March 27, 2016

WorDshops! Words of PEACE

There are several exciting opportunities for writers to connect this spring at local 'WorDshops'. What are WorDshops? They are like mini-conferences and are a wonderful time to get inspired and connect with other writers. This year's theme is: WORDS OF PEACE. Here is a list of the WorDshops currently available:

Saskatoon Wordshop – April 2, 2016
Keynote – Bonnie Grove
Workshops: Arthur Slade, Nina Morey, Tracy Krauss, Sheila Webster

Edmonton Wordshop – April 16, 2016
Keynote – Dayna Mazzuca
Workshops:  Liam Connelly, Jane Wheeler, Connie Inglis

Blackfalds Wordshop – April 23, 2016
Keynote – Marcia Laycock
Workshops: Ruth Snyder, Linda Siebenga

Airdre Wordshop – April 30, 2016
Keynote – Sheila Webster
Workshops: Tandy Balson, Kim Clarke, Linda Hopkins

Peace Region Wordshop – May 14, 2016
Keynote – Tracy Krauss –
Workshops: TBA

 Need more information? Registration is online at the Inscribe Website

1 comment:

  1. So excited about these! Wish I could attend EVERY one.


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