January 15, 2021

InScribe - So Much More than Words by Tracy Krauss

What has InScribe meant to me? I can hardly put it into words!

In my decade or so as a member, I've gained so much I don't know where to start. I could mention the learning and growth as a writer. I've gained so much practical knowledge from Fall Conference, WorDshops, FellowScript magazine and blog posts. I've been inspired and encouraged in my writing journey. My circle of contacts and influence has increased exponentially. I could go on and on about the many ways InScribe has elevated and influenced my life as a writer. 

BUT... by far the most important things I've gained are the deep relationships I've developed with other members. For me, it's all about the people. I count many of you as dear friends. Truly, you are precious comrades - and that was not something I was expecting when I joined!

I came across InScribe totally by accident back in 2010. My first book had been published in 2009 but I was as green as a newbie author could be. I had zero notion about platforms and marketing and quite frankly, felt very alone. I had never been to a writers' conference, hadn't read any books about marketing and basically knew nothing. I didn't even have any social media accounts until my publisher told me I needed to get online and promote myself. 

What? Who knew? Not me! So gradually... painfully... I started to blog, signed up for several Social Media accounts, and started surfing the web for forums and sites where I could start making my presence known. 

I came across a collective blog of international writers and found a Canadian writer there. Marcia Laycock wrote beautifully and I felt a connection to her words, not only because she was a Christian, but because she mentioned living in the Yukon, where I had lived for eight years. In her bio it mentioned InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship and... the rest is history, I guess.

I can't express the excitement I felt when I found out there was actually an organization for Canadian Christian writers! I joined almost immediately and went to my first conference in Edmonton that fall. Marcia was the president at the time and Sigmund Brower was the guest speaker. Rudy Wiebe spoke at the banquet. I was awestruck, I admit! Yet, everyone seemed so normal... so friendly... so willing to accept me into the fold.

I ended up volunteering a couple of years later, first as the Writing Groups Coordinator and then as this blog's moderator. It went from there to Fall Conference committees to a regular seat on the executive as VP to the president. I think it is through this involvement in the 'inner circle' that my relationships have really grown and solidified into the dear friendships I feel today. The women (and a few men!) I've had the privilege to work and laugh and cry with over this decade are what make InScribe so dear to me. I am so grateful for all that each one has poured into my life. I just hope I've been able to give back, even just a little.

What's the moral of this story? 

First, when we say InScribe is first and foremost a ministry, I believe it with all my heart. That's our mandate. Beyond education and other practical opportunities, we are here to connect, encourage, and inspire our members. That's ministry. 

Second, the best way to deepen those connections is to get involved. I have found that serving others often has as much or more benefit to me, as the giver. It's where I met and got to love so many of you. So, why not get involved? Not only do we need you, you just might need us, too!

Tracy Krauss
writes from her home in Tumbler Ridge, BC. She is finishing out her term as InScribe's President and looks forward to seeing who else God will call into the inner working of the organization. Visit her website: tracykrauss.com  -fiction on the edge without crossing the line- 


  1. Hi Tracy! Thank you for this glimpse at your history and love for InScribe. You are the person who gave me my start as a blogger. Now I am coming up to my sixth year with our Blog. This also gave me a start with the confidence to send my words into the world. Love and blessings to you, my friend.

    1. I remember! It's when we've received and then give back in return that the whole cycle starts again. It has been wonderful getting to know you, Alan. Your voice has such a resounding and authentic ring to it and it is what we need.

  2. What a beautiful story of how your relationship with InScribe and us has grown. You've clearly shown how your involvement has grown from one attending a conference to now being the President. I met you at my second FC when we were billeted in a beautiful acreage community. God bless you as you continue your journey with us.

    1. Oh yes! That was my second conference in 2012 (I missed 2011) and our hosts were so friendly and gracious!

    2. That's also the year I met Bobbi Junior.

  3. Connect, encourage and inspire! Yes, those are context words of Inscribe. I am glad to have gotten to know you through social platforms and virtual meetings Tracy! Your list of publications is also inspiring.

    1. Thanks Lynn. I feel as if we are just getting to know one another better this past year as you have been on committees and now the exec board. See what I mean about deepening our connections?!

  4. Thanks, Tracy, for telling us how you came to InScribe. Sadly, I can't remember how I got involved. Even so, I feel like I belong with this group of warm-hearted writers.

    1. I remember your name and your encouraging posts ever since I joined, Bruce.

  5. Tracy, in so many ways I think of Inscribe Writers as you. So good to see your 10 year journey from discovery, to engagement, to friendships, to volunteering, to leadership. That path is being replicated in many writers new to Inscribe today.

  6. It’s so true that InScribe is a ministry. I am thankful for the encouragement and prayer I’ve received from many members, and like you said it’s also an opportunity to grow as we serve. It’s all about the people, and you are one that really models both faith and excellence in writing. Thankful for you Tracy!

  7. Wonderful story Tracy - I like the part about Inscribe being a MINISTRY - lots of places to find 'other stuff' but having a place and people to connect with as Christian writers who support with no strings attached - so nice! Your story is a shining example of how to enter in. Thanks!


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