to post without an image. 

For several years I served as managing editor of our mission's quarterly newsletter focusing on healthcare. The purpose of the newsletter was two-fold: to connect with mission supporters and to raise funds for ongoing medical work. I wrote articles, and edited the work of other contributors, and worked with photographers and a graphic designer prior to publication. 

Once the work was done I faxed the newsletter to our home office in the United States for approval. One June day I was horrified to receive the "approved" newsletter with a replacement of one story. This new story, contained several gross exaggerations, and at least one mis-truth. It was written by someone in fund-raising, not by anyone on the field, and was high sensationalized. 

Challenging the "bigwig males" in the home office caused me great anxiety. I looked up the event in my journal before writing this post on Inscribe to see if I had written about it. I discovered these words, "when I finally sat at the computer, my hands were shaking and my innards quaking. E-mails flew thick and fast all day long and by 3 PM I was frazzled and sick of the whole thing...I can't just drop the issue because I'm sick of it. It's to do with integrity..."

Later, I wrote, "through all this mess I want to display God's grace. E (a fellow worker) came to me yesterday and said, "You were angry." I had to agree with him. But I pray that my anger has not caused me to use harmful words." 

Finally, as editor, I refused to print the story. I never heard anything from the home office, but several leaders on the field supported me and said that I had chosen wisely. 

Being in conflict with those far above me was difficult, and also eye-opening. I was appalled that a Christian organization would even consider printing this story once it had been proven incorrect. At one point, someone suggested that I let the story go to print and then print a retraction in the next issue. That seemed so very wrong to me. 

I lost respect for some people that day, yet I know that we are all blinded at times, and do things that do not please our Lord. I am so thankful for the grace He extends without measure, and am learning to extend that same grace to others. 

Lorrie Orr writes from Vancouver Island where she enjoys boating and hiking with her husband. Gardening, reading, sewing, and spending time with her five grandchildren fill her days. She is now retired (for the second time) from teaching Spanish at a local high school. She also writes a "slice of life" blog at www.fabricpaperthread.blogspot.com

June 21, 2022

Ethical Dilemmas in a Post Christian World - by Tracy Krauss

As Christians, our very existence is an affront to many in today's society. We are sometimes seen as intolerant and closed-minded in our beliefs, especially when they go against current trends. We are faced with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. 

I was faced with many such dilemmas when I taught in the public school system. Increasing pressure to embrace certain philosophies, especially around gender identity, really began to come to the forefront. My dilemma was how to support my students, whom I genuinely loved, without allowing my personal convictions to come between us. 

Let me backtrack by saying that I have probably always been more "tolerant" in this regard than many of my Christian acquaintances and friends. I have worked with gay and lesbian individuals on many occasions, both in the theatre and out, and decided that what happened in the privacy of their bedrooms was none of my business. After all, we are less likely to "judge" when a heterosexual couple is "living together", but at the end of the day, sin is sin. My husband and I welcomed gay and lesbian people who attended our church and we had candid conversations about their situation, and what God's Word had to say. And we prayed--lots. The church is for the hurting: people seeking answers, so we would not turn these souls away, although we did not encourage membership or any leadership roles until they could work out these issues. And of course, let's be honest. Who among us doesn't have family members embracing certain lifestyles that we don't necessarily believe are healthy? But we love them anyway.

All that to say, my dilemma at school was different, somehow. Suddenly, I had students (mostly girls) who were deciding they were actually male even though born as girls; non-binary, pan, bi, lesbian... all the trendy hot button words floated freely as these very young girls were encouraged to experiment. (Usually without their parents' knowledge.) I'm not saying people don't have the right to explore their identity, but in most of these cases, it was a very clear (at least to me) case of ATTENTION SEEKING - trying to stand out in the crowd in a way when crazy hair, piercings, and makeup just don't cut it anymore. It's the new "trend". Everyone wants to stand out--be different and unique. And right now, they are being encouraged to explore parts of their sexuality that, in my opinion, they are simply not ready to explore. Teenage hormones are rampant enough without this new aspect of the struggle. 

As a public school teacher, I could not offer advice or contradiction. All I could do was love them. And that's what I did. I know that for some, the "shock factor" was the main thing, but I never bit. I treated them the same way I treated everybody. For the ones that I was close to, I just loved them - as they were - and prayed that God could use me in some way as a voice of reason if they ever needed it. 

Just as all this was really starting to brew, God whisked me out of the public system and I now work for an online Christian school. It is a safe environment for me and I am so grateful. As for the kids I used to serve? Well, one girl who decided she was a lesbian is now all grown up and living with a boy. I see her often downtown and we always share a hug. I love that kid! I didn't (and don't) judge or condemn her, just accept her as she is, praying that God would bring her through in His good timing. Similarly, another girl who we had to start addressing with male pronouns now has a baby and has gone back to her real name and "she". I thank Jesus that she figured it out before she actually went through surgery or got too embroiled in the hormone therapy she started on. 

Like so much about life and outward appearances, I am glad God knows the heart. I can stand up for what I believe, but I don't have to condemn or point a finger. God is the final judge. It's His job, after all, not mine. My job is simply to LOVE and let God take care of the rest. 

Tracy Krauss
writes, teaches, and loves from her home in northern BC. As former president of InScribe, she is very grateful for the years she has had among such an accepting group. Visit her website: https://tracykrauss.com -fiction on the edge without crossing the line-

June 20, 2022

Follow The Truth and Be Cancelled by Alan Anderson


“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know[a] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”---John 14:6,7 NIV


“You are a king, then!” said Pilate. Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me.”---John 18:37 NIV


A Caveat


As I introduce this post I realize this message may not be agreeable to all who read it. This is fine by me. I am going to go ahead and pull back a layer or two of a matter I grapple with as an ethical and moral dilemma.


The Truth Will Have You Cancelled


“Cancel culture or call-out culture is a contemporary phrase used to refer to a form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person…”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancel_culture


Not many years ago a former friend cancelled me from her life. She disagreed with my view on a particular issue. This issue is one of the many negative narratives our society perpetuates. I happen to not agree with most of these narratives. I do so because they are hostile to our Christian faith.


What is truth? This is a question many people over the years have pondered and attempted to answer. To some people, truth is what they believe about a particular matter or issue, etc. This phenomenon holds to a view of, “my truth.” More and more people these days have decided to embrace a subjective approach to truth. This does not make their “truth,” true.


An example of “my truth.”


In no way do I infringe on the life or self-belief of a man who claims to be a woman. He may view this as his, “truth.” If a man wants to act like a woman and wear women’s underwear or a dress, so be it. On the other hand, I do not have to believe it just because he feels he is a woman. In our contemporary era such a view is worthy of one being cancelled and regarded as no longer worthy of being a friend, or even a family member.


As a writer, I am cautious as to where I share my work. I am not afraid, yet I also do not want to cause unnecessary hard feelings with other people. As a Christian I accept people as best I can, but I do not have to accept their views, their lifestyles, or their truth.



Follow The Truth


In reality, “truth” is not a concept, or an opinion, even one held to by most citizens of a country. Truth is Jesus Christ. People at the time Jesus walked the earth did not grasp this. Pontius Pilate, the governor who handed Jesus over to be crucified missed the mark as to who Jesus is and rejected the Truth.


In this age in which everyone does that which is right in his, or her, own eyes, those who follow the Truth must cling to Him. For the Christian, this is not up for negotiation. Our, friends, enemies, our family, even the world may cancel us, but this changes nothing.


You might walk counter to the culture,

 but it is worth every step.



Alan lives in Deroche, B.C. with his wife, Terry. He contributed stories to Good Grief People by Angel Hope Publishing, 2017; Story by Story: The Power of a Writer, Unstoppable Writers Publishing, 2018; Easter Stories & More by InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship, 2021. Alan periodically writes articles for FellowScript Magazine. He has written posts for our InScribe blog since 2015. Blog: https://scarredjoy.ca.

June 16, 2022

Season of Wrestling by Lorilee Guenter


I have picked up my pen many times to attempt to capture my thoughts. The pen feels heavy in my hand, unfamiliar from lack of use. Excuses rise. I have nothing to say. Except I do have thoughts I have been wrestling with. I read and I write because words matter.

Every story, every life has conflict. Our decisions change us and the world around us. It is my hope and prayer that mine reflect the faith I profess. But I fail. Internal conflict keeps my brain active as I contemplate and wrestle with the issues of today. Can I be sensitive on the hot button topics without compromising my beliefs?

Sarah was introduced as Abraham's sister, a half truth. Daniel continued to pray without fear and ended up sleeping with lions. The disciples struggled to understand what Jesus was teaching them. They all kept going. They all met God in the middle of their circumstances. I know He meets me as well so I attempt to keep going.

My pen still feels heavy and unfamiliar since I have had a season of reading and wrestling instead of writing. However, I still pick it up to sort out the lessons I have learned. I start to write my reflections. Will they lead to stories where the characters wrestle through living their faith or poems and essays? I do not know. The reflections are one more step as I process what God is teaching. In His timing, the pen will once again feel familiar in my hand. The words will come not because of me, but because of Him.

June 15, 2022

Knots and New Life by Carol Harrison

Ethical dilemmas. What quandaries have I faced in my writing and my life that I needed to deal with, to listen to God’s leading in dealing with them, and in being a faithful steward to what God was calling me to do and write? I pondered this question and struggled to discern the direction this post needed to take. After all, I reasoned, I don’t write about ethical dilemmas and haven’t been asked to tackle them, or have I?

I thought back a few decades to a time I hadn’t begun writing. I served on the admissions and review board with an organization not many people knew about yet. The Early Childhood Intervention Program in Saskatchewan hadn’t been in existence very long. It had begun to assist parents and caregivers by providing learning through play and information about available services for their children, up to six-years-old, who had special needs.

I had heard about ECIP through a friend who fostered a child in need of these services. But I never equated it with being available for us with our almost three-year-old daughter, Amee because we weren’t fostering or involved with Social Services. It took her a few months to convince me to apply for the help. Others struggled on their own, trying to find help, and never knew about this program. Even doctors and nurses didn’t understand what the program was all about, how it could be accessed, and why the help and encouragement was desperately needed.

Now as a parent in the program, I had the opportunity to share with others. Yet we faced a dilemma of helping people understand but not being able to share personal stories about clients. A reporter from our local newspaper offered to do a series of columns detailing ECIP. She wrote informative pieces about the beginning of the program, who it was designed to help, what types of things were available through the program, and how to access the services. She had the facts correct, presented them in a very easy to understand manner, and became an ardent supporter for ECIP’s ability to help families and their child with special needs.

But people, including medical professionals, didn’t seem to get it. Misconceptions abounded. She needed a personal story to go with the facts. But confidentiality stood like a wall, blocking that possibility. Or did it?

Confidentially should not be broken but I felt God’s peace. We, as a family, needed to be willing to be the solution so we waived our own confidentiality and shared our experience in the program. The reporter visited our home, met Amee, and listened to us tell her story. We shared how we heard about the program, the help and encouragement we had already received, and plans for further assistance and access to more help. We even invited her to take a photo of Amee, her dad, and myself. It appeared in the newspaper along with the article.

The personal story offered a face to a theoretical description of a new organization and what they did. Years later I began to write Amee’s Story after saying no for years. I had great excuses that sounded like reasons to me. I didn’t have the ability needed to tell the story. It was an ongoing story. But bit by bit, God worked on me using family and friends to get me to realize I needed to obey. The reasons to share her story still existed just like they had years before. Amee wanted it written to help people understand more about a person with special needs, especially one who had relatively invisible disabilities. To do that I face the ethical dilemma of how much of the story to tell. Should I give the bare necessity of facts or delve deeper? God directions came through Amee. She was willing for me to share the good, the bad, and the extremely difficult portions of her life.

Personal experience and story sheds more light and gives valuable perspective, but also sticks with people long after a litany of facts. The result of my obedience to God’s nudge to write the story and share it in a variety of ways has given me peace. But it has also encouraged others and Brian and I have been able to share the book with those God leads us to do so, even when we aren’t sure why. The book tells more of the story than we have time to share in a few minutes.

Only we could choose to listen to God’s leading and break our own confidentiality. Obedience meant being vulnerable but trusting God to use it however He saw fit. Sharing the story in the newspaper decades ago to writing the book has allowed me to tell others that the God of the Bible is still God toady. He answers prayer but the answers might not look like what we expect and He has received the glory. 

The pruning leaves behind a knot yet new life grows and the tree flourishes. So our obedience pruned away fear. God has used the process and the story to help me grow and also encourage others. 


Carol Harrison is passionate about mentoring others to help them find their voice and reach their fullest potential as she shares God's amazing love with them from her home in Saskatoon. Sometimes it means being vulnerable and allowing God to work through the dilemmas.

June 14, 2022

Ethics and the Trailer People by Sharon Heagy

       Okay. Let me be honest. (That’s ethical, isn’t it?) I know we were supposed to write about ethical dilemmas but I am having trouble. The first draft started off in all seriousness trying to define ethics and how ethics for the Christian might differ from ethics for business or society or other individuals depending on their philosophical bent.  About how we need to speak truth to others and hold fast to God’s word, but as we share to remember 1 Peter 3:15 which says to “do this with gentleness and respect.” That’s where it started to go off the rails.

            It went off the rails because my husband and I are a couple obsessed. We have recently become what we refer to as ‘trailer people.’ You may know them as people who travel with truck and trailer across this vast country of ours and hold up traffic. The ones you zoom by on the highway in a burst of speed only to find another truck and trailer dawdling along in front of the one you just passed. Yes, we have become – Dun Dun Duuunn – trailer people.


    We have never had a trailer like this one with such a wide variety of systems and a steep learning curve. It has grey water tanks, black water tanks, propane tanks, 12-volt, 110 volt, 

30-amp hookup, furnace, and air conditioning. Air conditioning for camping? What happened to my days of a tent, a canoe and a backpack? There are all kinds of flushing of lines and switching of switches and hoping we are doing things correctly. (Yes, I do think we’ve rolled up the awning backwards dear.)


    We’ve had to stock it with all kinds of supplies and paraphernalia that other trailer folk tell us we need. And most of it needs to be unbreakable. You think the load shifts in the overhead bunks of an airplane. That’s nothing compared to a trailer cupboard that’s been bounced across the yard from the shop to the house. Open the storage doors and cupboards at your own risk! We are thinking that wearing hard hats and catcher’s mitts may be in order. 

            All this preparation has consumed us. We talk about it, dream about it, fuss about it and debate what we need to do next. We have become hunters and gatherers of pieces to the puzzle of necessary trailer needs. There have been heavy sighs and shaking heads along with triumphant whoops given with great gusto as we have used our God given gray matter to figure out how something works. We have been at this for a couple of months and have yet to go anywhere. Oh, we have a trip planned. Off to see the Yukon and maybe Alaska with dear friends, an amazing adventure that has been long in the planning.

            But I fear the first time we back the trailer into a campground site. Well, when my husband backs the trailer into a site…with me giving directions…. I am praying in advance for peace upon us both.

            There is hope that much fodder will be gleaned for writing from this amazing trek and, all kidding aside, we know that this journey and the truck and trailer are gifts from God. We are but stewards. We pray He will use us along the way as instruments of His love. That there will be opportunities for discussion of, well, ethics, among other spiritual matters. We pray we will “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks [us] to give the reason for [the] hope we have.” (1 Peter 3:15) We surrender the voyage to Him with thanksgiving and pray His presence will be apparent and perhaps tangible every step of the way. Thanks be to God.

June 13, 2022

It's a Matter of Focus by Steph Beth Nickel

This month's suggested topic: Grappling with Ethical Dilemmas

Are you like me? Are you at risk of becoming overwhelmed by the ongoing challenges of COVID-19? The plethora of ugly incidents fueled by prejudice and hate? News of hidden abuse in the church and how victims are revictimized? Young people struggling with their identity? Insensitivity to those dealing with mental health issues?

What should I address? What should I take a stand against? What should I focus on?

On June 7, I posted this in one of my Facebook groups:

We have a choice.

Will we look into the darkness and try to make sense of all the shadowy figures there?


Will we look to the Light? Jesus said He was the Light of the World.

If we choose to focus on the Light, we will catch glimpses of what's going on in the dark...


We won't so easily become distracted, discouraged, and disheartened.

Today, I choose to look to the Light!

I had gotten to the place of wanting to curl up in a ball in the corner and hiding from all the pain and heartache in the world.

And then, as He does, God broke in with a far better idea: Look to the Light!

Does this mean we ignore the ethical dilemmas swirling around us? Does it mean we don't address them privately—and, at times, publicly? Does it mean we don't stand with the hurting?

Of course not.

Consider how Jesus separates the sheep from the goats at the end of time. 

Are we willing to reach out with Hope to the hopeless? With Companionship to the lonely? With Light to those lost in darkness?

Jesus said if we meet the needs of others, it's the same as meeting His needs. Let's dwell on that for a few moments. Wow!

You can't do it all, and neither can I.


I can do the things He calls me to, and so can you.

After all, in 2 Peter 1:3, we read, "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness" (NIV).

He doesn't promise me the wherewithal to face all the tragedy that bombards us each day. But He does promise to give me everything I need to fulfill those good works He has prepared in advance for me to accomplish. (See Ephesians 2:10.)

Today, I will prayerfully look to the Light, rely on His provision, and address the ethical dilemmas and needs He brings across my path.

Will you?

June 10, 2022

Grappling with Ethical Dilemmas- a roller coaster ride-Martina Keast


Before I went to Bible School and Seminary, there was only one way I would answer a potential dilemma. I subconsciously asked, "What is the quickest way for me to address these feelings of inadequacy, fear, and ambivalence?" I had no mind or spine of my own. I also didn't have a voice. I did what I was told, for the most part. I was dependent on others to direct my decisions.

Fear and worry ruled my trauma-based life. This was my routine; I knew no other way of living and doing life.

In 2017, I began working on a book called Evil Lurking: From electric Chair to Kingdom Grace. What journey of wrestling through dilemmas. My characters helped me know what I believe and want to do. What a blessing. God's goodness and grace brought me through this emotional rollercoaster wilderness.

Many people help me along the process. PageMaster Publishing assisted with the editing and publishing of review copies. The writers from Beaumont Writers' Group, Elim Writers Club, friends and supporters who allowed me to interview them. And Milton and Gloria, who offered to be George and Gertrude, two characters of the book, went above and beyond. Check out the YouTube Channel if you like. There is some good information about addressing dilemmas.


Every week, I attend a group called Spirit Life Circles. We check in, listen to a worship song, and then do dialogue journaling. This means we follow the 4 keys to hearing God's voice as taught by Dr. Virkler from Communion with God.

This is the poem I received on May 18, 2022.

Filled my emptiness with Your goodness.

Finding trust, love, and mercy


Filled my emptiness with Your Spirit

Freeing my imprisoned soul.


Filled my emptiness with Your power.

Fueling my creative releases.


Filled my emptiness with Your sustenance

Feeding my inner spirit


Filled my emptiness with movement.

Favouring inner over the outer.


Over the past twenty years since my last suicide attempt, much of my life has changed. 

Making up my own mind is easier--even rewarding--taking responsibility for my own decisions has helped me mature, heal, and creatively express myself. What Joy!

Grappling with ethical dilemmas may be stressful, emotionally painful, and take us on a rollercoaster ride, but it is worth it. 

Have you been on this rollercoaster ride? 


Expressive Art Practitioner, Author, Blogger, Workshop facilitator, Lifelong Student, Mom, Oma,
