August 11, 2022

Oo, Shiny! by Steph Beth Nickel

This month we're discussing Fighting the Distractions.

I may have to approach the subject as Papa Bear taught his son to ride a bicycle in the Berenstain book The Bike Lesson.

The theme of the book can be summed up as follows: Small Bear, watch everything I, Papa Bear, do ... and do the opposite.

How do I fight distractions? 

Not well!

And just what are my distractions, the Oo, Shiny! objects in my life that grab and hold my attention?

Binge watching episodes on my favourite streaming services. Grabbing coffee with a friend. The responsibilities I've taken on for others.

These distractions may not hold any sway over your life, but I'm certain you face your own shiny objects, at least some of the time.

Self-awareness need not become self-absorption. There are things I had to become aware of about myself before I could begin to fight the distractions.

First, I need to feel connected with people daily, whether that's by getting together with them or listening to podcasts, YouTube videos, or TV shows with familiar characters. 

Overcoming the distraction means learning the value of silence. The more I work in silence, the more I enjoy it.

Second, I believe I can effectively split my attention between the task at hand and listening to a podcast or music with lyrics.

Overcoming the distraction means admitting it just isn't the case. I know single-minded focus is important, but I have to remind myself of this fact REPEATEDLY.

Third, I tell myself I'll magically do better tomorrow.

Overcoming this distraction means facing reality. Stephanie, you're 61. SIXTY-ONE! You still have plenty of time to accomplish what God has planned and purposed for you, but you won't accomplish those things by vegging on the couch.

Your distractions are bound to be different than mine. Therefore, overcoming those distractions will also look different. However, here are five tips that will help all of us:

1. Prioritize your To-Do List and, as much as possible, begin each day with Priority #1 and go from there.

2. Limit the things on your Must Do List each day to increase the chance of success.

3. As much as possible, schedule your top priorities at the time of day when you function best.

4. Allow for flexibility. We all know that unforeseen circumstances crop up.

5. Celebrate victories...even the little ones.

And lastly...

Set time aside to watch that favourite TV show or listen to a favourite podcast.

Those things in our lives that can become distractions aren't necessarily bad. They simply have to be put in their place.

Then, the Oo Shiny! can bring us joy rather than distracting us.


  1. Thank you, dear Steph, for this helpful list. And for reminding us it's also good to leave room in our lives for the shiny things.
    (Lately my shiny thing is crafting.)
    Blessings & gratitude ~ Wendy Mac

  2. The value of silence... a very real thing! I can relate to the distractions... LOL

  3. Anonymous9:00 am GMT-7

    A good reminder.

  4. I enjoyed reading your post, Steph. Got my own list of 'magpie' shiny distractions. I love the thrill and energy that comes with dreaming up and starting a new project, even while old projects wait to be finished. I agree when you say distractions aren't necessarily bad, just keep them in their place. I have found that distractions often give my mind a rest and when I come back to the task, I feel refreshed and ready to tackle it again.

  5. Thanks, Steph. I can see how your list of tips applies not only to writing but to life. When we are shopping in any store with a tool section my husband often wanders off due to the lure of the ‘shinies’. Your title made me chuckle because of that. Thanks


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