August 20, 2020

May the Lighthouse Illuminate my Words – Denise M. Ford

Where do I place my focus? How does it highlight the direction I believe I am meant to follow? Do I trust the guidance from its illumination?


A lighthouse begins to form in my mind. It becomes a visual symbol for my writing goals.


A lighthouse …

  • Focuses perspective in a specific moment of need.  
  • Highlights possibilities that bring messages of hope and reassurance.
  • Provides guidance as it illuminates, offering encouragement with its light.


Charting a course within the security of set boundaries appeals to me. Similar to writing for this prescribed blog message, I enjoy knowing that the deadline comes into view once a month and I pull my thoughts together accordingly. It satisfies my urge to convey ideas, as a determined point of departure for my words. Refine my schedule, submit to the discipline required, allow my thoughts to glide into images that will surface to my sentences. I like this gentle rhythm; I understand this creative process. It swells within me, I find its current, I crest the wave.


My initial planned destination for this year: Create a consistent, informal but inspirational blog to provide a perspective of humour and hope throughout this stage of life. I envisioned recounting grandparent mishaps along with poignant stories. I sketched out possible “ports of call” for a blog based on my “Nana voyage.”


However, the storm began. Without warning I was pulled off course, into a maelstrom of necessary and haphazard decision making. I had to pull up the rigging for the Nana sails. I reported to the bridge to steer into the COVID 19 storm. How to respond? What actions to implement for the most impact? Reasonable navigation seemed impossible, hopeless before I even began. Timetables slid away, anxiety overwhelmed and threatened to thwart any attempts to rise to this writing challenge. How would this expedition prevail? Could I offer the refuge and respite so required for my grandchildren? Could I keep myself anchored as a writer yet afloat when called forth for Nana duty?


September days slip into view as I page ahead on my desk calendar. I feel that I am attuning my writing desires to the rhythm of a new year. Perhaps, this voyage may find its defined course at this time. September after September pass through my reflections; planning for new students with fellow teachers at the local high school, considering congregational needs with pastoral staff at the community church. Septembers have usually designed my itinerary for months to follow.


As this September prepares to ease into place, I plan to quietly moor into calm lagoons in which I have some days to myself. During the week I will spend several days with my grandchildren, but I will pull ashore to my private writing retreat to pilot my words into my personal blog.  I want to provide perspectives of perseverance despite anxiety, and images for encouragement despite obstacles.


A lighthouse appears on my horizon. It sends forth beams in a rhythmic pattern of light; pulsing, spinning. Even as I close my eyes the brightness captures my attention widening the parameters of my vision.


A lighthouse is…

  • Strategically placed so it can radiate and reflect its light to reach those who need to see it at a particular moment of time.
  • Unwavering with its penetrating brilliant light cutting through the thickest fog, its beam pulsating with power that promises to lift away the struggle of each individual’s storm. 
  • Immoveable from its strong foundation, ever present, ever resolute as a resource of refuge and resiliency.


This September I will begin to write specific, meaningful messages for my blog. I will set a timetable to deliver hopeful observations and reassuring anecdotes to lighten the overwhelming anxiety that everyone feels at this time. I will strive to stay disciplined and not distracted from this purpose, so that even when storms rise up and threaten with pounding waves of uncertainty, my commitment to pass on hope will remain; a steadfast presence. I need to trust in the constant call to write. To believe that my words may be lifelines, tossed out like lighthouse beams at the precise necessary moment.


A lighthouse, a symbol of perseverance and resilience during these days of unexpected crisis.


September means my son and daughter-in-law will resume their teaching roles. My other daughter-in-law will continue her efforts as a speech pathologist working with special needs students. My granddaughter will step into the world of kindergarten at a time when she will need to understand how to protect herself and others in her classroom.  My niece, her husband and my sister will continue their battle against the virus as medical frontline workers in areas of intense COVID 19 cases throughout the eastern United States. My brother-in-law, a minister, will continue to offer kindness and compassion as he counsels and directs his congregation.


I pray that my words might offer beams of hope to family, friends, parents, grandparents, teachers, front-line workers…anyone struggling amidst the storms that lash out against us.


In my lighthouse vision my Lord serves as the lighthouse keeper: strategic, unwavering, immoveable. My Lord begins the illumination.

As this lighthouse emboldens my words, may I encourage others.


To join me as I respond to my lighthouse, please visit:


  1. Love the lighthouse analogy, Denise. A beautifully written and thoughtful post. And now you have me singing, "I thank God for the Lighthouse. I owe my life to Him, for Jesus is the Lighthouse, and from the rocks of sin He has shone a light around me, that I might truly see, if it wasn't for the Lighthouse, then where would this ship be?"

  2. So nicely written, Denise. Pulled off course, yet His light is always there for us. And takes us back to restful, clear waters.

  3. This is stunning beautiful. The lighthouse metaphor "shines" without getting tired. May i suggest that you submit this to FellowScript? You may need to change a few things to make it work for the magazine, but I think this needs to be shared with a broader audience. it is too poignant and beautiful to remain here only!

  4. Thank you for this hopeful and poignant message, Denise. I agree with Tracy's comment regarding this piecec to be shared with our FellowCript readers.

  5. A lighthouse! What a perfect ray of hope for these dark times. Thank you, Denise, for your lovely post.

  6. Thanks for your beautiful and meaningful post, Denise, including this quote: "In my lighthouse vision my Lord serves as the lighthouse keeper: strategic, unwavering, immoveable. My Lord begins the illumination."


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