March 06, 2016

How to Have a (Good) Marketing Attitude by Glynis Belec

     Writing is my heart passion. Business is my reality. 

I thought about comparing my career as a writer to a love/hate relationship. But then I got thinking how easily I can psyche myself into something. I definitely don't love marketing but I don’t actually hate it, either. I prefer not to do it but I don’t hate it even though I think I hate it.

All my life I have loved writing. Then once I learned writing for the serious scribe is actually 50 percent the written page and 50 percent business, I knew I had to expand my horizons and do it with a willing heart. Otherwise (I know me) I would be prone to whining and then I would convince myself how despicable marketing is and I wouldn't do it. 

I have learned that I choose my attitude - good or bad. I have discovered that if I pick good, only good will come out of it - even if things go bad. If I pick bad it ends up bad every time. I sought to have the 'somewhere in between' attitude. It never works. It always ends up bad, too. 

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that 'hate' isn't my issue, 'not knowing how' is more like it.

Resources are good when you want to learn how to do something. I've found a great Resource that never seems to fail. It sure has changed my marketing attitude. How about I share? 

1. Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.    Colossians 3:23
  • remember that we are not out to please man with our brilliant marketing schemes. We are intent on glorifying God with how we go about sharing our words. I won't pay for reviews, I will earn them
  • I will glean some information from all these people who tell me they know how I can sell a thousand books in one day (as long as I buy their product) but I won't fall prey to their 'get rich schemes' at all costs. 
  • I will try my best to make a good, doable plan for promoting my work.
2.  Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant          than yourselves. Philippians 2:3
  • I won't mock others or think I have the upper hand when it comes to making contacts 
  • I am grateful that God has blessed me with a passion to write, but I will also encourage others to grow in their craft
  • I will help others market their books because I know that when we help others we benefit the most. And when I help others market their books, I won't do it for selfish motives but purely because God doesn't want us to be rivals, but sisters and brothers on the same path
3.  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,         
    faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Galatians 5:22-23

  • It is much more fun to be nice. 
  • I started a Facebook group a while ago and we now have close to 500 members. I LOVE talking to my Angels (I call them) about writing related topics. God has stirred a passion in my heart to help promote Canadian authors who write and engage readers who love to read quality work. I will admit, I started out with a little motive of building my 'tribe' and then using it as a marketing platform. It has become much more than that. God has used my wimpy idea to build some great relationships and allowed us to have some super conversations. I rarely plug my own books, but it feel so right what I am doing. 

4. Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for       you. 1 Peter 5:7
  • One of the best ways - or maybe THE best way for me to sell my books is to speak
  • When I first felt the nudge from God to speak I was dragged kicking and screaming, thinking what a lousy job I would do. Oh, I am a drama queen from way back and have graced the stage numerous times. The difference, though, was I always had a script - and the story was not mine to be told. I heed God's direction now and I love telling my story and sharing about so many things. God has blessed me with the gift of hope and laughter and I love to share that gift with whomever will give me the time of day. And often, blessings follow with the back of the room sales. 
5.  The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count      slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that          any should perish, but that all should reach     
     repentance.                                                                                          2 Peter 3:9                                                                                                                                                           
  • My brain wants to rush the process and I sometimes feel that I am not doing it right because I don't have at least 100 reviews on each book or people battering down my door begging to buy my books. 
  • Then I remember my timing usually always differs from God's. He's been pretty patient with me over the years so I try to do the same. 
I could go on and on. Each day I get inspired. No, I have not turned in to Suzie Q Brilliant Marketer. I never will. But I found that once I changed my attitude and looked at marketing and promotion and everything business related from an "I can do this with God at the helm" attitude, I found it a much more pleasant task. 

Marketing isn't easy. Nor is brain surgery or waiting on unruly customers or building houses. But changing my attitude is. 

For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10



  1. Thank you, Glynis, for your 5 Commandments for a good attitude to marketing, and for reminding us that our writing is really how we are the mind and fingers of Christ as we write and participate in the business of writing.

    1. Hey, Sandi, that would have been a better title - The 5 Commandments for a Good Marketing Attitude! Thanks for your kind words.

  2. My dear Glynis, I love this blog. It warns me not to be anxious and afraid of marketing and where my writing might take me. Your post encourages me to change my attitude and my laggardly ways. It humbles me and makes me thankful for my love of writing and for successful writers like you who take time to help your brothers and sisters. Is it okay if I copy this and keep it in a handy spot for frequent reference. May God bless you for the good and faithful teacher you are.

    1. Thanks, Sharon, for the 'lovin'' I appreciate that you were able to glean something from my own experience. It feels good to grow and learn from each other; it happens to me aplenty. And I love that word - laggardly. I had to look it up! And certainly, you may copy this. I am honoured. ;)

  3. Replies
    1. You are a good and forgiving master, Tracy! :)

  4. What an excellent perspective to marketing, Glynis--now I need to think about my attitude. And I appreciated all the Scripture--so good at getting my heart in the right place. Thanks.

  5. Glynis, I was just catching up on some blogs while I'd been away from my computer--thank-you this is excellent perspective, and this style matches my approach very well. Thanks for tips for getting some of it done, while maintaining balance. Very encouraging scripture as well-A very Big Thank-you!


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