May 22, 2016

Writing: A Humbling Gift by Alan Anderson

Ephesians 4:29 “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

My apologies dear friends as to the brevity of this post.  Life is complex right now!  I really need to work on including pictures on my posts as well.

I have more than respect for those who devote their lives and time to writing.  I love them!  Appreciation does not quite describe how I feel about those who read my blog posts here and elsewhere.  I love my readers!  This post is dedicated to those who love the life of words.

Readers of regular posts I offer on a Facebook group constantly encourage me to continue my writing.  A couple of years ago this point was brought home to me in an amazing and surprising way.  One reader replied to my posts by saying my writing had given her the energy and encouragement “to go on”.  She had suffered the death of a grandchild during the previous year and her grief had almost crushed her.  Another reader wrote my posts had given her the strength to face another day.

People like these readers caution me that I cannot take the gift of writing for granted.  As writers we can actually impact the lives of our readers.  That fact is humbling!  Humbleness is a mark of a Christian writer.  True humbleness is not found within ourselves.  It is God's work in us!

Like our tongues our writing has the potential to bless or curse people.  Some things I have read on the internet or social media indeed may be a blessing to readers.  On the other hand, when we consider such unhealthy practices as “cyber bullying” or gossip, we see the power of writing to curse or permanently damage the lives of readers.

Groups like our beloved InScribe inspire those who love words to share them with the world.  We may not be worldly rich or a household name.  We however can make the world a better place to be.  We can send out our words as missionaries to impact the lives of other people with the Spirit that has changed us.  Our words can be a gift to our world of readers!



  1. Cyber bullying is certainly a problem and heaven forbid that we, as Christians, would engage in it! Writing is a humbling thing. It is a great privilege for us when someone chooses to take their precious time and read what we have written. may we never forget that. Thanks for a good post. Sometimes short and sweet has more impact!

    1. Thank you for the encouragement Tracy. I appreciate it very much!

  2. As a writer I find that I do much better communicating my real thoughts with others through writing than I do with speaking. It may be that there is more time and thought put into the words and we can even edit them but when I speak, sometimes I speak too hastily or say something that I later regret. I agree that humbleness is a mark of a Christian writer and is God working in us so that we can better share the truth with those around us. Keep writing Alan. You have so much to share.

    1. Hi Gloria! I always appreciate you comments on my posts. Although I've done a lot of public speaking through the years I love to write. It seems at times my written words are my friends more than my spoken words.That probably sounds a bit goofy! Thank you for saying I have much to share. I think this is what you and I have in common with our InScribe friends. We have a built in desire to share our words, ourselves, with others through what we write. Keep writing and sharing Gloria!

  3. I appreciate your mention of our need to respect and appreciate our readers. Your reminder to each of us to use our writing gifts to bless rather than curse our readers is well taken, Alan. We are responsible for what we say and what we write. I agree that social media can be used for good or for evil and that each of us needs to pause and reflect before clicking the Post button. Thanks for your well-considered and well-written blog. May you also keep writing.

    1. Thanks Sharon for your comments. Yes, I've had to caution myself to be more careful about social media. As a Christian I would like to put the energy I have in my writing into constructive thoughts. My writing, of course, won't appeal to all readers. I trust, however, those who resonate with me will be blessed. I trust you are doing well these days Sharon and that life is being gentle with you. Blessings on you and your family my friend!


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