October 13, 2021

Interruption or Red Carpet Appointment? by Wendy L. Macdonald


Although the prompt for this month asked us, “How has a ‘divine interruption’ rocked your world?’ I want to share something on a much smaller scale that recently happened to me. I’ve written about a humungous interruption/blessing to my writing life before, but this time I want to address what more and more spouses are experiencing these days due to retirements and work from home requirements.

The incident I’m referring to happened one morning when I had a longer than usual writing to-do list sitting in front of me. It was early morning and I had already downed my coffee and spent a delicious hour with Jesus, His Word, and my journal. It was time for me to open my Word Docs and do the next thing. 

That’s when my husband informed me, he wasn’t feeling well. He said he wasn’t sure if he was coming down with something as he hadn’t slept well. He didn’t want to push himself and potentially risk spreading a virus (We won’t mention which one we were nervous of as I’m sure you’re as sick of that five-letter word as I am.).

Normally I inwardly groan when my writing routine is potentially going to be rerouted. I’m ashamed to admit how selfish I am about my alone time. But I’m also pleased to report that because of someone else’s productive writing time, I had just completed reading a book about the very situation I found myself in.

Instead of looking downcast when he mentioned he was staying home, I rolled out the red carpet and smiled, “Feel free to visit me anytime you want today. I’ll make us lunch and then we can have coffee together afterwards.” 

I gave him a hug and freshened up the bed so it would be extra cozy for him if he needed to go back to sleep.

Wow, the book I read really helped me roll out the red.

With sincere joy I pampered my man and made him feel like a blessing instead of an interruption to my writing life. Amazingly I got through my to-do list with only one thing leftover. And I completed an extra item. (The next day I finished the final thing on the list. It was my latest newsletter that ended up being changed so that I could include this story in it. When you come across inspiration that makes you a better person, it’s not something you want to keep to yourself. There’s nothing better than sharing good news.) 

   After lunch my husband felt pretty much as good as new, so he waited in our vehicle while I mailed some prizes for my latest newsletter giveaway. Then we went to the beach and watched storm waves from the shelter of our car. We laughed so much together all afternoon that my daughter said, “Get married already, would you?” (We celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary on August 19.) 

I’m nosy-to-know about a time you allowed God to turn an interruption into a red carpet appointment.

And in case you’re curious as to which book, I was talking about, here it is: Spouse in the House by Cynthia Ruchti and Becky Melby. Here’s my review of it on GoodReads.  

Red Carpet Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV


  1. I love this story, Wendy! I must admit that I sometimes feel that very dichotomy. I am so very grateful and happy when my husband is home since he is away a lot due to his work. On the other hand, I often have to rearrange my schedule and sometimes it isn't convenient and I even can feel slightly resentful. )Gasp!) i am definitely going to look that book up!!

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. I caught myself forgetting to roll out the red when he asked me a question while I was cooking. Next time I hope to spread the welcome mat no matter what I'm doing. 😂💌
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  2. What a wonderful example for all of us Wendy, whether we have a spouse in the house or not.

    1. Thank you, dear Sandi. Yes, the red carpet is a warm welcome for all. My grandson loves it when I drop what I'm doing and pay close attention to him.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. So sweet. Your heart is precious.

    1. Thank you, dear Shelli, for stopping by. 💞
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 💌

  4. Enjoyed reading your story, Wendy, and how your heart was open to the change in plans. Like Tracy, I'll be looking for Cynthia's book. It sounds like a good read :)

    1. Thank you, dear Susan. I appreciated the humour, honesty, and helpfulness of the book. It didn't shame readers, it came alongside and encouraged us.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  5. Thank you for your sweet message here, Wendy. Wow, you are quite the wife and great lady! I must say, my wife gives me a red carpet treatment every day. Actually, I think the red carpet is a familiar benefit of our marriage these past forty-three years. Your post offers comfort so needed today. I love you and your husband take advantage of even days where one of you may not be feeling well. When the precious windows of relief return they can even be noticed by our grown up children. Okay, here I go getting a little mushy. Your post is one I can snuggle up with and thank God for my marriage to my Terry. Blessings for many more years together Wendy and hubby.

    1. Thank you, Alan. Terry sounds like a woman straight out of Proverbs 31. You are blessed. And she is blessed having an appreciative husband who cherishes her.
      And yes, our children never grow out of noticing what we're up to.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  6. Wendy, I loved this story. I am guilty of resenting interruptions to my writing time. Just before the five letter word you mention hit us, my hubby semi-retired. I love him dearly, but it's been quite an adjustment having him home more. I love the picture you paint of rolling out the red carpet. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, dear Joy, for your honesty. It amazes me how God can turn an interrupt into a triumph when we accept His invitation to embrace the change of plans. The Lord loves us so much.
      Blessings on your weekend,
      🕊️🍁🌻 Wendy Mac


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