August 25, 2020

Dream Big by Sharon Heagy

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    While mulling over the theme for this month’s blog, my mind was plagued by more questions than answers. What are my dreams where writing is concerned? Do I have a vision? God’s word says His people perish for lack of vision in Proverbs 29:18 KJV. The NIV translations speaks of revelation.  Do I have a vision or revelation from God more specific than just ‘write’? What if I do write down my aspirations, suddenly that becomes a very public goal.  Do I need that kind of pressure?  The inevitable questions about the goal are bound to follow.

My wandering thoughts drifted to a Christian Writer’s Conference I attended years ago.  There was a panel discussion with a Q&A session.  Somebody from the floor posed the question “Does a Christian writer have to write stuff from a Christian perspective?”  What an odd question, I thought. If you don’t write from a position of faith do you really need to add the label Christian to writer? Certainly, my dreams must take my faith into consideration.

            Perhaps I would blog about wanting to become more disciplined in my writing. Adrianne Sailor, an adjudicator at our local music festival, told her students that they only had to practice on the days they ate.  That was inspiring to me as a writer. The same principle of practice should apply. This could be something to work towards.

Maybe conquering my writing fears would be a better direction to go. Nightmares are a kind of dream.  I could write about my fear of technology and the everchanging publishing world. Always something new. How will I ever keep up?  I just want to write.  (I know what an SASE is but what on earth is a Scrivner?)

It was then I recalled a television commercial for audio books.  The lady in the ad ran the gamut of emotions from laughter to serious contemplation to tears.  This is my dream.  Not to evoke an emotional response for emotion’s sake but to make a connection. To have a reader think – ‘this writer gets me.  She understands what’s going on in my world. And who is this Jesus? I’ve gotta meet this guy.’

To be able to tickle a funny bone, touch a heart with meaningful compassion, to have someone consider the ways of God through my prose. To inspire, encourage and uplift – this is my dream.  Not to write for the pure joy it brings to me but to share this gift of God for His purposes and with consideration of His heart.  To make a difference in someone’s life, even just one, and to encourage other writers as they pursue their paths.

Maybe I do have a dream, a vision that can become a reality.  Author George Bernard Shaw wrote, “You see things; and you say “Why?” But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why not?” (Back to Methuselah pt. 1, act 1) Why not? A dream becomes a vision which becomes a goal which becomes a reality. “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26b)

Come on, I tell myself, race and chase and strain after your dreams. I dare you. Make them bigger than a breadbox (do people still use those?), make them God sized! “God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” (Ephesians 3:20) Wow. The sky is the limit. No, the possibilities are limitless when God leads the way.

After much contemplation and before all this mulling turns to obsession, I have decided it would be best to pursue a writing dream of God size proportion. To be intentional and surrendered and to follow whatever vision He gives me in His vast, limitless, surprising way. How about you? I dare you.


  1. I loved your ponderings, Sharon. I think your thoughts will connect with many, including me. I also love the idea of 'God sizes' dreams and not limiting ourselves, as well as the admonition to 'practice only on days you eat." golden!

  2. I enjoyed reading your post, Sharon. Love the motivational, "you only have to practice on the days you eat"!

  3. Thanks, Sharon, for all your insight. In addition to loving the above comments, I add your perspective: "A dream becomes a vision which becomes a goal which becomes a reality. With God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26b)" and your goal to "pursue a writing dream of God size proportion. To be intentional and surrendered and to follow whatever vision He gives me." Well done!


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