January 03, 2024

M is for Multiply by Susan Barclay


M is for Multiply


 M is for my meagre gifts, and M is for His might.

 When I give what I have got, He makes of it what I have not.

 What mystery, what grace, what love, the Father gives me from above.

 He takes my words and touches hearts, and to the weak His strength imparts.

 He takes my words and pierces minds, and to the seeker truth He binds.


 A little boy brought fish and bread, and so a multitude was fed.

 And when I give my ten ‘cent tithe, the work of God is multiplied.

 How great His kindness, how blessed are we, to play a part in His story.

 He takes the work we do with cheer to bless the ones both far and near.

 He takes the work we birth through pain and uses it for others’ gain.


 Thank You, Father, for our gifts, and for our words, and for our art.

 Thank You, Jesus, for Your grace, and for Your love, and for Your heart.

 Thank You Spirit, alive in us, Comforter, Christ’s counterpart.

 Multiply our work, we pray, fulfill through it Your plan today.

 Use us, God, fill us with skill, and keep us always in Your will. 

 ~by Susan Barclay, 2024


  This was inspired both by the biblical account of the loaves and fishes found in Matthew 6, and by the question posed by Christina Rossetti in the carol, In the Bleak Midwinter, which asks, "What can I give Him, poor as I am?"

For more about Susan Barclay and her writing, please visit www.susan-barclay.blogspot.com.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tracy - you might say "inspired". This came together very quickly!

    2. Anonymous6:57 pm GMT-7

      Beautiful Susan and thank you for sharing with me .... Blessings Alice

  2. Michelle Strutzenberger9:17 am GMT-7

    Love it! "When I give what I have got, He makes of it what I have not." Wonderful reminder as I share a writing project this week that seems so "meagre." Thank you.

    1. That makes me very happy, Michelle. Glad it was so timely for you!

  3. What a beautiful, beautiful poem, dear Susan. Thank you for inspiring us to trust God to do good with our "meagre gifts." We may be meagre but our God is mighty.
    Blessings for 2024.

    1. Amen, Wendy, and blessings to you as well!

  4. Wonderful, beautiful, honest. Truth. Thanks, Susan

  5. What beautiful, meaningful poetry! It really captures the truth that we have nothing of worth to give--except what He gives to us.

    1. Thank you, Cathy, and you encapsulate the idea so nicely in one single sentence :)

  6. Dear Susan, thank you for this poem of comfort. The poem drew me in right from the beginning. Your final line I see fitting as a simple prayer for all of us as writers. "Use us, God, fill us with skill, and keep us always in Your will." Blessings to you, Susan and Happy New Year!

    1. Blessings and Happy New Year to *you*, Alan! I knew you would appreciate this as a fellow poet!

  7. Thanks for a lovely poem to start the new year, Susan!!

  8. Gail Neumann3:19 pm GMT-7

    This was such a lovely poem. I pray and trust with you, " He takes my words and touches hearts, and to the weak His strength imparts."


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