August 15, 2022

Distractions Abound by Carol Harrison


Distractions lurk around every twist in the journey or some days they seem to be part of the underbrush that threatens to block my path forward. Other times the trail seems cleared of obstructions and things to distract my attention. 

There are several times when fighting off distractions is the most difficult for me to do. One is when I am uncertain of the project I’m working on. The other is when I’m trying to discern what the next project is supposed to be from my list of ideas.

Dealing with uncertainty in my life makes me very vulnerable to distractions even though not all distractions are bad in themselves. Some allow me to take a break which helps me regroup, recharge, and refresh my thoughts allowing me to notice those God nudges. These include getting lost in the pages of a good book or crafting, Paper crafting like making cards, junk journals or scrapbooking, is a great way of expressing creativity in another form and good for my mental health.

Reading is an activity that all writers should engage in and most find very enjoyable. It
can be a key to improving our writing skills, do market research, and provide enjoyment as well. At times I’ve read something that sparks an idea of my own which can be developed later into a story or book. When that happens, I take a moment to jot it down so I can revisit it later.

Other distractions are just that – something that pulls me away from what I should be doing. These take too much time – often wasted time which leave me feeling guilty about not following through on what I should be doing – writing. How do I combat falling into these distractions?

Deadlines help me focus my time and energy. I hate missing a deadline so it becomes much easier for me to push the distractions, even good ones, aside until I finish the project and hand it in. So I often set self-imposed deadlines to help me accomplish what I think needs to be done.

Lists also help me focus. At the beginning of each month I type up a list of what I know needs to be done that month. Then I add other things I would like to finish. The lists grow in length because I add many small steps to them. When I check them off, I feel like I am moving forward. Occasionally distractions get in the way and I let them push aside things on the list. At other times, events happen that I didn’t expect and the list needs to be reprioritized accordingly. No matter how many plans I make to help me avoid distractions, I’ve come to realize they need to be held loosely for God is the one to ultimately be the one to open doors and guide me to work on what He deems the most important at the moment. I want to be willing and able to obey.

After I make the lists and add in the deadlines, I send the list to my daughter to help keep me accountable. This seems to help as well. Accountability partners are a great resource in fighting distractions if you allow them to be. That can be easier said than done at times.

These ideas seem to work well for me. However, there are still many times I allow the distractions to win, especially those good ones like reading and paper crafting. I need to remember to enjoy each day, take breaks, and spend time in God’s Word so I am hearing His voice and not the distracting negative monkey voices. 


Carol Harrison writes, crafts, and finds other distractions from her home in Saskatoon. She

is trying to focus on editing book 4 in the Prairie Hope series and write book 5 as soon as she carves out a chunk of time.


  1. Thank you, dear Carol, for sharing your wonderful tips regarding to-do lists. Amen to holding our plans lightly so that the Father of Lights can lead us according to His will.
    Your mention of junk journals--and the lovely picture of one you included--piqued my curiosity. I adore creating junk journals.
    Blessings as you continue to create with paper and words.

    1. I'd love to see the junk journals you make. It is a fun thing to do but it is sometimes a distraction for me. Most of the time it helps with my mental health and gets the creativity flowing in another way.

    2. Yes, making junk journals is wonderful for one's mental health. I love it. At risk of distracting you, here's one of my YouTube junk journal flip throughs. (Keep in mind that if you've seen one junk journal, you've only seen one junk journal. It's fun creating a variety of them.)

  2. Lists and deadlines (although often self imposed) also help me to stay focused. This line stood out: "Dealing with uncertainty in my life makes me very vulnerable to distractions." This seems to be true in my case as well!

  3. I agree that to-do lists and deadlines help me focus. It's good you have an accountability partner. This sentence was also important to me: to "enjoy each day, take breaks, and spend time in God’s Word so I am hearing His voice and not the distracting negative monkey voices."

  4. Thanks, Carol. As a fellow list lover I can certainly relate to this post. I also like your categorization of differing distractions. So true.


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