October 13, 2020

Speak Up for the Voiceless by Wendy L Macdonald


      I’ve tried to avoid dying on the hill of any hot button issue—except for one. This issue was fairly easy for me to write about since I did it from a safe distance. I donated to the cause and posted about it on my blog. Then one day everything changed: I needed to put feet to what I believed. 

A poignant text arrived while I was sitting cozy in my antique rocking chair that's covered by the same lambskin I used to line the stroller and snow sled for each of my beloved babies. The message included an ultrasound image of an unplanned baby whose dad happened to be my then nineteen-year-old son. 

Without going into the details of how and why, my life took a big turn in a direction I had secretly hoped wouldn’t ever happen to me; I ended up helping raise my grandchild for his first many months of life. A. Lot. I helped deeper and wider than I anticipated. I put feet to my prolife belief.

I still help out regularly. But now it’s at a normal pace that doesn’t wear me out and doesn’t leave me with barely any time for my creative life. I don’t regret those early months of putting little guy ahead of everything else. I learned a lot. I was blessed a lot. And the bond between my grandson and I is rock solid. I adore him. (I even used the lambskin I mentioned to line his stroller.)

The sacrifice of love God asked of me has given me a greater boldness in writing about the hot button issue of abortion. I can write regarding prolife because God made sure I walked the talk. When I was told I was going to be a grandmother sooner than any of us expected, I didn’t flinch—I supported my son in his decision to say yes to life. I spoke affirming words that backed up what I believed. I knew God would help all of us. And trust me, we needed His help because some aspects of the situation were so challenging that even a professional who became involved commented we’d have to go pretty far to come across a situation as strange as ours was.

Yes, I know how complicated unplanned journeys can be. I got a closeup glimpse of why some grandparents and parents possibly-to-be might say no to life. I saw the dark side of saying yes. I saw some things that went horribly wrong.

But we didn’t walk alone. God, in His mercy, brought people in the know alongside so we knew we weren’t alone—so our hurting hearts were cushioned by the lambskin of His love.

No matter what hot button issue God calls us to write about and get involved in, we’re going to face fire at some point. The hotter the issue, the more likely we’ll get burnt. But I’d rather be one of the ones who suffers a little bit here than one of those who causes a little one to suffer. God’s got this. Each life. Each loss.       

  Our job as Christ’s followers, and as His inspirational writers, is to trust, obey, and write God’s way: truthfully in love. There’s no fear of regret when we walk and write in love.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Proverbs 31:8 NIV

Right to life blessings ~ Wendy Mac 

P.S. I'm nosy-to-know if you've ever put feet to your prolife belief and helped an unwed parent in your church family? It's rarer than you think. But the parent and his/her family will remember you forever as a person of true faith because you loved and didn't judge.    


  1. "I needed to put feet to what I believed." This hit me right in my centre core today. We started a ministry at our church for single mom's although it has not been running for a couple of years now. It is so true that we are going to 'face fire' about what God calls us to care about. May we stay grounded in the living water to not let the flames overwhelm us!

    1. Amen, dear Lynn. Yes, "may we stay grounded" in Christ.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🌻

  2. Thank you for this post Wendy. God often calls us to 'put our money where our mouth is" so to speak. What a privilege to be part of raising your grandson.

    1. Last night when my husband and I prayed at bedtime, he said to God, "Thank you for the gift of our grandson." Yes, "God often calls us to 'put our money where our mouth is'..." And whatever God does is good--it's a gift.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. May God bless you for embracing the new life in your family, Wendy, as unexpected and stressful as it was. So many things in life hit us broadside, yet when we err on the side of grace, God honors our efforts with His own grace. I love the line "so our hurting hearts were cushioned by the lambskin of His love". May the Lamb of God continue to bring healing and cushioning as you speak into the life of your grandson.

    1. Thank you, dear Valerie.
      This weekend my grandson's dad and I spoke of how good this whole experience has been for our family. Yes, there was a lot of pain and tears, but we adore little guy. He made us all grow up more and he makes us see and enjoy life through the eyes of a child. That's a gift I treasure nearly as much as his butterfly kisses & hugs.
      God is good. Always.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac xo

  4. I'm glad you said "yes" to life. It would have been so convenient to refuse. People make stupid mistakes but it's unjust for pre-born children to be executed just for being a consequence.

    By the way, I "socked" it to the poor once. I donated a big shopping bag of winter socks to the Salvation Army one December.

    1. Thank you for making me smile, Bruce. Cozy socks are not only a gift for ones feet, the giving of them is a blessing for each soul.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  5. You have earned the right to write about pro-life! I’m thankful for people like you who put feet to their faith. I love helping my immigrant students with their babies and have prayed a few students through high-risk pregnancies. I feel like a grandma when they are born! It’s such a joy to be a part of their lives as they grow up.

    1. You are a gift to both the young mothers and their babies. Pregnancy is the most vulnerable time for a woman.I'm sure you will be remembered by them for the rest of their lives.
      Thank you.
      Blessings - Wendy Mac 🕊️

  6. "I saw the dark side of saying yes." That's so true when you step out in faith and put others before yourself. Yes, I have helped an unwed parent and it was both a beautiful and frustrating experience. You see their anguish and feel it too but you can't take it away, you can only be that person that's willing to walk on the dark side with them.

    1. I couldn't agree more, dear Vickie, that we "can only be that person that's willing to walk on the dark side with them." The Serenity Prayer has passed over my lips so many times over the last few years. So many.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  7. Thanks for sharing your heart on a hot button issue that deeply affected you, Wendy. My takeaway came from these words, "The sacrifice of love God asked of me has given me a greater boldness in writing about the hot button issue of abortion. I can write regarding prolife because God made sure I walked the talk." It's a good reminder that God asks us to "walk our talk" in order to be a comfort and help to others. But he first ministers to our own hurting hearts, as you wrote so beautifully, "cushioned by the lambskin of His love." God bless you for welcoming this little one into your home and heart.


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