January 01, 2021

How Is InScribe Inspiring You? By Sandi Somers

We begin this year reflecting on InScribe purpose and our place in the organization.

Our purpose is to minister to Canadian Christian writers by stimulating, supporting, and encouraging them in the advancement of their writing so they can effectively minister to others, promote Christianity, and contribute to the public’s appreciation of the arts.

 (Note: I’m dedicating this post to our InScribe members who have recently finished their life journeys, and who contributed much to our organization: Bryan Norford, Elaine Hogg, Patricia Elford, and Bobbi Junior) 

My early connections with InScribe were stop-and-go. I joined in the early 2000’s, but for some reason which I can’t recall, I let my membership lapse. When I rejoined in 2011, I knew only one InScribe member—Janet Seever—and had few other connections with writers. 

In that year’s Fall Conference, I sensed the Spirit’s powerful presence like the fragrance of fresh flowers after rain. Our main speaker, Grace Fox, shared her writing journey and how God assured her: "I will accomplish what concerns you." That conference, along with the small-group workshops, became the standard of excellence for me.

The idea of entering writing contests challenged me. So the next year I wrote a devotional and major essay to the theme. (My topic was, “Co-creators with God”.) What a surprise to win first place in the major essay!

Jack Popjes, our president at that time, invited members to volunteer in a number of ways. I was interested in becoming the secretary, and was asked to assume this position in 2012. My three years gave me insight into the visions for InScribe of our president, Ruth Snyder, and other leaders. For me it was the best way to give back to the community.

A key turning point in my InScribe involvement came in early 2014. At executive meetings, we took turns opening our meetings with a devotional. Brenda Leyland, who moderated our InScribe Writers Online (or IWO, as I call it privately), must have enjoyed my devotionals, because she asked me to be the lead writer, introducing the theme on the first of the month. This, more than anything, has called on me to develop my skills, to pray God’s guidance to present viable and spirit-expanding introductions on a particular theme. I’ve met and value you, our writers, as you share your depth of faith and writing skills. I’m grateful to Brenda and Tracy Krauss for moderating and encouraging us. Thank you, everyone!!

I was interested in leading a local writing group. After beginning one and then dropping it, I felt God asking me to begin again. Here I needed God’s strength to lead and encourage other writers towards excellence. During this last year of Covid, we’ve connected via Zoom. While it helps us connect more easily, we miss the in-person connections and comradeship during our coffee breaks.

InScribe has ministered to me through others’ prayers. In addition, one of the most important ways I can encourage our writers is to pray for them.

This year God is ready to greatly enlarge InScribe’s ministry, stretching our vision and potential. He’s inviting us to embrace opportunities of encouraging others, reaching others with the Gospel of Christ, and glorifying God. In doing so, God will accomplish more than we ask or think.

Rejoice and be glad, because the LORD will do great things.

~Joel 2:21~

Let your eyes look straight ahead…

Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.

~Proverbs 4:25-26~

Image by Medium.com

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Now over to you.

In what ways is InScribe an inspiration to you?

Think also in terms of the future. How is God prompting you to be an inspiration to others?

How can you glorify God in your involvement with InScribe?

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LINKS: This post was partially inspired by the following writers:

 Tracy Krauss invited us to be a greater part of InScribe's ministry teams.   

Read how Marnie Pohlmann met different InScribe members and the influence they’ve had on her.  

Some of Sheila Webster's most cherished friends have come from the Inscribe family, sharing similar trials and questions.  


  1. I must admit that I'm feeling VERY burned out. It's a struggle to write and I'm just going through the motions of promoting my work. All I want to do is rest. When I reach retirement age in November, I'll put writing aside and enjoy what God has provided me.

    1. May God bless you as you persevere this year, Bruce. Take little breaks now and then to restore you.

  2. Inscribe has been such an integral part of my writing life for the past ten years, I can't even count the ways! (I'll try to narrow it down for my own post!) I appreciated rereading the links you sent, too - especially Marnie's and Sheila's.

    1. Yes, Tracy, you have a lot of experience to choose from. You've been a great inspiration to all of us at InScribe--in many ways! Thanks for your regular encouragement of my posts!

  3. I love your quote here, Sandi, and your vision for InScribe.: “He’s inviting us to embrace opportunities of encouraging others, reaching others with the Gospel of Christ, and glorifying God.” It’s people like you, Sandi, that make me so thankful to be a part of such a God-seeking, God-honouring group of writers.
    Pam M.

    1. Thank you, Pam! You, too, have been part of my inspiration at InScribe, with your vivid writing and desire to honour God in all things.

  4. I hadn't known of all the roles you have been involved in, Sandi! Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do!

    1. Yes, Lynn, when it comes down to it, we all have contributed to InScribe in various ways. I look forward to your post!

  5. Thanks, Sandi, for your continual encouragement and your faithful service to the writers of Inscribe. You give us courage.

    1. Giving others courage--hmm. Thanks for your tribute. I never thought I was doing that. Sometimes I needed God's courage to write my monthly IWO posts.


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