August 15, 2020

Pushy (and Pull-y) Lessons from a Tent - Mid-Month Moment with Connie Inglis

Our regular "Mid-Month Moment" from the archives of Connie Inglis:

This past week my hubby Doug and I went on our annual camping trip with my sister and her hubby. There's always so much of God on these trips, being out in nature and enjoying His creation, but this year, I took away something new.

We were taking down our dome tent, sliding the first tent pole out of the tent flap. Doug was moving it through the sleeve, trying to prevent the pole's connecting pieces from snagging inside the narrow tunnel of fabric. I was holding the pole as it came out, leading it along. Or rather, I was supposed to just be leading it along... Instead, I was pulling on the pole, trying to force it out at my pace. The result? The pole segments separated in multiple places, including inside the sleeve, which just meant stopping, reattaching the segments, and in the end, it took more time than if I would have patiently just guided it along. Needless to say, when we passed the second tent pole through its sleeve, I simply led it along as Doug fed it through. The result? No problems and no frustration.

Immediately the thought came to me: What a beautiful picture of the Trinity working in my life. Before I met Jesus, my life was just segments of a tent pole, separated by sin. But then, because of His sacrifice, Jesus made me whole, connecting me, making me pure and blameless before a holy God. (Colossians 2:10)

But becoming a Christian didn't mean that suddenly I no longer sinned - or that I didn't have bad habits or hidden thoughts or ideas that didn't need correction and guidance. That's where the work of the Holy Spirit comes in. Yes, He assures us of our salvation (Rom. 8:15,16) but He also convicts us of our sin. (Rom. 8:5-9).

Thankfully, (and not like me with the tent pole) when we become Christians, the promised Holy Spirit arrives as a gentle counsellor and guide. 

John 16:13 (NIV) says, "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come." 

We know that the Holy Spirit reveals the sin in our lives to us. However, He will not force His way on us until we are ready and willing to listen. Like with the tent pole, we need to want to get through the sleeve of fabric and get un-stuck from our own sin and get out of the dark tunnel we find ourselves in. We need to be willing to cry out, "Abba, Father."

Because of Jesus, the Holy Spirit knows we are frail human beings. He convicts, yes, but He isn't pushy (or should I say pull-y). His words convict but they aren't meant to condemn (Rom. 8:1). They aren't meant to kill us or destroy us as is the case with Satan. Rather they are given out of love and are meant to bring us freedom and peace. They are meant to lead us forward so that we can move on and truly live abundant lives. 

John 10:10 (AMP) says: "The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows]."

My prayer for us this week is that we live repentant lives - always listening for the Spirit's guidance, not afraid of His gentle conviction, but always desiring spiritual growth. And then may we be willing to ask for His help and His guidance to free us and make us more and more whole. May we desire to live the abundant life that He promises us when we walk in His ways.

Listening together,

July 12, 2017


  1. I get so much out of your devotionals, Connie.

  2. Live angry learn, right Connie? I feel sad when people continually bring up past mistakes as if that will fix them. I should ask such complainers to get in their time machine and tell me before I made the mistake not to do it.


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