October 08, 2020

Stand Firm In His Teachings by Vickie Stam

My father is a French-Canadian and my mother was a First Nations Mohawk. The Oka Crisis in Ontario in 1990 brought something to their home that I had never witnessed growing up - a house divided by a particular people. 
Oka - cbc.ca

I was raised without a cultural divide. There were no face-offs; no boundaries that separated us from other people. I was free to build a relationship with everyone. Marry the person I love. Love being the operative word - not ruled by physical or social qualities. 

The Oka land dispute between the Mohawk people and the town of Quebec was the first well publicized violent conflict between First Nations and the Canadian government. It also became the first cultural battle my parents faced inside their home. Freedom of speech was no longer invited. Opinions were met with retaliation and anger. Silence almost always followed. Thankfully, their marriage survived that war.

Why do we take sides during a dispute? -- People sometimes have a habit of getting involved in disputes that don't directly involve them.

Are we driven by the media? -- The number of people affected by a story makes us feel that it's important. 

Are we hypervigilant about the issues regarding this world? -- Human interest stories get our attention. But we must do our homework.

Do we join forces with people we shouldn't? -- Beware of Satan's presence. 

What impacts our decision to take a stand? -- The tendency during any crisis is to become all consumed by it. Make sure you recognize God's voice in it.

We must remind ourselves that the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of this world. While our nation is under attack in so many ways right now, we as Christian's need to be careful how we react. 

It pains me when I see a Christian organization splitting hairs over the mere mention of 'God' because it might offend someone. More often than not, we fear saying the wrong thing or making an inappropriate comment. We need to proclaim God's word without fear or shame. 

In this world of chaos I just like spending time writing letters to encourage people who suffer from depression as well as writing letters to our sponsor child through Compassion Canada. I enjoy cooking meals with a community of believers who put their love for Jesus into action by sharing what we have with people in need. I want to help wherever I can.

I want to make wise decisions in the middle of a strong and violent change.  

I want Jesus presence to not be silenced.  

I want to be a light in the world, standing firm in His teachings and doing something good.  


  1. Your post really resonates during this time. It is easy for people to become polarized; to take 'sides' on issues that really don't have much to do with Jesus' directive to love God and love others. Thank you for your frank discussion.

  2. Thanks for that interesting post. It's always good to get perspectives from the other side of a story. I also agree we need to do our homework. There have been many hoaxes which people fell for because they wanted them to be true. Instead of asking questions, people way in and keep the fires of outrage burning. We also must be bold when teaching about spiritual subjects.

    1. Thanks Bruce. I agree, there are a lot 'hoaxes' out there and sadly people fall victim to them.

  3. Hi Vickie! I always look forward to your post wisdom. Here is what I take away from your message. The world acts according to its nature. We as Christians are to act as Christ-like ones. I guess it would be easy for us to remember whose we are if we did not restrain ourselves. Thank you, my friend.

  4. I love your post and how you are focusing on the simple things like writing letters to encourage people and helping provide food for people in need. These simple gestures show so much love and I think that’s exactly what our confused and deceived world needs right now. Love this!

  5. Thanks for sharing such practical advice, Vicky. I agree that making wise decisions in how to get involved, sharing with those in need, making Jesus known, and being the light of the world are our priorities.

  6. Thank you for writing with wisdom, experience, truth, and compassion, Vikie. Your title, Stand Firm in His Teachings affirms what you are saying and doing. I think of Jesus’ kindness and respect for the Samaritan woman at the well or his acceptance of the woman who washed Jesus feet in expensive perfume and dried it with her hair. Thank you for sharing how you are putting Christ’s teachings into actions by writing letters of encouragement and preparing food for those in need . Ma God bless you in your writing and in your actions.


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