August 23, 2020

Death of a Dream? by Joylene M Bailey

Image by Hans-Jürgen Münzer from Pixabay 

Three days ago, I suddenly remembered I had this InScribe blog post to write. I was unwinding from three weeks of PEOPLE (!!!) which, for this devoted introvert, was beyond above and beyond. Not that I don’t like people, you understand, especially if the people are family. I just prefer them … more spread out.


Three days ago was also the day The Cowboy and I were informed that our house - the home we've been dreaming of, planning for, rearranging our lives for - was not going to be built. COVID-19, lumber shortages, soaring prices, blah blah blah. 


So you see, I don’t find myself in a place to be all happy and chipper about dreams at the moment. I’m actually questioning them. Why God lets us have them at all. 

Because, this isn’t just about a house. I’m not that shallow. This dream is tied to the WHY of this home, built for us but with others in mind. It’s tied to eleven years of hearing and responding to God’s nudges about the home and the land on which it would stand. At least, we thought they were His nudges. It’s made me question all of the nudges, past, present and future about anything else that we responded to. Was it all a mistake? What were we listening to if not His voice?  


I don’t often find myself this low. I’ve always been the cup-half-full person. I’m usually able to “rise above”, as they say, see the positive side, trust that better days are coming. Not this time.


And so, as I sit here to write about dreams for my writing, I can’t separate it from dreams in general and this latest one that’s been crushed. Will the dream to publish the novel I’m working on actually come true? Is it even worth hoping for? Why dream at all? Or maybe I need different dreams - nothing too grand. Something more likely to come true. But is that even a dream? It's all a muddle.  



Then I think of my blog and reread comments on posts I've written, 

… you have refreshed my spirit 

… thank you for your insight, grounding, simple words 

… brightened a dreary day

… a delightful pause where I have been able to catch my breath again 

and I realize that my dream for my words to encourage and uplift, “to sustain the weary with a word” (Is. 50:4) is actually coming true. 


So now, there’s the tiniest of breaks in the clouds that have overshadowed me and muddled my thinking for the last three days. I'm still unsure about the rest of the mess surrounding the dream home. I'm still crushed, smothered by the dream-killing clouds. But as I was reminded this week:

Beautiful sunsets need cloudy skies … (Paulo Coehlo) 

I'm just tired of waiting for the sunset.


Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay 


Joy writes from her home in Edmonton, AB, where she lives with The Cowboy and Babe.

Find more of her writing at Scraps of Joy, where she's usually a little more joyful.


  1. I am so sorry for your disappointing news, Joy. Thank you for your candid openness in sharing this very personal right now experience. Your writing glimmers with hopeful sunset beauty even in the midst of the dream-choking clouds. Joy will come in the morning.

    With love and heart hugs,
    Brenda xox

    1. Thank you Brenda. True, usually things look better in the morning, whether it’s the literal or figurative morning. 💜

  2. Cup half empty? So is my tea cup at the moment. But you know what? It can be refilled. To the top. Brimming over! The loss of a dream can be a blow to the heart. What we do with that blow is what matters in the end, I think. Your blogs do, indeed, bring light and relief and encouragement to others. Can that be enough.... for now?

    1. Yes, I’ll wait for the refilling although it’s the waiting that is so hard. Thanks for the encouragement, Bobbi.

  3. What amazes me here is, despite the obvious and deep disappointment, your words still manage to encourage and bring joy! That truly is a gift. Also, I am looking forward to the epilogue. God always manages to surprises us with something that is better than the first dream, and I can't wait to hear about it, whether it is soon or many years from now.

    1. Thanks Tracy. I’m sure there is an epilogue coming although it’s hard to imagine such a thing in the first moments of disappointment. I appreciate your uplifting words.

  4. Aww, Joy, I’m so sorry to hear this. I appreciate you being vulnerable- my husband and I thought we were hearing nudges from God too. We were so sure and then it all came crashing down around us. To hear you doubt these God-nudges helps me realize that I’m just human too. I don’t like to admit that I doubt, but when I hear someone else admit the same thing, it reassures me that we’re all together in this journey. But in the meantime, I really do feel for you and the loss of your dream house. The waiting is so hard. And the wondering when God is going to show up. it’s true though that you are encouraging. I love reading your posts!!

    1. Pam, I almost didn’t hit publish but then ... I did. Our Pastor’s sermon title today was “When God Turns Setbacks into Comebacks”. Very timely. Maybe we’ll see a comeback yet. Thanks for your encouraging words.

  5. Out of death grows new life. Maybe there's a reason for the house cancellation. I missed the bus home one night but I ended by finding a new place to live the next day.

    1. Great story and very true, Bruce.

  6. Anyone can build a dream home but God builds hearts through people like you Joy who are faithful in small things. I remember you when you moved to Saskatoon. Keep growing and writing. Your writing inspires and draws us closer to the Father.

  7. Oh Joy, such hard news after so long dreaming and planning and, especially, being faithful to what you thought God was telling you. So much room for questions and doubt. Thank you for your vulnerable honesty. You have encouraged and inspired, even in your pain.

    1. Colleen, thank you for your caring and encouraging reply. What a wonderful group of people we have here.

  8. It occurs to me that at times God asks things of his people, but his plan isn't to follow through. Remember Genesis 22, and the story of Abraham and Isaac? I don't know if that applies to building houses, but there's definitely a similarity.

  9. Hmmm Yes, I thought of Abraham, actually. I’m nowhere near an Abraham but in his case God wanted to see if he’d be obedient. Could be the case here? I suppose our job is not to figure it out but just to trust.

  10. Thank you everyone for all your kind and caring comments. They have lifted my spirits today. God bless you!

  11. Thanks for sharing your heart, Joy. As Bobbi commented, "The loss of a dream can be a blow to the heart. What we do with that blow is what matters in the end." And yes, we wait to see how God will work out this situation. Keep us posted for the sequel.


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