January 02, 2024

M is for Mystery ~ by Brenda J Wood

 So here I am, in spite of myself. I’ve always wanted to write but encouragement was sparse. I have since learned one’s encouragement must come from within. Do we have a passion for writing or do we dabble around the edges and join the pack of pretenders?

Must we publish to be considered a writer? I don’t think so. After all, if you write out your grocery list, you are a writer. Family keepsakes are made of less.

At first, I concentrated on cookbooks for the weight classes I ran. There I learned editing and organizing skills that last to this day. 

One lady asked for my story at a writing conference and she then sold it to a high-priced magazine and my hubby said…” you should have written that story.” Lesson learned.

I wrote so many stories for Presbycan.ca that I thought I might as well do a yearly devotional. It was a harder and longer job than I thought. Heartfelt sold well because I had a constant audience at speaking events. In truth, I give away more books than I sell. I’ve told my kids to give away any leftover books at my funeral. Why? Each and every one of my books is full of humour but more importantly, the Gospel message.

Perhaps we all think our new publication will be the big one, the one that puts us on the New York Times Booklist. Wouldn’t that be sweet? But I’ve talked to popular artists who can’t stand the notoriety of fans and crowds and lack of privacy.

Since covid, so many things have changed.  I still write. I still publish. But speaking gigs dried up. 

I’ve written the daily devotionals for everydaychristian.com for more than ten years. That is now over.  And I ask what am I to do Lord? What is your plan for me?

I recently resigned from Georgian Bay Cancer Support Center in Penetanguishene. I’ve facilitated the women’s support group and the journalling group for more than six years.

And the very same day I resigned, I was asked to be the Inscribe representative for Ontario and the Maritimes. 

So, what is my destination now? Will I still write? Oh yes. Will I still publish? Oh yes. I write because I must. It’s a drive within me.

As to where it leads me now? I have no idea. But I trust God to order my steps and my future. I doubt New York is on my schedule but I can live with that. 

Brenda J. Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. I love your sweet sense of humour, dear Brenda. And I like how you point us to God and to no nonsense truth. I love my alone time and being able to go about town without drawing attention to myself. The following quote of yours makes huge sense to my quiet sensibilities and makes me grateful for what I have (and don't have): "But I’ve talked to popular artists who can’t stand the notoriety of fans and crowds and lack of privacy."

    Blessings for 2024.

  2. Michelle Strutzenberger10:43 am GMT-7

    I too appreciate your humour, honesty and simple trust in the Lord to continue guiding your way as a writer. I also write because I must - and I don't expect New York will ever be on my schedule!

  3. Dear Brenda, wow, what an inspiration you are! I read of perseverance, passion, and praise to God in your words. Thank you for such a wonderful post about the love for writing many of us share.

  4. Brenda, you have been an encourager to me and many more. Lots written wisdom is still begging to be shared❤️

  5. I enjoyed reading a bit about yoru writing journey and i'm excited by the fact that you have taken on this new mantle for InScribe!

  6. Thanks for sharing the closed doors of your writing ministry, as well as the new open door for InScribe! (Congratulations!!) You've shown us how when God closes one door--or several--he opens another!

  7. Love how God is shifting your world and the inspiration you provide as you let Him guide your steps. I really appreciate your straight shooting style! Thanks, Brenda!

  8. Great post. Yes, we keep going on.

  9. Brenda. I loved your post so encouraging to my heart. Peace be with you hugs Maureen E. Kowal

  10. Gail Neumann2:55 pm GMT-7

    Thanks for your sweet, encouraging post.


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