January 03, 2024

Meet New Ventures in 2024 by Sandi Somers

You enlarge the path beneath me and make my steps secure

Psalm 18:36 (Amplified)

When I was a child I gazed hopefully at the western sky at 6 pm in early January to see a little more daylight than in the dark evenings of December. Even those 15 minutes more of daylight made a great difference to my anticipation of longer days, warmer weather, and spring’s arrival.

As we step into 2024, we have a little more light on our year—like a sneak peek into the coming days and weeks ahead. 

What are these glimpses that God has given us? How can we move with confidence into the days ahead? Here are points that God has been showing me over the last weeks. 

One of my Christmas readings came from Isaiah 61, where God predicted how He would anoint Jesus to bring Good News. He’s inviting us to participate with him in preaching, healing, proclaiming, comforting, consoling, and giving. As we join Jesus in spreading the Good News, His Spirit anoints us and enables us to fulfill His calling. 

And yet, what God calls us to do is often above and beyond our capabilities. It means we need to draw on His power and resources. If God calls, He will enable us and supply what we need. Some time ago, God reminded me, “Set your sites higher. Expand your vision”. (These are my words for the year.) Regardless of our feelings of inadequacy, God will grow us into his calling. 

Lay the groundwork for your life endeavours through prayer. Just recently God brought to my attention that we don’t just supplement our ideas with prayer, or add prayer to our plans. Instead, prayer is central to our work. “Prayer was never meant to be incidental to the work of God,” wrote Arthur Mathews. “It is the work…prayer is the working power of all that God would do through (us). Without prayer and waiting on God for Him to reveal His will, our well-meant attemptings…have no power to move towards God’s goals.”[i] 

Give each idea, each project, each day’s work to the Lord. As the Psalmist wrote: “I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3).  

Become alert to new possibilities. It can be easy to say no to a new opportunity, but when you say yes to that risk, it can open doors wider than you ever expected. 

“God calls and equips us to use our skills to meet needs that are present in our community and world. Let’s release our skills into the service of Jesus and see how He’ll use our acts of love to stitch hearts and lives together.”[ii] 

Has God given you a specific commission or special word or scripture for this year?

What risk is God asking you to take?

How can the Lord’s power strengthen your faith and help you fulfill God’s plans? 

Prayer: God of the New Year, I bring all my hopes and plans to You. Thank You that even though I plan my way, You will direct my steps.

[i] R Arthur Mathews, Born for Battle: 31 Studies on Spiritual Warfare, (Robesonia, PA: Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1978, p. 42).

[ii] Marvin Williams, https://ourdailybread.ca/use-what-you-have-2/



  1. Yes! I love the lines about prayer - that it isn't a supplement, but that it IS the work! My "word" for the year is DWELL. I feel that God is calling me to dwell in His presence and let Him do the work. :) Thank you for your wise words and inspiration. (As always.) Here's wishing you a wonderful 2024, friend!

    1. Thank you, Tracy. Your word DWELL is a wonderful word for you and for all of us. Wishing you a wonderful 2024, too!

  2. Thank you, dear Sandi, for reminding us to: "Become alert to new possibilities."

    Last spring I learned about how helpful it can be to have a side hustle as a writer. This prompted me to take my hobby of creating handmade journals a step further. So I began a YouTube channel about making junk journals. Then when I got positive feedback, I bravely opened an Etsy shop. The thing is, I get to slip in inspiration on my channel and in my journals. Hooray for "new possibilities."


    1. Thanks, Wendy, for sharing how you moved into new possibilities in 2023! All the best to you for 2024, too, with more new possibilities up ahead!

  3. Wonderful post, Sandi! I love your reference to Psalm 5 - “Give each idea, each project, each day’s work to the Lord. As the Psalmist wrote: “I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3). Prayer and waiting for Him is key, I think, in order to be in the centre of His will in our writing. Thank you for this post and the message within. May God bless your life in amazing ways in 2024. (Can He be anything other than amazing?) Thanks, again.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sharon. Just this morning God brought to my attention that all our efforts, all our plans must be led by the Spirit. That adds another dimension to our ministry.

  4. Michelle Strutzenberger9:15 am GMT-7

    I could quote this whole post, it's so rich with truths that resonate. Thank you. One of the commissions I believe I've been given this year is simply to pray more intentionally for specific people at my work, in my neighbourhood, and in my extended family. With respect to my writing, an idea that involves some risk has been nosing around the outer edges of my mind. I am praying about it for now. Thanks again. Blessings.

    1. Thanks for sharing how encouraging this post was for you, Michelle. I share with you your prayers for those people you're praying for, as the Lord has given me the commission this year to pray for victory in members of my family and community.

      Let us know if and when you take that risk in your writing. God bless you!

  5. Gail Neumann3:12 pm GMT-7

    I loved the whole article. It was full to brimming of helpful and thoughtful ideas for the new year. I especially liked this advice.

    Become alert to new possibilities. It can be easy to say no to a new opportunity, but when you say yes to that risk, it can open doors wider than you ever expected.

    I can attest to the power of 'yes'. A group I belong to started the year with the motto, "Say yes" and I did say yes to going to the fall conference. I am loving being involved with this group.

    1. Thank you, Gail, for this thoughtful response. "Say yes!" is a wonderful motto!

  6. Hi Sandy! Your words here encourage me not to allow my writing to become stale. I like your points of, "Give each idea, each project, each day’s work to the Lord... Become alert to new possibilities." I'm giving consideration to resurrecting my website/blog and giving less attention to social media.

    1. Thanks for you great comment, Alan! Resurrecting your website/blog will open up new possibilities and opportunities for you.


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