March 10, 2016

My Lenten Journey by Sharon Espeseth

Easter Week is quickly approaching. Tonight my husband and I attended the penitential service as part of our preparation for Easter. On Ash Wednesday 29 days ago, as our priest painted the sign of the cross in gritty ashes on our foreheads, he said to each of us, "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and examining of conscience. Lent is also a time to reflect on God's love and mercy and a time to allow God to help us grow in our relationship with him.

While other parishioners were receiving the ashes, our music team sang the song, "Ashes," with text and music composed by Tom Conry. This hymn is particularly meaningful to me this year as I examine myself in light of my Lenten Journey. I would like to write out the words for this song, especially the second verse that speaks to me so clearly, but I don't have the time now to search out the copyright holder.

Other YouTube presentations of this song, for some reason, have left out the second verse, and these words are most precious to me. You will hear the words in this video.

My fellow InScribers, I have read your inspiring and helpful blogs so far this month. Your writings have gently shown me that I have temporarily lost my way in the business end of writing. Because of this, I don't believe I have much that is new or useful to add to this month's conversation.

Before we collectively despair of my writing/marketing lapse that is lasting longer than I expected after downsizing, moving twice, dealing with family health issues and challenges, I have not lost hope. My decline in organizing and marketing my writing has become a serious matter for prayer. "Ashes" has become one of my go-to prayer songs for writing, especially the second verse.

The  songwriter speaks of offering God our failures, attempts, our gifts "not fully given," and our "dreams not fully dreamt." Could that mean my writing? The author also prays for God "to give our stumblings direction" and "our visions wider view." Your blog posts are giving me the gifts of direction and wider view. This informs me that your words are gifts from God.

I am learning from each of you in the steps you are taking in your writing business-wise. I appreciate discovering that I am not the only one who can't follow all of the writing gurus and platform-building experts. Keeping my eyes on Jesus and following him is the main thing.  Another main thing is being a Christian writer who actually writes. These are gems I have gleaned from some of you, my favourite bloggers.

Thanks to all of you for your perspectives and how-tos on the business of writing.


  1. "I don't believe I have much that is new or useful to add to this month's conversation." And yet you have added, quite eloquently and profoundly, I might say.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful reminder of the purpose and importance of Lent. I pray that we may all grow in God's grace throughout this season. God bless you on your journey, Sharon.

  3. Thank you, Tracy, for accepting my two cents worth, or what God laid on my heart, which is always a value-added writing product. Thanks, Karma, for your prayers that we may all grow in God's grace throughout whatever season of life is ours at the present. The priest I spoke to at Reconciliation spoke of God's grace also--God's message to me, I believe.

  4. "Keeping my eyes on Jesus and following Him is the main thing." That is so true Sharon. If you keep doing that, He will tell you when and He wants you to return to your writing. His timing is perfect.

  5. Thanks for your encouraging words, Connie. As humans, we can be so impatient. Sometimes I remind myself that, "God isn't finished with me yet!" Truly, as you say, "His timing is perfect."


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