October 03, 2021

A Path Interrupted - By Lynn J Simpson

With my faithful blue back pack that carried my camera within, I walked on the familiar path. My plan was to reach the pond on the western side of a provincial park I had visited many times before. However, it was a cool spring that year. Rounding a shaded corner my walk was interrupted by ice capped snow that covered the pathway. I slipped, and was unable to continue walking upright. Stubbornly I crouched, hoping I could crawl myself to my wanted destination. Soon I resigned my plans and turned back, discouraged and saddened that I wouldn't be able to complete the journey I'd set out for myself.

But when I reached my starting point, I kept on, walking an easterly route I had never taken before. Soon I found myself at the edge of a boardwalk. I unzipped my jacket and removed my gloves noticing how the mid-morning sun shined on the wooden slats of the boardwalk and lit the tips of the surrounding cattails. I walked steadily, navigating easily the bends and curves of this newly discovered pathway. I rested on a bench. I quietly watched a pair of Canada geese walk easily on the frozen pond.

If my regular route had not been interrupted by ice, I would not have discovered the place on the other side of the park. Often I can get so caught up in the familiar that I don't see that there might be another way, even a better way, to navigate my places and situations. Sometimes it may take a complete roadblock before I turn to look another way. Then I discover something better than I expected. 

It reminds me too, how the disciples thought Jesus' power would be the path to conquer the Romans. But the path was in the opposite direction, wasn't it? The disciples familiar path to conquer with power and war was interrupted by Jesus' death on the cross. The path to their freedom came in an unexpected but much more better way. The path to freedom came through Jesus' great sacrifice.  

For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver and gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. 1 Peter 2:18-19

Is there a pathway you are turning on to go His Way? Or a familiar path that has been interrupted and you are no longer sure of the way? May you rest in knowing the unexpected path can lead to the unexpected and the better Way....

You can find more of Lynn's writing and photography at Lynn J Simpson.


  1. Thank you, dear Lynn, for the lovely reminder that the detours the Lord leads us to travel are more fruitful than our own plans tend to be.
    This is comforting.
    Wendy Mac 🕊️

    1. I'm glad His words bring you comfort, Wendy!

  2. What a beautiful photograph, Lynn; I assume it is yours. Wow! What a spectacular sight you would have missed had your path not been redirected. Thanks for the reminder that "the unexpected path can lead to the unexpected and better way."

    1. Yes Susan, it is a photograph I took on a cold spring day when I was at Elk Island National Park. I have walked that path many times since that day!

  3. Thank you for this lovely post. It is so true that sometimes, because we're so focused on what we think we want to do, that we miss soemehing more profound...

  4. Such an impactful reminder, Lynn, to be open to a different way. We get so set on going our own way most of the time, but God's way is always worth the change in direction. My favorite lines:
    "Sometimes it may take a complete roadblock before I turn to look another way. Then I discover something better than I expected."

  5. So true, Lynn. I love that photo you took. In my younger days, I took plenty of nature photos. Mill Creek and the North Saskatchewan river valley were my favourite nature places to visit while I lived in Edmonton. I have albums full of scenes from that time.

  6. Thanks for sharing how a detour became more meaningful to you, Lynn. I loved your blessing to us: "May you rest in knowing the unexpected path can lead to the unexpected and the better Way...."


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