January 21, 2021

January 2021 Reflections - Denise Falk

It's January 2021.  It's the year … well, ‘after’. The year after the whole world stopped. 2020 was the year of isolation, of social distancing, of canceled plans, vacations, weddings and all other usual and normal activities of human life. It was the year many lost businesses, jobs, savings, investments and loved ones. One tiny virus brought our mighty world to its knees. Despite our big technologies, our vast infrastructure networks, satellites, GPS, and bitcoin, the Lord allowed a virus to remind us that we were not in control. Never before in modern history has anything impacted us on the global scale that CO-VID 19 has, and it's not over. 

You and I are here at this time together because we are family, unified by the blood of Jesus Christ, gathered around shared talents, skills and interests. In the past year, I have seen this group successfully face this storm together. This coming year, over any other time behind us, we will need each other even greater still. 

Inscribe represents another family for me, and you are needed. I need you. We all need each other in a way we never imagined we would have before 2020. This year we have to be clear and intentional in our commitments and how we spend our time. We are choosing to be Inscribe members, and to be in this family for the purpose of sharing, practicing and growing our writing talents, so that we can stand as one and be a light in this dark time, using those talents as a lighthouse of our Saviour’s love to a hurting world. 

The door is currently open, and a waiting world is looking for answers, for connection, for peace. But the door is starting to close, we can see restrictions on religious expression tightening and freedom of speech being rapidly redefined. We are in a new era of ‘cancel culture’ so we must act quickly. We must keep on writing and asking that the Lord bless and use our writing to reach others because even in these times of shut down, of physical, social, commerce and speech restrictions, the body of Christ is continuing to grow! 

Now is our time brothers and sisters!  Without delay, let's bind together, seek Jesus’ face, and stand strong in our faith. Let’s get our pens on paper and our fingers on the keyboard. This is the time to use the talents God has blessed us with, for his purpose, and his glory. So, let's see to each other’s best, and make it our continued mission to serve each other like no other time in history.   

There is a foundation of love being expressed for each other in Inscribe, for we are family, united in our faith in Jesus. And as the Apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 13:13, three things remain for all of eternity, that of faith, hope and love. And there is nothing of higher value than love. And there is nothing in the entire universe, including a virus, that can separate us from that love (Romans 8:31-39). 

I am looking forward to learning how to serve you this year. 

Denise Falk is a new writer on this blog. Welcome Denise!


  1. thanks for this thought provoking post, Denise and welcome to the IWO roster!

  2. Thank you so much for this challenge, Denise. It's easy to get sleepy and lazy in these days of isolation. But you are right. - now is the time to reach out!

  3. Welcome to our blog, Denise! Yes, God has given us opportunities during our isolation to write and encourage each other. Thanks for giving us a further reminder that we are not separated from God's love.

  4. Thanks for your reflections, Denise, and welcome to InScribe Writers Online. As you give encouragement to blog readers, may you find encouragement and support in InScribe’s Fellowship. God bless you.


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