October 27, 2021

In the Middle by Lorilee Guenter


Some interruptions seem like a nuisance in a well planned day.  The phone rings and the day changes.  At the end of the day it is possible to see God had something better in mind.

Other interruptions are long lasting.  Some days they appear to have no end.  In the middle everything feels like it is falling apart.

In the middle:

focus fades,

words falter,

questions abound,

and distractions grow like weeds.

In a recent discussion I heard myself say, "without challenge, where is faith." Our faith is not dependant on challenge but it is tested in challenge.  It is evidenced as we continue to cling to God and His promises in spite of our surroundings.

Faith shows itself when we trust that if God is leading us over a mountain, He will guide us and strengthen us.  It shows itself when we walk with Him through the valleys with long shadows.  We trust He won't leave us in the shadow, that He will guide us to places of rest and refreshment.

In the middle faith exists but the difficulties remain.  Looking back we can see the pitfalls that were avoided. However when the shadows are deep we cannot see.  We must trust knowing that we will reach the other side.  Then we will see the path God led us on and maybe even why.  We will be stronger and our faith will be deeper.

I am in the middle of a long interruption.  My focus fades and my words falter.  But God is here.  Some days He gives me rest.  Some days I catch a glimpse of what He is showing me.  I grab my pen and try to capture it.  That glimpse is a reminder that even when I can not see, God can.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lorilee, thank you for sharing these wise and inspiring words from the "middle of a long interruption." May your faith continue to grow deeper than the shadows.
    Yes, when we look back we always see His hand held back much more than He allowed to pass through them. He loves us too much not to be involved with every detail of our lives.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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