January 16, 2024

M is for Moments by Lorilee Guenter

I sat on a rough log as a gentle breeze formed ripples on the lake in front of me. A song brought tears of grief. As I sat, a pelican appeared swimming along the shoreline to my right. While it swam out from the tree cover, I thanked God for the gift of seeing the bird up close. Little did I know it would climb out of the water and sit on the rocks beside me. The two of us sat together in silence. It was a moment orchestrated by God.

I was near the end of a spring hike. My legs protested each step as I neared the trail head. As I gasped for air, I told my husband I was done. I knew I would continue but I wanted to stop and sit on the cold ground, giving in to every complaining muscle in my body. It was an irrational thought since we could see the curve in the path just before the trail head and parking lot. I continued knowing comfort was close. As I turned the corner bringing the vehicle into view, I heard a rustling in the woods. I looked up to see a bear looking at me. We held each others eyes for a moment before it continued to the spot I wanted to stop at and then to the river beyond. I continued to the car.

These two examples are unusual experiences. They are moments in time brought about by God. The unexpected and the everyday events all enrich our lives and our writing. 

I looked up the definition of moment. It is a measure of time that is usually brief, such as my encounter with the bear or the pause to notice a new flower. It can also be a point in time that is noteworthy, such as my encounter with the pelican. I find the first blossoms on my haskap plants each spring spring noteworthy. It is a moment I look forward to since it is a sign of the garden waking up. They arrive along with tulips and other spring flowers. The moment I notice them is a brief time. In that way the moment of noticing meets both definitions.

When I write fiction the moments I choose to create give insight into what is important to the characters. They move the story forward. My experiences allow me to add authenticity as I include details I have experienced. However, my experiences don't limit my imagination. Instead they inform it and provide a framework I can build on.

In life, each moment is a chance to pause and recognise God's presence. It is an opportunity to admire His handiwork. From moment to moment He is writing His story and we have the privilege of being part of it. 


  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful stories with us, dear Lorilee. Nature moments are some of my favorites.

  2. Anonymous3:30 pm GMT-7

    Thank you. I felt the moment that you experienced. It was sweet. Brenda Wood

  3. Elizabeth Danna3:43 pm GMT-7

    Living in the suburbs, I don't get many nature-moments. And there's too much artificial light for stargazing. But I'm always blown away by NASA's photos of space. "The heavens tell about the glory of God, the firmament declares His handiwork " (Psalm 19:1)

  4. What beautiful (and safe) moments you experienced, Lorilee! A moment in time gives us opportunities to stop and pay attention--and to consider what the Lord is saying to us. And doing so gives us more depth to our writing, too!

  5. One could see you experiencing a tender moment with the pelican at such a vulnerable time in your life. So glad you were given that gift. Thanks for helping us to recognize value of those moments in writing. Thanks for sharing, Lorilee.

  6. The moments you shared were special and I could feel the importance of them...

  7. Dear Lorilee, I love posts about getting close to more of God's creatures. This message reminded me of when I was walking on the dike near where I live. This is my favourite to take photographs. I saw an eagle in a tree not too far from me. I walked up as close as I could to the tree. The eagle didn't seem to be bothered by my presence. I will never forget it. Just as I was ready to take his or her photograph, the eagle looked right at me. Wow, such a privilege! Thank you so much for your message, Lorilee.

  8. The moments you describe seem sacred and holy. How good of the Lord to give them to you. I, for one, would be scared out of my skin to make eye contact with a bear in the wild, but...wow!

  9. Michelle Strutzenberger11:00 am GMT-7

    "In life, each moment is a chance to pause and recognise God's presence." Yes, amen. I so often forget to do this. Thank you for the beautiful reminder.

  10. Valerie Ronald1:53 pm GMT-7

    Lorilee, I remember witnessing the precious moment you shared on the beach with the pelican at Echo Lake Bible Camp, when we were there for the InScribe Conference. It was a holy moment. I even have a few photos of it I took from the lodge balcony. There is something about such moments which sets them apart from the everyday ones. We know God orchestrates them to remind us of His presence and His love. Blessings as you enjoy those moments!


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