March 20, 2016

Tooting My Horn by Joylene M. Bailey

Last night my husband and I went to a music gig. When we arrived, there was a jazz band playing, and the young sax player was GOOD
The place was full of university music students, most of whom stood 2 feet away from the low platform where the saxophonist stood centre stage and did his thing. He was so obviously in his happy place, revelling in the music, that it made me smile.                            

But he wasn't the only one revelling. I sat in my seat and watched the audience close to the stage. Almost to a man, they stood completely still, except for the bobbing of their heads, in sync to the beat. Yeah, they were into it man.

I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t enjoy some form of music. We all appreciate it in one style or other. But these were music students. That’s a tough crowd to play your music for. And yet, the young musician on stage was completely at ease sharing his art.

I am very new to the marketing game. I still often trip over the hurdle of sharing my writing, period. 

I learned something from this sax player, though. He was just sharing his gift, and in so doing, making that first step in marketing himself. His audience really enjoyed it, and I imagine at least one of them will tell someone else about him in the coming days.

Just like that, he has begun to build his platform. 

Maybe in future I won't be so afraid to toot my own horn.

statue photo credit: <a href="">Girl playing a horn in downtown Breckenridge, Colorado</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>

Joylene toots her horn at

photo by jak, Regal Princess, 2016


  1. Keep playing your (typewriter) keyboard, Joy. Your words make music we love to hear.

  2. Loved your post-yes, it feels challenging to toot your own horn … but sharing your gift-that is a wonderful thing to do. Sometimes it involves marketing!

    1. Oh marketing ... yes, I've just begun on that learning curve. Learning lots from fellow Inscribers though.

    2. Great post! I too love your analogy.

  3. What a wonderful analogy, Joy!

  4. I loved your analogy, Joylene. Keep typing and you'll develop your market!

  5. I love it when you "toot your horn" my friend. I think of last week's Friday feedback and thoroughly enjoyed your piece of writing. Don't quit! It's too good.

  6. Thank you all for your encouragement!

  7. I love this blog, Joylene. In fact, I smiled all the way through it. You have given us such a simple yet profound lesson--just share your gift. Write it and share it. Maybe that is all God is asking us to do. Yes, please do continue to share your gift and your insights.


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