August 19, 2022

Distracted?! by Tracy Krauss

Distracted? Me?


This month's prompt seems especially appropriate right now. Writing has had to take a back burner due to the many other things going on in my life. Let me fill you in...

My husband has been SLOWLY renovating a house we bought about nine years ago. It is directly across the street from where we live now. At the time, the housing market was brisk, but we got a really good deal on the house, so we bought it. It was going to be our "ticket" to retirement...  A sudden crash in the market ended that plan, so we've been picking away at the substantial renovations ever since. This year, the housing market suddenly picked up again. Ever the optimist, my husband stuck a "For Sale" sign in the window of the house we currently live in, even though the "new" house wasn't ready yet. Guess what? Our house sold within three days! YIKES! That was at the end of June and we have to be out of our current house by the end of August. All well and good, except the other house still isn't habitable, despite a flurry of contractors and many late nights. (No bathroom installed yet, I'm afraid. Otherwise, I'd be up for camping in the house...) We may be living in a hotel for a while, but we are hoping there will at least be one room painted where we can store our belongings.

Enough about that! Two of my daughters were having babies this year, upping our grandchildren to nine. EXCEPT... my one daughter, who was planning to have her baby at home all along, went into labor and had TWO babies. SURPRISE!! Yes, she had twins and SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS HAVING TWINS.  She chose not to have an ultrasound, but four healthcare professionals did not catch the second heartbeat or any other signs. She literally did not know she was having a second baby until she was being born! She now has FIVE children under five. (And we now have TEN grandchildren!) Needless to say, I hurried on over to her farm, about an hour away, and spent several days there doing what I could. This happened at the end of July. 

Add to the mix quite a lot of company. A friend came and stayed for a few days right before the babies were born and then four of my siblings came for a week in early August. I love company, so I was glad to have them and their visits were planned before my husband put that "For Sale" sign in the window...

Did I mention that I am going to a four-day teacher's convention at the end of August and won't be home when we are actually supposed to be moving? And on it goes. 

I'm not sure if these count as "distractions". In fact, the writing prompt for this month mentioned "focusing on our writing and the important things in life... "  I'd say all of the above fit into the "important" category (especially those sweet twins!) so I wouldn't call them distractions. 

However, all of the above has definitely put a stop to my grandiose writing plans for the summer which included finishing two audiobooks I've been working on. The truth is, I don't usually get too distracted when it comes to my writing. (Okay, not true. I watch too much HGTV.) As Carol Harrison mentioned in her post, I find making lists and creating deadlines for myself works well to keep me on track. However, sometimes LIFE happens and those lists and deadlines have to go out the window. 

Hopefully, I'll see many of you at Fall Conference, where I plan to put my feet up and relax!

Tracy Krauss
writes, renovates, teaches, and loves on her grandchildren in Tumbler Ridge, BC. Visit her website for more: 


  1. Wow, dear Tracy. Congratulations on having 10 grandchildren. And congrats on selling your home and surviving such a busy season.
    You certainly have your priorities right.
    Blessings on your "new" home. Your post made me smile. God smiles when we make plans--doesn't He? He knew about the twins. I bet the angels in heaven watched that birth closely so they wouldn't miss the excitement of seeing so many surprized expressions. :) Ha! xo

    1. I'm sure you are right! It was the biggest surprise any of us has had, I think.

  2. Phew!!! SO much! I too am looking forward to seeing you at conference. Maybe we can put our feed up together.

    1. Yes let's do it! (What are the chances?!)

  3. Wow! You are one busy lady, as is your daughter. Congratulations by the way. Enjoyed this snapshot of your life and love the pic. Thanks Tracy

    1. Thanks to you for commenting! Life has been BUSY that's for sure!

  4. Just reading your post makes me feel exhausted, Tracy! Congratulations on all your "news". New grandbabies, new-to-you house, new writing goals -- all positive and exciting. You are right in your statement, "life happens and those lists and deadlines have to go out the window". Keeping our priorities straight is a big part of handling distractions. May God give you the focus and energy to accomplish all you have ahead of you!

    1. So true, Valerie. it is important to balance one's life and sometimes out best laid plans must give way to other things...

  5. I agree with all the above comments. And congratulations on your twins and the new house-in-progress, your time with family and everything else happening in your busy summer. Yes, our priorities do shift when life happens differently from what we expect. And it's true that we have to sometimes set aside our writing, just as we're entitled to holidays from work.

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Sandi. I hope to see you at Fall Conference. Maybe we can have a "real" catch up.

  6. Anonymous8:18 pm GMT-7

    Oh my how exciting,,Twins!! Congratulations to your daughter and wow 10 grandchildren! Yay! Dale

  7. Anonymous8:18 pm GMT-7

    Oh my how exciting,,Twins!! Congratulations to your daughter and wow 10 grandchildren! Yay! Dale

  8. Tracy, I can soooo relate to your post. Exciting times, but also a challenge to find times to write. We welcomed our sixth grandbaby in July, some health and financial challenges being reasons I’m not able to attend the conference. Still, I am encouraged whenever I read InScribers postings.

    1. Thanks Lynn. Many blessings to you and yours.


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