May 24, 2016

An Unexpected Opportunity to Serve by Tandy Balson

The devastation caused by the wildfires in Fort McMurray, Alberta is heartbreaking.  Lacking the resources to send a monetary donation, I wondered what I could do.  Was there was a way my writing could be used to support this cause?

When I prayed about this an answer came quickly.  God impressed upon me that I should donate five dollars from the sale of each of my books to the relief fund.  I thought perhaps I’d misunderstood and tried negotiating the amount. He made it clear to me that nothing else was acceptable.

A few days prior to this I’d sent out a press release to our local papers to let them know my book, Dragonflies, Snowdrifts & Spice Cake was a finalist in The Word Awards.  A call for an interview came shortly after I promised God I’d donate the amount he requested.  I told the reporter that for the next month I would be donating funds from the sale of my book to Fort McMurray relief efforts.  Now it was official.

My book is available at a local gift store and I called the owner to let her know of my plan.  She offered to match my donation for any books sold in her store.  Now the contribution to the relief fund would be ten dollars from each book sale. God was already multiplying my gift.

An hour later I checked my email to find an inquiry from a local women’s group.  They hoped to schedule me for later this month to speak about my writing journey. The coordinator and I had met once, more than two years ago, and my business card had just reappeared on her desk. I don’t believe in coincidence so knew God was behind this.  

I asked if I could bring books to sell and told her of my plan to donate to Fort McMurray relief. She not only encouraged this but offered to donate partial proceeds from the ticket sales to the same cause. Like the loaves and fishes, my little gift was to multiply even more.

Within hours of my prayer, God had set his plan in motion.  All it required from me was obedience.  I don’t know what the results will be, but he does. I am blessed to know my book has the opportunity to make a difference in the lives those who may never read a word I write.


  1. What a beautiful story … how important for us to respond when we hear a "nudge" or "voice" clearly-in your case down to the dollar amount. May your words and actions via the book, the talk all spread hope. Very encouraged to read this today. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Jocelyn. Two local papers should have stories this week and the talk is in a couple of days so now I just need to stand back and see what God is going to do with this. It's nice to know the results are not up to me!

  2. Super cool and bless you for your obedience

    1. It always amazes me to see what he can do through me when I stop resisting!

  3. Wow! That is so awesome. It is so wonderful to hear stories like this, it encourages us to listen more closely to those nudges!

    1. Thanks Melony. If only I could learn to always pay attention to those nudges!

  4. Thanks for sharing, Tandy! May God continue to multiply your gift and may each one of us be faithful and obedient.

    God prompted me to donate a copy of each of my books to our local evacuation center, which I did a couple weeks ago. If we all do our part, we will bless many.

    1. I agree with you Ruth. If we each did our part the results would reach farther than we will realize in this lifetime.

  5. Shivers, Tandy, is what I felt, good shivers I might add, when I read your blog. May God bless your words, the money you donate, your obedience, and the opportunities he provides. Amen.

    1. Thank you Sharon. I'd like to raise lots of money to donate but have to realize my part was to be obedient and leave the results up to God.


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