August 17, 2020

Dreams Unleashed by Lynn Dove

When I published my first book, Shoot the Wounded in 2009, I thought I had finally “arrived” as a published author.  Determined to make my young adult book into a series, I was thrilled to publish Heal the Wounded followed by Love the Wounded to complete the trilogy. Each book won some awards and accolades, and I was thankful for good reviews, but now as I notice the dust is starting to gather on the covers, I wonder if I should be thinking about writing another book. To be honest, I’m not overly  enthusiastic about the prospect. 

Over the last ten years, I have concentrated on writing short articles, publishing in several anthologies including the Chicken Soup for the Soul books. I enjoy writing article pieces, and my blog, Journey Thoughts, has showcased my article writing as well as grow a reading audience through social media. As I have stated before, my blog allows me a writing ministry of encouraging fellow believers in their faith walks. For now, I believe God wants me to continue with my blogging ministry and put my time and effort into it rather than write another novel. 

So how can my writing dreams become unleashed if I am currently satisfied with the status quo, you might ask?  

As a writer, I am always looking for ways to hone my craft. I look for excellence in my writing. That is one reason I enjoy participating in writing groups, and socializing online with other Christian writers. InScribers and Word Guild members are so encouraging!  

I am looking for new ways to reach a larger readership for my blog. If I have a dream for my blog, it is to have one million active followers!  I have a good online presence but it could be better. I have thought about starting a YouTube channel or start a podcast, but I will admit I am extremely intimidated by speaking in front of an audience. I’m a writer, not a speaker!  Still, this may be a way to expand my ministry. 

I am in a transitional season in my writing career, I think. There are opportunities ahead, but I am content to stay where I am until God impresses upon me to move forward.  

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9 

Lynn Dove is the award-winning author, of the YA “
Wounded Trilogy”- a contemporary Christian fiction series with coming-of-age themes.  A wife, mom, grandmother, and free-lance writer with articles published in several magazines and anthologies including Chicken Soup for the Soul books, her blog, “Journey Thoughts” is a Canadian Christian Writing Award winner.  Readers may connect with her on FacebookTwitter, and at   


  1. I find your story very fascinating, Lynn. It speaks of listening to God's prompt, not doing something because it seems logical or expected. You obeyed by writing the Wounded trilogy and it has been used to help many people. Now you are doing the same through your blog. So really, you are on the same trajectory - encouraging and helping others through difficult times! The Lord knows you have been through so much yourself with your health, but he's been using it for His purposes. That's an incredible testimony!

  2. As usual, Tracy, you encourage me with your words! Thanks for confirming my call at this time!

  3. Contentment is a good thing, and rarely observed in today’s world. If you are content with where you are, while still growing and moving forward, I think that is great. Your words always speak to me.

  4. Thanks for sharing your journey with us, Lynn. God has led you on a long journey of both writing and working through health issues, and your response to just stay where you are for right now is part of his leading. May your blog grow and bless many.


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