August 07, 2020

Perspective by Pamela Mytroen


I stepped over the edge
slipped on fear-pebbles.
They bounced and tumbled 
into the yawning canyon
plip-plopping into the river

I soared
on the warm updraft of confidence

until I squinted down
and crashed 
on rocks of doubt

I limp in the valley
of shame
surrounded by 
heckling coyotes
laughing hyenas
wishing I could 
crawl back to my nest
and hide

though gangly,
 my feet and feathers
are much too big now
my nest is too narrow

I look up
A new precipice invites me
beneath a witness of stars

I'm climbing now.
I will ascend until I taste
the pure air of perspective 
I will consider the white clouds I floated on
the blue sky I dove through
the fading jet-trail I wrote 
in big gauzy letters 
of faith
Will I step over the edge 
and fly again?
I'm surprised I even tried

I never knew I had wings


I just need 
more practice



  1. I am smiling with appreciation for your poem, Pam. I find it relevant to my life’s situations and my changing, and, hopefully, clarifying perspective. Thank you.

  2. I love this, Pam. Beautiful.

  3. What a beautiful poem, Pam! It spoke into my situation oflearning to fly like an eagle, "soaring in the updrafts of confidence", but sometimes taking my eyes off God's perspective and crashing "on rocks of doubt". And yes, sometimes the best solution is to simply do the next thing and keep on practising.

  4. Thank you for your poem, Pam, and how it speaks to me. I too have heard the coyotes and hyenas. Step over the edge, my friend, and fly. No, soar like an eagle. No one messes with an eagle. :)

  5. I felt the dizzying headiness upon reading your poem, Pam. Wonderful!

  6. Yup. You got it. :-) I hadn't read any of your poetry before. Maybe i could read some more????

  7. Addy Oberlin1:48 pm GMT-7

    What a beautiful poem. I’m just dreaming along with you. Thank you for sharing.


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