October 15, 2021

The End of an Era - by Tracy Krauss

This month's theme got me thinking about a lot of defining moments in my life. Of course, we could all list things like marriage, deaths in the family, having children... These are huge moments that shift our world. So too, I've had shifts in my 'identity', often associated with my primary work - teacher, minister's wife (I didn't see that one coming!), homeschooling mother... Then there are some really big moments attached to physical circumstances: a heart attack, open-heart surgery, being blind for a time... There seemed to be so many defining moments that I had trouble choosing which direction I should go for this post.

So, I decided to go with the most recent. (Forgive me if it sounds similar to the latest post on my personal blog or my most recent newsletter.)

At the beginning of this month, I stepped away from something that has been a very integral and important part of my life for the past several years. I'm talking about being on the InScribe executive. I didn't make the decision lightly. I have been a member for over a decade. I got involved early, volunteering behind the scenes in various capacities until I found myself on the executive, first as VP and then as President for the past three years. (Since the fall of 2018.)

During that time, I made genuine friendships and connections that I know will last a lifetime. It was wonderful (and eye-opening) to be part of the inner workings of such a group. However, my ongoing health issues made me realize that something had to give, and I knew it was time to let go.

After this year's Fall Conference and AGM I felt relieved. Being president of such an amazing organization was a great honour and I grew as a person and writer. However, it was a ton of work, too. Your executive give and give and give again of themselves in so many ways that most members never see. So yes, I did breathe a sigh of relief. Still, I also felt an initial emptiness that surprised me.

Working behind the scenes with InScribe has been such a big part of my life these past several years. It has taken a lot of my attention, time, and energy. I am looking forward to the extra time I will have to focus on other aspects of my life. It is necessary for my health, and I also believe it is in God's perfect timing. But I realize that stepping away from my involvement at the executive level is a loss. It's another layer of my 'identity' that I am leaving behind, so it's natural that I may feel a bit empty or melancholy for a time...

And that's okay.

To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)

May God continue to bless each of you and may He guide our new executive in the coming year!

Tracy Krauss
is past president of InScribe, but continues to write and work from her home in northern BC. Visit her website for more: fiction on the edge without crossing the line. https://tracykrauss.com


  1. Thank you, dear Tracy, for all that you've done and continue to do for Christian Canadian writers. I for one appreciate the wonderful way you teach us to show up and shine God's Light through the words He's inspired us to write.
    Recently, I haven't been needed to take my grandson out to the park during midweek since he's started fulltime preschool. It's left an empty space in my week (and heart). But the change "happened" to coincide with the beginning of my partnership with an agent to complete a writing project. God knew. But it's still an adjustment. It's also a relief since little guy didn't ever want a daytrip to end. It's tricky business trying to convince a preschooler to go home when they want to keep hanging out with you.
    God is good to comfort us. Your words made me feel less alone. (Oh my, now I enjoy my weekend Grammie-time more than ever.) You probably enjoy your time with InScribe even more now too.
    Hugs & blessings ~ Wendy Mac

    1. That's a great comparison, Wendy. Perhaps my most profound identity crisis came when I retired from teaching public school. My identity as the 'Drama teacher' for twenty years was such a big part of who I was. It taught me to remember that my only true identity is in Christ.

  2. You're a wonderful lady, Tracy. May God bless you with many happy decades and the occasional groaner from me.

    1. Keep the groaners coming Bruce! Much appreciated!

  3. Thank you Tracy for all you’ve done for InScribe! Though you’re not the president anymore, to me you will always be a shoe-lover (love your style!) dynamic writer (love ALL your novels) and an optimistic, hope-filled gal.. Take your time and go around and around on the rug before you settle in to your new role. Maybe for now it’s a cat-nap. ❤️🙏

    1. Haha! I love that picture Pam!! (And thanks for the compliment! I do love my shoes...)

  4. Thank you for your leadership over the years, Tracy. We appreciate you and all those who give and give again to support the growth and development of Inscribe members. You have definitely earned your rest and your health comes first! May God bless you in this next stage of your journey.

    1. Thank you Susan. I am sad that we never met in person but maybe someday!

    2. I hope so, Tracy! As one of my friends is fond of saying, "Here, there, or in the air!"

  5. Thank you, Tracy. We will miss you so much!

  6. Thanks for all you've done for InScribe, Tracy. Your leadership, skills in many areas, enthusiasm, determination and love for the Lord will be missed. God bless you in this next phase of your life and God's calling.

    (PS Don't disappear from us altogether! I hope you continue writing for our blog!)


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